Document - A Strategic Plan for Improving Water-Based Tourism, Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory


Mt. Hood Territory, Clackamas County's tourism marketing organization, initiated this comprehensive study to determine if its water recreation assets are being used to their greatest economic potential. Are the county's rivers and lakes attracting visitors and maximizing their enjoyment? Are they being managed and marketed in a sustainable manner to increase water-based recreation? Do they generate overnight stays without degrading the environment or the experience? To answer these questions, the county hired Crane Associates of Burlington Vermont, a consulting firm with 20 years of international and domestic experience in environmental economics and sustainable economic development with a specialty in water-based recreation. Crane Associates worked with Mt. Hood Territory and dozens of stakeholders from the public, private, and non-profit sectors to fully understand their water assets, analyze the market demand for water-based recreation in all its forms, identify any untapped market opportunities, and create strategies to capitalize on them. The role that water-based recreation plays, and the opportunities it presents, within the County's larger economy was not fully understood prior to this report.


Comprehensive study to determine if water recreation assets are being used to their greatest economic potential in Clackamas County.

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Filename - A Strategic Plan for Improving Water-Based Tourism, Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory1757.pdf

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Clackamas Stewardship (OR)

AW has been a stakeholder in licensing of the hydroelectric projects on this river and protection of key tributaries through the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

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