Virginia Stream Access Check-In

Posted: 10/15/2014
By: Kevin Colburn

Stream access in Virginia is one of American Whitewater’s Top 10 River Stewardship Issues this year, as it has been in many years past.   The public right to enjoy rivers in the commonwealth is less than clear, leading to confusion and differences of opinion.  Paddling is a right in nearly every other state, and supports countless businesses and livelihoods.  Virginian’s deserve the same clarity on their rights to float rivers and streams.    

Lawmakers have sought to support Virginians by introducing legislation the past two years that would clarify the public’s right to float rivers.  American Whitewater staff and volunteers collaborated with other supporters, reached out to lawmakers directly, and mobilized our membership through email and social media.  While those bills found significant support they ultimately failed to pass.  We continue to work with Virginia paddlers and leaders to envision, draft, and pass a bill.  Passing a bill in the coming years will take a broad and active coalition of in-state individuals, organizations, and businesses.  

It is important for paddlers to forge and maintain positive relationships with landowners, businesses, politicians, and communities around the rivers we paddle.  These relationships are vital to preventing conflicts and to building public support for legislative clarity on the right to float in Virginia.  As we continue to build a base of support for future legislation, please join the Virginia Freedom to Float FaceBook page to learn how you can help and keep up to date.       

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