Contribute to the Woods Ferry Rd Upgrade

Posted: 07/13/2005
By: Charles Walbridge
There are real problems ahead for Gauley access this fall. The only legal access remaining is the old Woods Ferry Road, which needs a lot of work between now and then to accommodate the people who want to use it. We?re going to need your help.

Bill Tanger, a Roanoke, Virginia-based private rafter, has spearheaded efforts to reopen the road. He has clarified some complex land issues and obtained the necessary permits from the National Park Service and the West Virginia Highways Department to get the road in shape. He needs your help to get things ready.

Work weekends are currently scheduled for August 20-21 and 27-28. Hand tools will be provided, but bring your own. The most useful tools are mattocks and long-handled pruners. Power tools like chain saws must be used carefully, in consultation with those who are running the event.

Donations are needed to purchase gravel (roughly $5000 worth) for the relocated upper section of road and to pay for heavy equipment rental and timbers to shore up a part of the steep lower section. There are two organizations currently collecting funds. Both are 501(c)3 non-profits, so your gifts are tax deductible. West Virginia Wildwater Association has applied for an ACA/LL Bean grant to help with this work.

You can donate to:

Friends of the Rivers of Virginia, Inc.(FORVA)

PO Box 1750

Roanoke, VA 24008

This is Bill Tanger?s organization. Without his work we?d be in even worse trouble than we are now. FORVA works to hard protect Virginia rivers. They accept gifts by mail.

West Virginia Rivers Coalition (WVRC)

801 North Randolph Ave., Elkins, WV 26241

ph: (304) 637-7201


WVRC has run the shuttle at Mason?s Branch for many years. They accept donations by phone, mail, or on their web site. Credit cards are accepted.

American Whitewater strongly supports this effort, and encourages you to donate to the organization of your choice. Anyone donating $100 or more will receive a letter giving them free access and use of the shuttle during the 2005 Gauley Season.


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