
Forms are structured data elements that can generally be serialized to the db and have properties like validation. Forms must be created in the act phase of the framework life cycle or their dependent resources will not load.


There are a number of precanned output types. text,select,select_lookup, select_checkbox, etc…

There are some new javascript-enabled form helpers. Specifically:

  • of_ShowElementOnValue - which will lock a field that is not legal d/t another field value.
  • of_CopyElementOnChange - which will extract a piece of a value of one element and copy it to a text value elsewhere.

Form Styling

For some of the javascript, we make the assumption of the following:

  • field labels and elements are wrapped in a container with class of formrow

Form Helpers

Forms require the assistance of javascript in some cases. We use the following namespaces to help most forms. These are loaded on demand as a form element is requested.

  • aw.widget - widgets used including rebaser.
  • aw.helper.form - form helpers that are not widgets