Document - Chehalis River Water Retention Facilities Potential Study, Draft Report


Lewis County Public Utility District retained EES Consulting to conduct a preliminary assessment of potential water retention facility options for the Chehalis River. This assessment examined the following: Whether potential flood retention facilities have sufficient merit for further discussion and analysis; What are the benefits of investing in flood retention facilities; What the potential costs might be; and What further studies might be helpful to better inform decision-making about the relative merits of water retention facilities? Topics covered include: Habitat Changes from Construction of New Reservoirs, Water Quality Improvement, Disaster Aid, Avoided Infrastructure Improvements, Property Values, and Hydro Power Generation Benefits.


Report from EES Consulting for Lewis County PUD on proposed dam for the Chehalis River.

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Filename - Chehalis River Water Retention Facilities Potential Study, Draft Report638.pdf

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American Whitewater is committed to the stewardship and conservation of the Chehalis River where a new dam is proposed.