Work off the Server

If you work off the server you will have to have some familiarity with Linux. You will also need an account.

To access the server you will have to use SSH on port 22022. A great SSH client can be found at

When you get your account you can setup a development environment by issuing the following commands:

$ cd ~
$ svn co http://localhost/repos/wh2o/branches/testing .
$ chmod -R 774 * 
$ chgrp -R apache *

Your copy can be accessed on the server at where name is your account name.


You will have to configure your workspace. Please use the development copy of the database (wh2odev). Configuring your account to run the software is not super easy. Mostly examine the configuration in these files and prepare a similiar version in your directory.

  • /home/~rgroth/code/wh2oconfig/
  • /home/~rgroth/code/wh2oconfig/
  • /home/~rgroth/code/www/.htaccess

Working on the Files

FTP is open on the AmericanWhitewater server. I use uedit to make changes in my home direcotory via FTP and then test them with a webbrowser. You can also use PHPEclipse with SFTP support, but I find this too slow for my tastes.