Document - Active Outdoor Recreation Economy


What Is the Active Outdoor Recreation Economy?--It's a $730 billion annual contribution to the U.S. Economy. More than three out of every four Americans participate in active outdoor recreation each year. Americans spend money, create jobs, and support local communities when they get outdoors. Simple, healthy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, camping, or wildlife viewing generate enormous economic power and fuel a far-reaching ripple effect that touches many of the nation’s major economic sectors. THE RECREATION ECONOMY: Contributes $730 billion annually to the U.S. economy, Supports nearly 6.5 million jobs across the U.S., Generates $88 billion in annual state and national tax revenue, Provides sustainable growth in rural communities, Generates $289 billion annually in retail sales and services across the U.S., Touches over 8 percent of America’s personal consumption expenditures—-more than 1 in every 12 dollars circulating in the economy. Many people don’t realize that having fun and staying healthy in the outdoors is essential to the continued growth of our economy. In order to thrive, however, this burgeoning, often overlooked industry needs to be recognized, stimulated, and supported. In this report, we explain how we determined the impact of the Active Outdoor Recreation Economy, how it interacts with the national economy, and how it affects all Americans. A technical report, published online at, provides more detailed numbers and information on our methodology and findings.


The Active Outdoor Recreation Economy $730 billion annual contribution to the U.S. Economy.

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