Data is courtesy of NOAA. These provisional data have not been reviewed or edited, and may be subject to significant change.

Source Gauge's Page

Current Conditions

Reading of "n/a" = Frozen or Gage Error
0.01 in/12h -0.0 in/12h/hr Precip. in 12h 1 month ago
0.01 in/24h -0.0 in/24h/hr Precip. in 24h 1 month ago
0.01 in/6h -0.0 in/6h/hr Precip. in 6h 1 month ago
9.51 in/yr 0.0 in/yr/hr Yearly Precip. 49 minutes ago

Station Description

AW Gauge ID: 196079
Source: hads
Station: BOXA2
Enabled disabled
Retired Date: none
HUC: unknown
Phonetic Name: n/a
Calculation: directly read
Latitude: 0.000000
Longitude: 0.000000

Gage Location

Gage Reading Last Updated
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