Kingsbury Stream at Abbot Village, Maine [ USA-MAI ]

Edit Gauge

Current Conditions

Reading Trend Type Updated
12 cfs 1 cfs/hr Flow 00h33m
5.55 ft 0.02 ft/hr Feet Stage 00h33m
Reading of "n/a" = frozen gauge or gauge error.

Station Description

AW Gauge ID: 21
Source: usgs
Station: 01031450
Enabled yes
Data courtesy of USGS. Each station record is considered PROVISIONAL until the data are published. Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Source Gauge's Page


Gauge History

Times listed in GMT 24h, ET and PT hours provided for convenience Graphs in GMT. Readings of "n/a" constitute a frozen gauge or gauge error.

Reading Local Time Comment
5.55 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 20:28:48
5.53 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 19:29:04
5.49 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 18:29:20
5.46 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 17:29:36
5.43 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 16:29:52
5.42 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 15:28:00
5.40 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 14:28:16
5.38 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 13:28:32
5.36 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 12:28:48
5.35 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 11:29:04
5.33 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 10:29:20
5.30 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 09:29:36
5.28 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 08:29:52
5.27 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 07:28:00
5.25 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 06:28:16
5.25 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 05:28:32
5.25 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 04:28:48
5.25 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 03:29:04

Gauge History

Times listed in GMT 24h, ET and PT hours provided for convenience Graphs in GMT. Readings of "n/a" constitute a frozen gauge or gauge error.

Reading Local Time Comment
12.50 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 20:28:48
12.00 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 19:29:04
11.20 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 18:29:20
10.60 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 17:29:36
10.00 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 16:29:52
9.81 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 15:28:00
9.45 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 14:28:16
9.10 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 13:28:32
8.76 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 12:28:48
8.60 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 11:29:04
8.27 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 10:29:20
7.80 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 09:29:36
7.50 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 08:29:52
7.36 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 07:28:00
7.07 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 06:28:16
7.07 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 05:28:32
7.07 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 04:28:48
7.07 model->timezone);?>09/26/2024 03:29:04

Linked Reaches

Kingsbury Stream [ME]
Kingsbury Pond to Coles Corner Rd
II-III 5.55ft
Below Recom.

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