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Great Willamette Clean Up - October 8 and 9

Posted: 10/04/2011
By: Megan Hooker
Take part in the Great Willamette Clean Up, Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th.  The 187-mile effort will clean up the Willamette River, which is essential to life in Oregon. Bring your family & friends!  Earn enough river-karma to last a year!  Meet other river-loving enthusiasts, have fun, and get an awesome, FREE event t-shirt!

- The Great Willamette Clean Up takes place on the water (via kayak, canoe or SUP) and on land (by bicycle and foot).
- There are 18 different site locations throughout Oregon.
- Each location has specific recreational modes used - so make sure you sign up for the right one you are looking for.
- Some sites even offer free seats on canoes/kayaks!  Reservations for them fill quickly.

For more information and to register, click here!