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Senate Vote Limits Fee Demo

Posted: 02/12/2004
By: Jason Robertson

The Senate Energy Committee passed S. 1107 this morning to limit Fee Demo to the Naitonal Parks. The legislation included NO amendments for other agencies such as the Forest Service or the BLM.  This is an enormous victory!

Some Senators on the Committee received hundreds - even upwards of a thousand - calls and faxes over the last four days from across the nation.  One office received only FOUR faxes saying "recreation fees are maybe OK!"  It was clear to our Senators that fees for the Forest Service, BLM and US Fish & Wildlife Service have almost no public support. This enabled them to resist strong pressure from the Department of Interior and Forest Service, which continued even yesterday afternoon, to add other agencies to S.1107.

Our thanks to YOU - and please pass those thanks along to others who you asked to call or fax Congress - for making this happen!


American Whitewater supported passage of S. 1107 and opposed including the other agencies in the Senate Bill due to numerous problems with implementation and management of the program in the Forest Service and BLM. We continue working with all of agencies to make sure that they exercise their fee authority in a fair and reasonable manner to defray maintenance costs - as the original authorizing language intended. The next legislative step is to make sure that similar language is approved in the House to limit Fee Demo to the National Parks.


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SENATE COMMITTEE REJECTS PERMANENT FEE DEMO FOR <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /> FOREST SERVICE, BLM, AND USFWS.



Grassroots Effort Moves Parks Fee Legislation

In what is being called a 'remarkable victory,' opponents of the Recreation Fee Demonstration Program are today celebrating what they see as the beginning of the end of recreation fees on the National Forests and other public lands.


Despite enormous pressure from the Department of Interior and the Department of Agriculture to make the Fee Demo program permanent for the National Parks, Forest Service, BLM, and US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee this morning unanimously voted to pass S. 1107, the Recreational Fee Authority Act (Senator Craig Thomas, R-WY), which makes recreation fees permanent for the National Parks only. The bill will allow Fee Demo to lapse for the BLM, US Forest Service and US Fish & Wildlife Service.

Fee-opponents in recent days had flooded Senate offices with faxes and phone calls, expressing their general acceptance of park fees and their adamant opposition to fees for recreation on lands managed by the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.

Opponents of recreation user fees came together to prevent Thomas' legislation from being amended and to ensure that it would be moved out of committee as a 'parks only' bill.  Gale Norton, Secretary of Interior, lobbied Senators hard in an effort to included permanent fee authority for the other three federal agencies within the Fee Demo program.


"Senator Thomas and Senator Craig (R-ID), Chair of the public lands subcommittee, as well as all Senators on Committee, did an excellent job protecting their constituents ownership of these public lands." Said Robert Funkhouser President of Western Slope NoFee Coalition.

Another long time opponent of these fees, Kitty Benzar, co-founder of the WSNFC said: "The Tide has turned, and with a growing groundswell for ending this ill-conceived recreation fee program, it is becoming every more clear that we will soon see the end of fees to take a hike in the woods." 


The Fee Demo program in the Forest Service, BLM, and USFWS has been recognized as a failure in terms of public acceptance and financial viability. Recent administrative changes to enforcement procedures particularly within the BLM, such as increasing penalties for being on public land without a pass to $5,000, have fueled the growing Fee Revolt taking place across the nation.


Contact: Robert Funkhouser, WSNFC



               Kitty Benzar, WSNFC


Jason Robertson

635 Joseph Cir

Golden, CO 80403-2349

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