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USA-CAL usgs-103087889 4L C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#274606) Feet Stage 4.92 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-103087889 4L C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#274606) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-AGWC1 A.G. WISHON POWERPLANT NEAR NORTH FORK 7SSE (AW#24320) Yearly Precip. 7.3 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-AGWC1 A.G. WISHON POWERPLANT NEAR NORTH FORK 7SSE (AW#24320) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 65h19m
USA-CAL hads-AGWC1 A.G. WISHON POWERPLANT NEAR NORTH FORK 7SSE (AW#24320) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 65h19m
USA-CAL hads-AGWC1 A.G. WISHON POWERPLANT NEAR NORTH FORK 7SSE (AW#24320) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 65h19m
USA-CAL hads-ATNC1 ACTON RAWS (AW#24348) Yearly Precip. 0.3 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL cdec-ACF ADOBE CRK NR FINLEY AT SODA BAY RD (AW#280161) Feet Stage 1327.35 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-ACF ADOBE CRK NR FINLEY AT SODA BAY RD (AW#280161) Flow 88 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11048175 AGUA CHINON WASH A PORTOLA SPRINGS RD NR IRVINE CA (AW#274420) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11048175 AGUA CHINON WASH A PORTOLA SPRINGS RD NR IRVINE CA (AW#274420) Feet Stage 7.96 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11174160 ALAMEDA C A SUNOL WATER TEMPLE A SUNOL CA (AW#279951) Flow 39 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11174160 ALAMEDA C A SUNOL WATER TEMPLE A SUNOL CA (AW#279951) Feet Stage 3.18 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11172945 ALAMEDA C AB DIV DAM NR SUNOL CA (AW#4625) Feet Stage 2.62 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11172945 ALAMEDA C AB DIV DAM NR SUNOL CA (AW#4625) Flow 18 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11173510 ALAMEDA C BL CALAVERAS C NR SUNOL CA (AW#4627) Flow 32 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11173510 ALAMEDA C BL CALAVERAS C NR SUNOL CA (AW#4627) Feet Stage 4.74 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11172955 ALAMEDA C BL DIV DAM NR SUNOL CA (AW#50161) Feet Stage 6.84 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11172955 ALAMEDA C BL DIV DAM NR SUNOL CA (AW#50161) Flow 18 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11173575 ALAMEDA C BL WELCH C NR SUNOL CA (AW#5403) Flow 32 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11173575 ALAMEDA C BL WELCH C NR SUNOL CA (AW#5403) Feet Stage 11.89 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11180700 ALAMEDA C FLOOD CHANNEL A UNION CITY CA (AW#6809) Feet Stage 7.57 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11180700 ALAMEDA C FLOOD CHANNEL A UNION CITY CA (AW#6809) Flow 70 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11179100 ALAMEDA C NR FREMONT CA (AW#51506) Feet Stage 6.23 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11179100 ALAMEDA C NR FREMONT CA (AW#51506) Flow 62 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11179000 ALAMEDA C NR NILES CA (AW#4631) Flow 72 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11179000 ALAMEDA C NR NILES CA (AW#4631) Feet Stage 3.26 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-ACD ALAMEDA CK ABOVE DIV DAM NR SUNOL CA (AW#42515) Feet Stage 6.85 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-ACC ALAMEDA CK BL CALAVERAS CK NR SUNOL CA (AW#44226) Feet Stage 4.72 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ALN ALAMEDA CK NR NILES (AW#42519) Flow 73 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ALN ALAMEDA CK NR NILES (AW#42519) Feet Stage 3.27 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-AWEC1 ALAMEDA CREEK BELOW WELCH CREEK NEAR SUNOL 6E (AW#24353) Feet Stage 11.96 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-NILC1 ALAMEDA CREEK NEAR NILES 1ENE (AW#24946) Feet Stage 3.26 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11174600 ALAMO CN NR PLEASANTON CA (AW#112568) Flow 22 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11174600 ALAMO CN NR PLEASANTON CA (AW#112568) Feet Stage 2.49 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-ALC ALAMO CREEK AT PLEASANTS VALLEY ROAD (AW#274545) Feet Stage 0.63 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11128250 ALAMO PINTADO C NR SOLVANG CA (AW#8036) Feet Stage 2.96 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11128250 ALAMO PINTADO C NR SOLVANG CA (AW#8036) Flow 0 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-ALDC1 ALDER POINT 7NW RAWS (AW#24323) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 87h28m
USA-CAL hads-ALDC1 ALDER POINT 7NW RAWS (AW#24323) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 87h28m
USA-CAL hads-ALDC1 ALDER POINT 7NW RAWS (AW#24323) Yearly Precip. 43.6 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-ALDC1 ALDER POINT 7NW RAWS (AW#24323) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 87h28m
USA-CAL hads-AESC1 ALDER SPRINGS NEAR ELK CREEK 12NW (AW#45097) Yearly Precip. 29.3 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-AESC1 ALDER SPRINGS NEAR ELK CREEK 12NW (AW#45097) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-AESC1 ALDER SPRINGS NEAR ELK CREEK 12NW (AW#45097) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-AESC1 ALDER SPRINGS NEAR ELK CREEK 12NW (AW#45097) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-ECKC1 ALDER SPRINGS RAWS NEAR ELK CREEK 9WNW (AW#24599) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 5d20h57m
USA-CAL hads-ECKC1 ALDER SPRINGS RAWS NEAR ELK CREEK 9WNW (AW#24599) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 5d20h57m
USA-CAL hads-ECKC1 ALDER SPRINGS RAWS NEAR ELK CREEK 9WNW (AW#24599) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 5d20h57m
USA-CAL hads-ECKC1 ALDER SPRINGS RAWS NEAR ELK CREEK 9WNW (AW#24599) Yearly Precip. 28.2 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL cdec-ACZ ALHAMBRA CREEK AT D STREET (AW#212662) Feet Stage 2.00 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-ACW ALHAMBRA CREEK AT WARD STREET (AW#279858) Feet Stage 0.10 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-09527700 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL BELOW DROP 2 RESERVOIR OUTLET (AW#50915) Feet Stage 42.36 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-09527700 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL BELOW DROP 2 RESERVOIR OUTLET (AW#50915) Flow 1860 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-09523000 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL NR IMPERIAL DAM, CA-AZ (AW#110551) Flow 3660 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-09523000 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL NR IMPERIAL DAM, CA-AZ (AW#110551) Feet Stage 19.30 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-ANEC1 ALPINE 1SE RAWS (AW#24326) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-ANEC1 ALPINE 1SE RAWS (AW#24326) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-ANEC1 ALPINE 1SE RAWS (AW#24326) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-ANEC1 ALPINE 1SE RAWS (AW#24326) Yearly Precip. 2.0 in/yr 01h28m
USA-CAL hads-AATC1 ALTAMONT RAWS NEAR LIVERMORE 5WSW (AW#48960) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 9d15h09m
USA-CAL hads-AATC1 ALTAMONT RAWS NEAR LIVERMORE 5WSW (AW#48960) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 9d15h09m
USA-CAL hads-AATC1 ALTAMONT RAWS NEAR LIVERMORE 5WSW (AW#48960) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 9d15h09m
USA-CAL hads-AATC1 ALTAMONT RAWS NEAR LIVERMORE 5WSW (AW#48960) Yearly Precip. 4.6 in/yr 01h08m
USA-CAL usgs-11022830 ALVARADO C NR LA MESA CA (AW#280829) Feet Stage 1.59 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11446500 AMERICAN R A FAIR OAKS CA (AW#4691) Feet Stage 7.22 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11446500 AMERICAN R A FAIR OAKS CA (AW#4691) Flow 2860 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-CBR AMERICAN RIVER AT CHILI BAR (AW#42558) Feet Stage 5.99 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-CBR AMERICAN RIVER AT CHILI BAR (AW#42558) Flow 3537 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-AFO AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIR OAKS (AW#42517) Flow 661 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-AFO AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIR OAKS (AW#42517) Feet Stage 5.72 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-HST AMERICAN RIVER AT H STREET BRIDGE (AW#42643) Feet Stage 25.09 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-MFAC1 AMERICAN RIVER NEAR FORESTHILL 4SE (AW#24863) Feet Stage 11.44 ft 07h50m
USA-CAL cdec-AMK AMERICAN SF NR KYBURZ (AW#51371) Flow 268 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-AMK AMERICAN SF NR KYBURZ (AW#51371) Feet Stage 2.89 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ATC ANTELOPE CREEK NEAR RED BLUFF (AW#275451) Feet Stage 5.82 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-ATC ANTELOPE CREEK NEAR RED BLUFF (AW#275451) Flow 2 cfs 80h04m
USA-CAL hads-ANTC1 ANTELOPE LAKE NEAR JANESVILLE 9SSW (AW#24330) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 80h19m
USA-CAL hads-ANTC1 ANTELOPE LAKE NEAR JANESVILLE 9SSW (AW#24330) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 80h19m
USA-CAL hads-ANTC1 ANTELOPE LAKE NEAR JANESVILLE 9SSW (AW#24330) Yearly Precip. 15.7 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-ANTC1 ANTELOPE LAKE NEAR JANESVILLE 9SSW (AW#24330) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 80h19m
USA-CAL cdec-ATR ANTELOPE R TAILRACE (AW#227978) Feet Stage 0.64 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-NZAC1 ANZA 2NW RAWS (AW#24958) Yearly Precip. 0.5 in/yr 00h26m
USA-CAL usgs-11159690 APTOS C NR APTOS CA (AW#280025) Feet Stage 3.40 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11159690 APTOS C NR APTOS CA (AW#280025) Flow 4 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-PLIC1 ARBUCKLE BASIN RAWS NEAR PLATINA 3WSW (AW#25028) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 71h26m
USA-CAL hads-PLIC1 ARBUCKLE BASIN RAWS NEAR PLATINA 3WSW (AW#25028) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 71h26m
USA-CAL hads-PLIC1 ARBUCKLE BASIN RAWS NEAR PLATINA 3WSW (AW#25028) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 71h26m
USA-CAL hads-PLIC1 ARBUCKLE BASIN RAWS NEAR PLATINA 3WSW (AW#25028) Yearly Precip. 26.8 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL cdec-ACK ARCADE CK NR DEL PASO HTS (AW#42516) Flow 3 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ACK ARCADE CK NR DEL PASO HTS (AW#42516) Feet Stage 2.57 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ARD ARCADE CREEK AT SUNRISE BLVD (AW#160236) Feet Stage 143.56 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-AMC ARCADE CREEK AT WINDING WAY (AW#42520) Feet Stage 66.46 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ARW ARDEN WAY (AW#45245) Feet Stage 32.37 ft 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-AMWC1 ARMY WEIR NEAR ARMONA 6NW (AW#45524) Feet Stage 0.83 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11176340 ARROYO DE LA LAGUNA A CORTE MADRID NR PLEASANTON (AW#276124) Flow 19 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11176340 ARROYO DE LA LAGUNA A CORTE MADRID NR PLEASANTON (AW#276124) Feet Stage 5.92 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11176900 ARROYO DE LA LAGUNA A VERONA CA (AW#8367) Flow 30 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11176900 ARROYO DE LA LAGUNA A VERONA CA (AW#8367) Feet Stage 1.22 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-ARGC1 ARROYO GRANDE CREEK RAWS NEAR ARROYO GRANDE 9NNE (AW#24340) Yearly Precip. 9.2 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-ARGC1 ARROYO GRANDE CREEK RAWS NEAR ARROYO GRANDE 9NNE (AW#24340) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 85h27m
USA-CAL hads-ARGC1 ARROYO GRANDE CREEK RAWS NEAR ARROYO GRANDE 9NNE (AW#24340) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 85h27m
USA-CAL hads-ARGC1 ARROYO GRANDE CREEK RAWS NEAR ARROYO GRANDE 9NNE (AW#24340) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 85h27m
USA-CAL hads-AHOC1 ARROYO HONDO NEAR SAN JOSE 7ENE (AW#24321) Feet Stage 3.98 ft 07h05m
USA-CAL cdec-AHD ARROYO HONDO NR SAN JOSE CA (AW#42518) Feet Stage 3.76 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11173200 ARROYO HONDO NR SAN JOSE CA (AW#4626) Feet Stage 3.74 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11173200 ARROYO HONDO NR SAN JOSE CA (AW#4626) Flow 48 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-AMH ARROYO MOCHO AT LIVERMORE (AW#280825) Feet Stage 1.09 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-GAL ARROYO PASAJERO AT GALE AVENUE (AW#42621) Feet Stage -0.01 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11152050 ARROYO SECO BL RELIZ C NR SOLEDAD CA (AW#4604) Feet Stage 5.51 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11152050 ARROYO SECO BL RELIZ C NR SOLEDAD CA (AW#4604) Flow 30 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-ARRC1 ARROYO SECO NEAR GREENFIELD 15WSW (AW#24342) Feet Stage 4.40 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11151870 ARROYO SECO NR GREENFIELD CA (AW#4602) Feet Stage 4.40 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11151870 ARROYO SECO NR GREENFIELD CA (AW#4602) Flow 147 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-ASS ARROYO SECO NR SOLEDAD (AW#44366) Feet Stage 1.00 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-ASS ARROYO SECO NR SOLEDAD (AW#44366) Flow 216 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11152000 ARROYO SECO NR SOLEDAD CA (AW#4603) Feet Stage 0.99 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11152000 ARROYO SECO NR SOLEDAD CA (AW#4603) Flow 213 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-ASRC1 ARROYO SECO RAWS (MT. DIABLO) NEAR GREENFIELD 15WSW (AW#24345) Yearly Precip. 8.2 in/yr 01h17m
USA-CAL hads-ASRC1 ARROYO SECO RAWS (MT. DIABLO) NEAR GREENFIELD 15WSW (AW#24345) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 85h16m
USA-CAL hads-ASRC1 ARROYO SECO RAWS (MT. DIABLO) NEAR GREENFIELD 15WSW (AW#24345) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 85h16m
USA-CAL hads-ASRC1 ARROYO SECO RAWS (MT. DIABLO) NEAR GREENFIELD 15WSW (AW#24345) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 85h16m
USA-CAL cdec-MPK ARROYO SIMI CK AT NEW LOS ANGELES AVE (AW#274046) Feet Stage 514.44 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11176400 ARROYO VALLE BL LANG CYN NR LIVERMORE CA (AW#6327) Feet Stage 1.04 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11176400 ARROYO VALLE BL LANG CYN NR LIVERMORE CA (AW#6327) Flow 12 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-LVKC1 ARROYO VALLE NEAR LIVERMORE 4S (AW#24832) Feet Stage 2.67 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-AVL ARROYO VALLE NR LIVERMORE (AW#42525) Flow 2 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-AVL ARROYO VALLE NR LIVERMORE (AW#42525) Feet Stage 2.67 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11176500 ARROYO VALLE NR LIVERMORE CA (AW#4629) Feet Stage 2.67 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11176500 ARROYO VALLE NR LIVERMORE CA (AW#4629) Flow 2 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-ACR ASH CK AT ADIN (AW#273729) Flow 167 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ACR ASH CK AT ADIN (AW#273729) Feet Stage 4194.99 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-TSHC1 ASH MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 6NE (AW#25296) Yearly Precip. 7.1 in/yr 00h15m
USA-CAL usgs-103087891 ASPEN C ABV LEVIATHAN MINE NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#274586) Feet Stage 0.40 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-ADRC1 AUBURN DAM RIDGE NEAR AUBURN 2SE (AW#24314) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 82h36m
USA-CAL hads-ADRC1 AUBURN DAM RIDGE NEAR AUBURN 2SE (AW#24314) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 82h36m
USA-CAL hads-ADRC1 AUBURN DAM RIDGE NEAR AUBURN 2SE (AW#24314) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 82h36m
USA-CAL hads-ADRC1 AUBURN DAM RIDGE NEAR AUBURN 2SE (AW#24314) Yearly Precip. 22.0 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11467200 AUSTIN C NR CAZADERO CA (AW#8183) Flow 389 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11467200 AUSTIN C NR CAZADERO CA (AW#8183) Feet Stage 4.34 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-AUSC1 AUSTIN CREEK NEAR CAZADERO 2SE (AW#24351) Feet Stage 4.35 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL dream-421 Alameda Creek Near Niles (AW#42469) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-421 Alameda Creek Near Niles (AW#42469) Flow 68 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL river-4430 Alameda Creek-Sunol to Niles Junction near Fremont (AW#41623) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-076 American Below Lake Natoma (AW#42375) Flow 2828 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-076 American Below Lake Natoma (AW#42375) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-569 American Folsom Elev SF Paddle Out (AW#43317) Flow 549 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-569 American Folsom Elev SF Paddle Out (AW#43317) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-586 American Near Nile (AW#44640) Status running 7d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-586 American Near Nile (AW#44640) Flow 70 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-136 American, Middle Fork-1) Tunnel Run: Oxbow Bend (Ralston Afterbay) to Drive (AW#37320) Status running 02h21m
USA-CAL river-3715 American, Middle Fork-2) former Greenwood Bridge to Mammoth Bar (AW#40910) Status too high -02h37m
USA-CAL river-137 American, N. Fork-1. Generation Gap: Tadpole Creek to Euchre Bar (AW#37321) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL river-139 American, N. Fork-3. Colfax-Iowa Hill Road to Colfax-Foresthill Road Bridge (AW#37323) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL river-140 American, N. Fork-4. Colfax-Foresthill Road Bridge to Ponderosa Way Bridge (AW#37324) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL river-141 American, N. Fork-5. Confluence with Middle Fork to Folsom Lake (AW#37325) Status running 69h22m
USA-CAL river-5157 American, N. Fork-Royal Gorge: Soda Springs Road to Tadpole Creek (AW#43984) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL river-143 American, S. Fork-1. Strawberry to Kyburz (AW#37327) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-144 American, S. Fork-2. Kyburz to Riverton (Route 50 bridge) (AW#37328) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-145 American, S. Fork-3. Riverton (Route 50 bridge) to Peavine Ridge Road (AW#37329) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-146 American, S. Fork-4. Peavine Ridge Road to Forebay Road (AW#37330) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-147 American, S. Fork-5. Slab Creek Dam to White Rock Powerhouse (AW#37331) Status too low 02h21m
USA-CAL river-148 American, S. Fork-6. Route 193 (Chili Bar) to Folsom Lake (Salmon Falls Roa (AW#37332) Status running 01h36m
USA-CAL river-5117 American, S. Fork-7. C to G (Coloma to Greenwood Creek) (AW#43966) Status running -00h31m
USA-CAL river-4068 American, S. Fork-7. Lotus Campground to Folsom Lake (AW#41262) Status running -02h22m
USA-CAL river-4539 American-San Juan Hole (AW#43616) Status running 00h19m
USA-CAL river-4538 American-Sunrise Avenue to Watt Avenue (AW#43615) Status running 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-122 Antelope Creek Above Cone Grove Rd (AW#42875) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-122 Antelope Creek Above Cone Grove Rd (AW#42875) Flow 630 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL river-149 Antelope Creek-Hogsback Road to Cone Grove Road (AW#37333) Status too low 02h06m
USA-CAL dream-476 Applegate Below Applegate Dam (AW#43193) Status too low 58h21m
USA-CAL dream-476 Applegate Below Applegate Dam (AW#43193) Flow 150 cfs 17h19m
USA-CAL river-10402 Applegate River-Above Applegate Reservoir (AW#50332) Status too low 18h21m
USA-CAL dream-221 Arroyo Hondo Near San Jose (AW#42436) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-221 Arroyo Hondo Near San Jose (AW#42436) Flow 49 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL river-150 Arroyo Hondo-Kincaid Road to Calaveras Reservoir (AW#37334) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL river-3716 Arroyo Mocho-Above Waterfalls to Mines Road bridge (AW#40911) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-239 Arroyo Seco Near Greenfield (AW#42441) Flow 108 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-239 Arroyo Seco Near Greenfield (AW#42441) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-220 Arroyo Seco Near Soledad (AW#42435) Flow 190 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-220 Arroyo Seco Near Soledad (AW#42435) Status too low -02h39m
USA-CAL river-3649 Arroyo Seco-1) Willowcreek Bridge to Arroyo Seco Picnic Area (AW#40834) Status too low 02h06m
USA-CAL river-151 Arroyo Seco-2) Arroyo Seco Picnic Area to Route G16 bridge (AW#37335) Status running 03h21m
USA-CAL dream-397 Arroyo Valle Above Lake Del Valle (AW#42467) Flow 12 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-397 Arroyo Valle Above Lake Del Valle (AW#42467) Status too low 01h36m
USA-CAL river-152 Arroyo Valle-Mt. Hamilton to Del Valle Reservoir (AW#37336) Status too low 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-ABCC1 BACK CANYON NEAR TEHACHAPI 13NNE (AW#24308) Yearly Precip. 75.5 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-BABC1 BACKBONE RAWS NEAR HELENA 8N (AW#24354) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 47h47m
USA-CAL hads-BABC1 BACKBONE RAWS NEAR HELENA 8N (AW#24354) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 47h47m
USA-CAL hads-BABC1 BACKBONE RAWS NEAR HELENA 8N (AW#24354) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 47h47m
USA-CAL hads-BABC1 BACKBONE RAWS NEAR HELENA 8N (AW#24354) Yearly Precip. 39.4 in/yr 00h47m
USA-CAL cdec-BAC BACON ISLAND AT OLD RIVER (AW#42526) Feet Stage 5.54 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DNPC1 BALCH POWERHOUSE NEAR TRIMMER 12E (AW#24578) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-DNPC1 BALCH POWERHOUSE NEAR TRIMMER 12E (AW#24578) Yearly Precip. 8.5 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-DNPC1 BALCH POWERHOUSE NEAR TRIMMER 12E (AW#24578) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-DNPC1 BALCH POWERHOUSE NEAR TRIMMER 12E (AW#24578) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-BDMC1 BALD MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR GEORGETOWN 8E (AW#24367) Yearly Precip. 31.8 in/yr 01h45m
USA-CAL hads-BDMC1 BALD MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR GEORGETOWN 8E (AW#24367) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 90h44m
USA-CAL hads-BDMC1 BALD MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR GEORGETOWN 8E (AW#24367) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 90h44m
USA-CAL hads-BDMC1 BALD MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR GEORGETOWN 8E (AW#24367) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 90h44m
USA-CAL cdec-BNG BANGOR CANAL (AW#275618) Flow 11 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BNG BANGOR CANAL (AW#275618) Feet Stage 1.00 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BKS BARKER SLOUGH PUMPING PLANT (KG000000) (AW#276477) Flow 19 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-BSNC1 BATTERSON RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE FORKS 1E (AW#24422) Yearly Precip. 10.3 in/yr 00h32m
USA-CAL hads-BSNC1 BATTERSON RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE FORKS 1E (AW#24422) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 93h33m
USA-CAL hads-BSNC1 BATTERSON RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE FORKS 1E (AW#24422) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 93h33m
USA-CAL hads-BSNC1 BATTERSON RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE FORKS 1E (AW#24422) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 93h33m
USA-CAL usgs-11376550 BATTLE C BL COLEMAN FISH HATCHERY NR COTTONWOOD CA (AW#4674) Feet Stage 2.90 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11376550 BATTLE C BL COLEMAN FISH HATCHERY NR COTTONWOOD CA (AW#4674) Flow 1330 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-BAT BATTLE CREEK (AW#42528) Feet Stage 2.90 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BAT BATTLE CREEK (AW#42528) Flow 1334 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-BTRC1 BATTLE RIDGE NEAR PAYNES CREEK 8E (AW#24427) Yearly Precip. 4.7 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-BTRC1 BATTLE RIDGE NEAR PAYNES CREEK 8E (AW#24427) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 5d15h50m
USA-CAL hads-BTRC1 BATTLE RIDGE NEAR PAYNES CREEK 8E (AW#24427) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 5d15h50m
USA-CAL hads-BTRC1 BATTLE RIDGE NEAR PAYNES CREEK 8E (AW#24427) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 5d15h50m
USA-CAL cdec-BAR BEAR (AW#276474) Flow 11 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-BAR BEAR (AW#276474) Alt. Flow 11 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11451715 BEAR C AB HOLSTEN CHIMNEY CYN NR RUMSEY CA (AW#4695) Flow 131 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11451715 BEAR C AB HOLSTEN CHIMNEY CYN NR RUMSEY CA (AW#4695) Feet Stage 6.09 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-BAN BEAR CANYON CK AT ANDERSON SPRINGS RD (AW#156763) Feet Stage 126.54 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BRK BEAR CK AB HOLSTEN CYN NR RUMSEY (AW#42548) Flow 133 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BRK BEAR CK AB HOLSTEN CYN NR RUMSEY (AW#42548) Feet Stage 6.10 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BSD BEAR CK BLW EASTSIDE CANAL (AW#49356) Feet Stage 87.97 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BSD BEAR CK BLW EASTSIDE CANAL (AW#49356) Flow 33 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MCK BEAR CREEK AT MC KEE ROAD (AW#42687) Flow 30 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MCK BEAR CREEK AT MC KEE ROAD (AW#42687) Feet Stage 4.94 ft 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-BPKC1 BEAR CREEK RAWS NEAR LITTLE LAKE 9NE (AW#24409) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 81h11m
USA-CAL hads-BPKC1 BEAR CREEK RAWS NEAR LITTLE LAKE 9NE (AW#24409) Yearly Precip. 0.5 in/yr 01h11m
USA-CAL hads-BPKC1 BEAR CREEK RAWS NEAR LITTLE LAKE 9NE (AW#24409) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 81h11m
USA-CAL hads-BPKC1 BEAR CREEK RAWS NEAR LITTLE LAKE 9NE (AW#24409) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 81h11m
USA-CAL hads-FLAC1 BEAR FLAT RAWS NEAR BROOKS MILL 1SSE (AW#24634) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 22h14m
USA-CAL hads-FLAC1 BEAR FLAT RAWS NEAR BROOKS MILL 1SSE (AW#24634) Yearly Precip. 4.6 in/yr 01h15m
USA-CAL hads-FLAC1 BEAR FLAT RAWS NEAR BROOKS MILL 1SSE (AW#24634) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 22h14m
USA-CAL hads-FLAC1 BEAR FLAT RAWS NEAR BROOKS MILL 1SSE (AW#24634) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 22h14m
USA-CAL hads-CFWC1 BEAR RIVER AT CAMP FAR WEST DAM NEAR NEAR WHEATLAND 6E (AW#24464) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 82h36m
USA-CAL hads-CFWC1 BEAR RIVER AT CAMP FAR WEST DAM NEAR NEAR WHEATLAND 6E (AW#24464) Yearly Precip. 15.7 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CFWC1 BEAR RIVER AT CAMP FAR WEST DAM NEAR NEAR WHEATLAND 6E (AW#24464) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 82h36m
USA-CAL hads-CFWC1 BEAR RIVER AT CAMP FAR WEST DAM NEAR NEAR WHEATLAND 6E (AW#24464) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 82h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BPG BEAR RIVER AT PLEASANT GROVE RD (AW#42545) Flow 1457 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BPG BEAR RIVER AT PLEASANT GROVE RD (AW#42545) Feet Stage 50.61 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-ROLC1 BEAR RIVER AT ROLLINS RESERVOIR NEAR COLFAX 2N (AW#25089) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 75h36m
USA-CAL hads-ROLC1 BEAR RIVER AT ROLLINS RESERVOIR NEAR COLFAX 2N (AW#25089) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 75h36m
USA-CAL hads-ROLC1 BEAR RIVER AT ROLLINS RESERVOIR NEAR COLFAX 2N (AW#25089) Yearly Precip. 34.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-ROLC1 BEAR RIVER AT ROLLINS RESERVOIR NEAR COLFAX 2N (AW#25089) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 75h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BRW BEAR RIVER NEAR WHEATLAND (AW#42549) Feet Stage 5.42 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BRW BEAR RIVER NEAR WHEATLAND (AW#42549) Flow 1567 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-BTKC1 BEARTRAP MEADOW NEAR WILSONIA 7SE (AW#24426) Yearly Precip. 16.9 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-BTKC1 BEARTRAP MEADOW NEAR WILSONIA 7SE (AW#24426) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 20h20m
USA-CAL hads-BTKC1 BEARTRAP MEADOW NEAR WILSONIA 7SE (AW#24426) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 20h20m
USA-CAL hads-BTKC1 BEARTRAP MEADOW NEAR WILSONIA 7SE (AW#24426) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 20h20m
USA-CAL hads-COKC1 BEAVER CAMP RAWS NEAR COOKS STATION 8SE (AW#24503) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 80h02m
USA-CAL hads-COKC1 BEAVER CAMP RAWS NEAR COOKS STATION 8SE (AW#24503) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 80h02m
USA-CAL hads-COKC1 BEAVER CAMP RAWS NEAR COOKS STATION 8SE (AW#24503) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 80h02m
USA-CAL hads-COKC1 BEAVER CAMP RAWS NEAR COOKS STATION 8SE (AW#24503) Yearly Precip. 18.1 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-BDL BELDON LANDING (AW#42536) Feet Stage 4.02 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-BENC1 BEN BOLT RIDGE RAWS NEAR LATROBE 3NW (AW#24371) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 93h20m
USA-CAL hads-BENC1 BEN BOLT RIDGE RAWS NEAR LATROBE 3NW (AW#24371) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 93h20m
USA-CAL hads-BENC1 BEN BOLT RIDGE RAWS NEAR LATROBE 3NW (AW#24371) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 93h20m
USA-CAL hads-BENC1 BEN BOLT RIDGE RAWS NEAR LATROBE 3NW (AW#24371) Yearly Precip. 15.1 in/yr 00h22m
USA-CAL hads-BNDC1 BEN LOMOND RAWS NEAR BEN LOMOND 5NW (AW#24398) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 79h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNDC1 BEN LOMOND RAWS NEAR BEN LOMOND 5NW (AW#24398) Yearly Precip. 34.3 in/yr 00h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNDC1 BEN LOMOND RAWS NEAR BEN LOMOND 5NW (AW#24398) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 79h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNDC1 BEN LOMOND RAWS NEAR BEN LOMOND 5NW (AW#24398) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 79h30m
USA-CAL hads-BGBC1 BIG BAR RAWS (AW#24375) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 94h01m
USA-CAL hads-BGBC1 BIG BAR RAWS (AW#24375) Yearly Precip. 34.2 in/yr 01h00m
USA-CAL hads-BGBC1 BIG BAR RAWS (AW#24375) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 94h01m
USA-CAL hads-BGBC1 BIG BAR RAWS (AW#24375) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 94h01m
USA-CAL usgs-11284400 BIG C AB WHITES GULCH NR GROVELAND CA (AW#4659) Feet Stage 2.14 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11284400 BIG C AB WHITES GULCH NR GROVELAND CA (AW#4659) Flow 3 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-BIC BIG CHICO CREEK NEAR CHICO (AW#42539) Feet Stage 282.58 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BIC BIG CHICO CREEK NEAR CHICO (AW#42539) Flow 790 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-HKCC1 BIG CHICO CREEK NEAR CHICO 1SW (AW#24708) Feet Stage 282.65 ft 06h50m
USA-CAL cdec-BGF BIG CK DIVERSION NR FISH CAMP (AW#51343) Flow 3 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BGF BIG CK DIVERSION NR FISH CAMP (AW#51343) Feet Stage 0.53 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-BFLC1 BIG FLAT NEAR TRINITY CENTER 13WNW (AW#24374) Yearly Precip. 38.5 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-BFLC1 BIG FLAT NEAR TRINITY CENTER 13WNW (AW#24374) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 11h21m
USA-CAL hads-BFLC1 BIG FLAT NEAR TRINITY CENTER 13WNW (AW#24374) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 11h21m
USA-CAL hads-BFLC1 BIG FLAT NEAR TRINITY CENTER 13WNW (AW#24374) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 11h21m
USA-CAL hads-BIIC1 BIG HILL RAWS NEAR HOOPA 4NNE (AW#24377) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 69h39m
USA-CAL hads-BIIC1 BIG HILL RAWS NEAR HOOPA 4NNE (AW#24377) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 69h39m
USA-CAL hads-BIIC1 BIG HILL RAWS NEAR HOOPA 4NNE (AW#24377) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 69h39m
USA-CAL hads-BIIC1 BIG HILL RAWS NEAR HOOPA 4NNE (AW#24377) Yearly Precip. 47.9 in/yr 00h41m
USA-CAL hads-BIMC1 BIG MEADOWS NEAR WILSONIA 7E (AW#24378) Yearly Precip. 0.0 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-BPMC1 BIG PINE MEADOW NEAR KERNVILLE 24NE (AW#24410) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 82h10m
USA-CAL hads-BPMC1 BIG PINE MEADOW NEAR KERNVILLE 24NE (AW#24410) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 82h10m
USA-CAL hads-BPMC1 BIG PINE MEADOW NEAR KERNVILLE 24NE (AW#24410) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 82h10m
USA-CAL hads-BPMC1 BIG PINE MEADOW NEAR KERNVILLE 24NE (AW#24410) Yearly Precip. 2.8 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BGG BIG SPRINGS CREEK NEAR GRENADA (AW#277598) Feet Stage 5.29 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BGG BIG SPRINGS CREEK NEAR GRENADA (AW#277598) Flow 76 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11463170 BIG SULPHUR C A G RESORT NR CLOVERDALE CA (AW#4704) Feet Stage 4.13 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11463170 BIG SULPHUR C A G RESORT NR CLOVERDALE CA (AW#4704) Flow 112 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11463200 BIG SULPHUR C NR CLOVERDALE CA (AW#8898) Flow 662 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11463200 BIG SULPHUR C NR CLOVERDALE CA (AW#8898) Feet Stage 18.56 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-BSCC1 BIG SULPHUR CREEK NEAR CLOVERDALE 2NE (AW#24419) Feet Stage 18.58 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-PPSC1 BIG SUR 3SE RAWS (AW#25044) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 92h16m
USA-CAL hads-PPSC1 BIG SUR 3SE RAWS (AW#25044) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 92h16m
USA-CAL hads-PPSC1 BIG SUR 3SE RAWS (AW#25044) Yearly Precip. 17.9 in/yr 00h15m
USA-CAL hads-PPSC1 BIG SUR 3SE RAWS (AW#25044) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 92h16m
USA-CAL usgs-11143000 BIG SUR R NR BIG SUR CA (AW#4591) Flow 118 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11143000 BIG SUR R NR BIG SUR CA (AW#4591) Feet Stage 5.08 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-BSRC1 BIG SUR RIVER NEAR BIG SUR 3SE (AW#24423) Feet Stage 5.09 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-BLB BLACK BUTTE (AW#276478) Alt. Flow 2947 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-BLB BLACK BUTTE (AW#276478) Flow 6916 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-BWXC1 BLACK BUTTE WEATHER STATION NEAR CORNING 11SW (AW#45098) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-BWXC1 BLACK BUTTE WEATHER STATION NEAR CORNING 11SW (AW#45098) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-BWXC1 BLACK BUTTE WEATHER STATION NEAR CORNING 11SW (AW#45098) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-BWXC1 BLACK BUTTE WEATHER STATION NEAR CORNING 11SW (AW#45098) Yearly Precip. 21.6 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11299600 BLACK C NR COPPEROPOLIS CA (AW#4662) Feet Stage 2.54 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11299600 BLACK C NR COPPEROPOLIS CA (AW#4662) Flow 4 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-BCCC1 BLACK CREEK NEAR COPPEROPOLIS 2SE (AW#24359) Feet Stage 2.54 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BCC BLACK CREEK NR COPPEROPOLIS (AW#42531) Feet Stage 2.54 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BCC BLACK CREEK NR COPPEROPOLIS (AW#42531) Flow 4 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-BKMC1 BLACK MOUNTAIN NEAR HALLS FLAT 4E (AW#24387) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 04h06m
USA-CAL hads-BKMC1 BLACK MOUNTAIN NEAR HALLS FLAT 4E (AW#24387) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 04h06m
USA-CAL hads-BKMC1 BLACK MOUNTAIN NEAR HALLS FLAT 4E (AW#24387) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 04h06m
USA-CAL hads-BKMC1 BLACK MOUNTAIN NEAR HALLS FLAT 4E (AW#24387) Yearly Precip. 10.8 in/yr 04h06m
USA-CAL cdec-NKR BLACK ROCK RESERVOIR, NF KINGS BALCH DIV (AW#274248) Feet Stage 4085.61 ft 16h49m
USA-CAL hads-BLSC1 BLACK SPRINGS NEAR BIG MEADOWS 5SW (AW#24393) Yearly Precip. 0.0 in/yr 04h50m
USA-CAL hads-BKRC1 BLACKROCK RAWS NEAR DUNMOVIN 17W (AW#24388) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d02h27m
USA-CAL hads-BKRC1 BLACKROCK RAWS NEAR DUNMOVIN 17W (AW#24388) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d02h27m
USA-CAL hads-BKRC1 BLACKROCK RAWS NEAR DUNMOVIN 17W (AW#24388) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d02h27m
USA-CAL hads-BKRC1 BLACKROCK RAWS NEAR DUNMOVIN 17W (AW#24388) Yearly Precip. 7.4 in/yr 01h28m
USA-CAL hads-BLCC1 BLOODS CREEK NEAR BEAR VALLEY 1SE (AW#24390) Yearly Precip. 0.8 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-BCYC1 BLUE CANYON NEAR EMIGRANT GAP 2SW (AW#24365) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 71h50m
USA-CAL hads-BCYC1 BLUE CANYON NEAR EMIGRANT GAP 2SW (AW#24365) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 71h50m
USA-CAL hads-BCYC1 BLUE CANYON NEAR EMIGRANT GAP 2SW (AW#24365) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 71h50m
USA-CAL hads-BCYC1 BLUE CANYON NEAR EMIGRANT GAP 2SW (AW#24365) Yearly Precip. 44.6 in/yr 04h50m
USA-CAL hads-BDOC1 BLUE DOOR RAWS NEAR MADELINE 8E (AW#24368) Yearly Precip. 10.8 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-BDOC1 BLUE DOOR RAWS NEAR MADELINE 8E (AW#24368) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 8d00h22m
USA-CAL hads-BDOC1 BLUE DOOR RAWS NEAR MADELINE 8E (AW#24368) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 8d00h22m
USA-CAL hads-BDOC1 BLUE DOOR RAWS NEAR MADELINE 8E (AW#24368) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 8d00h22m
USA-CAL hads-BUGC1 BLUE RIDGE RAWS NEAR SAWYERS BAR 7SW (AW#24431) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 8d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-BUGC1 BLUE RIDGE RAWS NEAR SAWYERS BAR 7SW (AW#24431) Yearly Precip. 17.8 in/yr 00h30m
USA-CAL hads-BUGC1 BLUE RIDGE RAWS NEAR SAWYERS BAR 7SW (AW#24431) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 8d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-BUGC1 BLUE RIDGE RAWS NEAR SAWYERS BAR 7SW (AW#24431) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 8d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-ABRC1 BOB RABBIT ALERT #1850 NEAR WELDON 6SSW (AW#24310) Yearly Precip. 1.5 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-ABRC1 BOB RABBIT ALERT #1850 NEAR WELDON 6SSW (AW#24310) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 88h41m
USA-CAL hads-ABRC1 BOB RABBIT ALERT #1850 NEAR WELDON 6SSW (AW#24310) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 88h41m
USA-CAL hads-ABRC1 BOB RABBIT ALERT #1850 NEAR WELDON 6SSW (AW#24310) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 88h41m
USA-CAL hads-BNKC1 BONANZA KING NEAR TRINITY CENTER 8NNE (AW#24400) Precip. in 24h 1.0 in/24h 44h50m
USA-CAL hads-BNKC1 BONANZA KING NEAR TRINITY CENTER 8NNE (AW#24400) Precip. in 12h 1.0 in/12h 44h50m
USA-CAL hads-BNKC1 BONANZA KING NEAR TRINITY CENTER 8NNE (AW#24400) Precip. in 6h 1.0 in/6h 44h50m
USA-CAL hads-BNKC1 BONANZA KING NEAR TRINITY CENTER 8NNE (AW#24400) Yearly Precip. 42.0 in/yr 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-BNVC1 BOONVILLE 2SE RAWS (AW#24402) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 95h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNVC1 BOONVILLE 2SE RAWS (AW#24402) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 95h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNVC1 BOONVILLE 2SE RAWS (AW#24402) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 95h30m
USA-CAL hads-BNVC1 BOONVILLE 2SE RAWS (AW#24402) Yearly Precip. 34.0 in/yr 00h30m
USA-CAL hads-BOWC1 BOWMAN LAKE NEAR GRANITEVILLE 5W (AW#24405) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h06m
USA-CAL hads-BOWC1 BOWMAN LAKE NEAR GRANITEVILLE 5W (AW#24405) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h06m
USA-CAL hads-BOWC1 BOWMAN LAKE NEAR GRANITEVILLE 5W (AW#24405) Yearly Precip. 33.5 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-BOWC1 BOWMAN LAKE NEAR GRANITEVILLE 5W (AW#24405) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BYS BOYES CREEK AT BUSCH LN (AW#280869) Feet Stage 0.47 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-RBYC1 BRADLEY RAWS (AW#25067) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d09h08m
USA-CAL hads-RBYC1 BRADLEY RAWS (AW#25067) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d09h08m
USA-CAL hads-RBYC1 BRADLEY RAWS (AW#25067) Yearly Precip. 3.2 in/yr 01h08m
USA-CAL hads-RBYC1 BRADLEY RAWS (AW#25067) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d09h08m
USA-CAL hads-BRHC1 BRANCH MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR NIPOMO 24ENE (AW#24415) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 75h44m
USA-CAL hads-BRHC1 BRANCH MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR NIPOMO 24ENE (AW#24415) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 75h44m
USA-CAL hads-BRHC1 BRANCH MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR NIPOMO 24ENE (AW#24415) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 75h44m
USA-CAL hads-BRHC1 BRANCH MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR NIPOMO 24ENE (AW#24415) Yearly Precip. 7.1 in/yr 01h45m
USA-CAL hads-BDYC1 BRANDY CREEK NEAR SHASTA 4WNW (AW#24370) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 69h50m
USA-CAL hads-BDYC1 BRANDY CREEK NEAR SHASTA 4WNW (AW#24370) Yearly Precip. 61.8 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-BDYC1 BRANDY CREEK NEAR SHASTA 4WNW (AW#24370) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 69h50m
USA-CAL hads-BDYC1 BRANDY CREEK NEAR SHASTA 4WNW (AW#24370) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 69h50m
USA-CAL hads-BZRC1 BRAZIE RANCH RAWS NEAR YREKA 4SE (AW#24436) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 92h27m
USA-CAL hads-BZRC1 BRAZIE RANCH RAWS NEAR YREKA 4SE (AW#24436) Yearly Precip. 13.9 in/yr 00h26m
USA-CAL hads-BZRC1 BRAZIE RANCH RAWS NEAR YREKA 4SE (AW#24436) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 92h27m
USA-CAL hads-BZRC1 BRAZIE RANCH RAWS NEAR YREKA 4SE (AW#24436) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 92h27m
USA-CAL usgs-11088500 BREA C BL BREA DAM NR FULLERTON CA (AW#6852) Feet Stage 1.23 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11088500 BREA C BL BREA DAM NR FULLERTON CA (AW#6852) Flow 3 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-BKBC1 BREA CREEK BELOW BREA DAM NEAR FULLERTON 1N (AW#24381) Feet Stage 1.23 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-BKGC1 BRECKENRIDGE RAWS NEAR MIRACLE HOT SPRINGS 9SSW (AW#24384) Yearly Precip. 4.6 in/yr 00h30m
USA-CAL hads-BKGC1 BRECKENRIDGE RAWS NEAR MIRACLE HOT SPRINGS 9SSW (AW#24384) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 5d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-BKGC1 BRECKENRIDGE RAWS NEAR MIRACLE HOT SPRINGS 9SSW (AW#24384) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 5d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-BKGC1 BRECKENRIDGE RAWS NEAR MIRACLE HOT SPRINGS 9SSW (AW#24384) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 5d06h28m
USA-CAL hads-BGVC1 BRIDGEVILLE (AW#24376) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 73h51m
USA-CAL hads-BGVC1 BRIDGEVILLE (AW#24376) Yearly Precip. 51.2 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-BGVC1 BRIDGEVILLE (AW#24376) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 73h51m
USA-CAL hads-BGVC1 BRIDGEVILLE (AW#24376) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 73h51m
USA-CAL usgs-09527630 BROCK RESERVOIR INLET NEAR CALEXICO, CA (AW#88043) Feet Stage 24.55 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-09527630 BROCK RESERVOIR INLET NEAR CALEXICO, CA (AW#88043) Flow 51 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-09527660 BROCK RESERVOIR OUTLET NEAR CALEXICO, CA (AW#88044) Flow 541 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-09527660 BROCK RESERVOIR OUTLET NEAR CALEXICO, CA (AW#88044) Feet Stage 24.30 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-BHC BRUSH CREEK (SMUD) (AW#276475) Flow 9 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-BRRC1 BRUSH CREEK RANGER STATION NEAR BERRY CREEK 5NE (AW#24417) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-BRRC1 BRUSH CREEK RANGER STATION NEAR BERRY CREEK 5NE (AW#24417) Yearly Precip. 67.4 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-BRRC1 BRUSH CREEK RANGER STATION NEAR BERRY CREEK 5NE (AW#24417) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-BRRC1 BRUSH CREEK RANGER STATION NEAR BERRY CREEK 5NE (AW#24417) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 69h20m
USA-CAL usgs-10308794 BRYANT C BL MOUNTAINEER C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#48983) Feet Stage 4.03 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-10308794 BRYANT C BL MOUNTAINEER C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#48983) Flow 3 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-BYL BRYTE LAB (AW#58306) Feet Stage 26.11 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BUC BUCHANAN DAM (AW#276479) Alt. Flow 1 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-BUC BUCHANAN DAM (AW#276479) Flow 1 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BIL BUCK ISLAND LAKE (AW#276476) Flow 1 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-BMEC1 BUCK MEADOWS RAWS (AW#24395) Yearly Precip. 13.4 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-BMEC1 BUCK MEADOWS RAWS (AW#24395) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 77h54m
USA-CAL hads-BMEC1 BUCK MEADOWS RAWS (AW#24395) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 77h54m
USA-CAL hads-BMEC1 BUCK MEADOWS RAWS (AW#24395) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 77h54m
USA-CAL hads-BUPC1 BUCKS CREEK POWERHOUSE NEAR MEADOW VALLEY 13W (AW#24432) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 63h20m
USA-CAL hads-BUPC1 BUCKS CREEK POWERHOUSE NEAR MEADOW VALLEY 13W (AW#24432) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 63h20m
USA-CAL hads-BUPC1 BUCKS CREEK POWERHOUSE NEAR MEADOW VALLEY 13W (AW#24432) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 63h20m
USA-CAL hads-BUPC1 BUCKS CREEK POWERHOUSE NEAR MEADOW VALLEY 13W (AW#24432) Yearly Precip. 43.4 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-BKLC1 BUCKS LAKE NEAR QUINCY 14WSW (AW#24386) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 70h37m
USA-CAL hads-BKLC1 BUCKS LAKE NEAR QUINCY 14WSW (AW#24386) Yearly Precip. 56.1 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-BKLC1 BUCKS LAKE NEAR QUINCY 14WSW (AW#24386) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 70h37m
USA-CAL hads-BKLC1 BUCKS LAKE NEAR QUINCY 14WSW (AW#24386) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 70h37m
USA-CAL usgs-11476600 BULL C NR WEOTT CA (AW#4715) Feet Stage 2.64 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11476600 BULL C NR WEOTT CA (AW#4715) Flow 195 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-BCW BULL CREEK NEAR WEOTT (AW#42535) Feet Stage 2.64 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BCW BULL CREEK NEAR WEOTT (AW#42535) Flow 195 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-WEOC1 BULL CREEK NEAR WEOTT 5WNW (AW#25334) Feet Stage 2.91 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BPB BURNEY CK AT PARK AVE AT BURNEY STATION (AW#250909) Feet Stage 4.61 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-ABMC1 BURNING MOSCOW NEAR LORAINE 15NE (AW#24309) Yearly Precip. 95.8 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-ABMC1 BURNING MOSCOW NEAR LORAINE 15NE (AW#24309) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d05h31m
USA-CAL hads-ABMC1 BURNING MOSCOW NEAR LORAINE 15NE (AW#24309) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d05h31m
USA-CAL hads-ABMC1 BURNING MOSCOW NEAR LORAINE 15NE (AW#24309) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d05h31m
USA-CAL cdec-BUR BURNS CREEK DAM (AW#276646) Flow 4 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-BUR BURNS CREEK DAM (AW#276646) Alt. Flow 4 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11162540 BUTANO C NR PESCADERO CA (AW#280443) Feet Stage 5.02 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11162540 BUTANO C NR PESCADERO CA (AW#280443) Flow 57 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11390000 BUTTE C NR CHICO CA (AW#4680) Feet Stage 3.19 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11390000 BUTTE C NR CHICO CA (AW#4680) Flow 1390 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-BTG BUTTE CK AT COLUSA/GRIDLEY RD (AW#49618) Feet Stage 10.80 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BDH BUTTE CK NR DURHAM BLW GORRILL DAM (AW#156520) Feet Stage 16.89 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-BBWC1 BUTTE CREEK AT BW-12 DIVERSION NEAR PARADISE 8N (AW#24357) Feet Stage 0.85 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BBD BUTTE CREEK NEAR DE SABLA (AW#42529) Feet Stage 21.28 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-BDSC1 BUTTE CREEK NEAR DE SABLA NEAR FOREST RANCH 2NE (AW#24369) Feet Stage 21.33 ft 04h50m
USA-CAL cdec-BCK BUTTE CREEK NR CHICO (AW#42534) Feet Stage 3.23 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BCK BUTTE CREEK NR CHICO (AW#42534) Flow 1422 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BCD BUTTE CREEK NR DURHAM (AW#42532) Flow 1698 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BCD BUTTE CREEK NR DURHAM (AW#42532) Feet Stage 184.28 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BSO BUTTE SLOUGH AT OUTFALL GATES (AW#42551) Feet Stage 59.71 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BSL BUTTE SLOUGH NR MERIDIAN (AW#42550) Flow 55065 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BSL BUTTE SLOUGH NR MERIDIAN (AW#42550) Feet Stage 55.13 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BBW BW-12 IMPORT TO BUTTE CREEK (AW#42530) Feet Stage 0.85 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-BBW BW-12 IMPORT TO BUTTE CREEK (AW#42530) Flow 24 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL dream-445 Battle Creek Above Baldwin Creek (AW#42479) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-445 Battle Creek Above Baldwin Creek (AW#42479) Flow 865 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-160 Battle Creek At Coleman Fish Hatchery (AW#42405) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-160 Battle Creek At Coleman Fish Hatchery (AW#42405) Flow 1250 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL river-3307 Battle Creek-Manton Rd. (A6) to Coleman Fish Hatchery (AW#40499) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-067 Bear At Hwy 174 Bridge (AW#42370) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-067 Bear At Hwy 174 Bridge (AW#42370) Flow 928 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-556 Bear At Hwy 20 Bridge (AW#42513) Status running 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-556 Bear At Hwy 20 Bridge (AW#42513) Flow 19 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-555 Bear Below Drum Afterbay (AW#42512) Status running 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-555 Bear Below Drum Afterbay (AW#42512) Flow 8 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-535 Bear Below Dutch Flat Afterbay (AW#42508) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-535 Bear Below Dutch Flat Afterbay (AW#42508) Flow 7 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL river-4432 Bear Creek (Sacramento R. Trib)-Hydro to Hwy.44 (AW#41625) Status too low 00h51m
USA-CAL dream-326 Bear Creek Above Cache Creek (AW#42456) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-326 Bear Creek Above Cache Creek (AW#42456) Flow 140 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL river-4431 Bear Creek-near Wilbur Hot Springs to Cache Creek Conf. (AW#41624) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL river-153 Bear-Highway 174 Bridge to Lake Combie (AW#37337) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-633 Belt Creek Near Monarch (AW#51453) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-294 Big Butte Creek Near McLeod (AW#42959) Status too low 93h20m
USA-CAL dream-294 Big Butte Creek Near McLeod (AW#42959) Flow 320 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-4772 Big Creek-Fish Camp to South Fork Merced (AW#43841) Status too low 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-223 Big Sulphur Cr At Geysers Resort (AW#42438) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-223 Big Sulphur Cr At Geysers Resort (AW#42438) Flow 112 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-117 Big Sulphur Cr Near Cloverdale (AW#42391) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-117 Big Sulphur Cr Near Cloverdale (AW#42391) Flow 662 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL river-307 Big Sulphur Creek-1) Near the Geysers to Iron Bridge (AW#37491) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-308 Big Sulphur Creek-2) Iron Bridge to washed-out crossing (AW#37492) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-050 Big Sur Near Big Sur (AW#49153) Flow 120 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-050 Big Sur Near Big Sur (AW#49153) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL river-4440 Big Sur-Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park to Motels (AW#41633) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-235 Blue Below Tidbits Creek (AW#51436) Flow 110 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-235 Blue Below Tidbits Creek (AW#51436) Status too low 6d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-193 Boise Near Twin Springs (AW#42905) Status too low 45h20m
USA-CAL dream-193 Boise Near Twin Springs (AW#42905) Flow 440 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-638 Boundary Creek Near Porthill (AW#60353) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-651 Bruneau At Rowland (AW#92241) Flow 50 cfs 4d05h50m
USA-CAL dream-651 Bruneau At Rowland (AW#92241) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-2297 Brush Creek-Rincon Camp to Kern River (AW#39486) Status too low 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-123 Butte Creek Near Chico (AW#42394) Flow 1390 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-123 Butte Creek Near Chico (AW#42394) Status too high 01h19m
USA-CAL river-3703 Butte Creek-PG&E Powerhouse to Covered Bridge (AW#40895) Status too high 01h19m
USA-CAL river-5244 Butte Creek-Upper Butte Creek (Powerhouse to Centerville) (AW#44039) Status too high 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11451800 CACHE C A RUMSEY CA (AW#151636) Feet Stage 5.66 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11451800 CACHE C A RUMSEY CA (AW#151636) Flow 3240 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11452500 CACHE C A YOLO CA (AW#4696) Flow 3720 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11452500 CACHE C A YOLO CA (AW#4696) Feet Stage 61.12 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11451000 CACHE C NR LOWER LAKE CA (AW#7623) Flow 2740 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11451000 CACHE C NR LOWER LAKE CA (AW#7623) Feet Stage 7.44 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-CCL CACHE CK NR LOWER LAKE (AW#251590) Feet Stage 7.41 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CCL CACHE CK NR LOWER LAKE (AW#251590) Flow 2704 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-HOUC1 CACHE CREEK AT HOUGH SPRINGS NEAR LUCERNE 11NE (AW#24721) Feet Stage 4.70 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-RUM CACHE CREEK AT RUMSEY BRIDGE (AW#42781) Feet Stage 5.66 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-RUM CACHE CREEK AT RUMSEY BRIDGE (AW#42781) Flow 3244 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-RMSC1 CACHE CREEK AT RUMSEY BRIDGE IN RUMSEY (AW#25085) Feet Stage 5.71 ft 07h50m
USA-CAL cdec-CCY CACHE CREEK AT YOLO (AW#42561) Flow 3734 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CCY CACHE CREEK AT YOLO (AW#42561) Feet Stage 61.16 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CCB CACHE CREEK NEAR BROOKS (AW#280173) Feet Stage 96.45 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11455315 CACHE SLOUGH A S LIBERTY ISLAND NR RIO VISTA CA (AW#51035) Flow 18400 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11455315 CACHE SLOUGH A S LIBERTY ISLAND NR RIO VISTA CA (AW#51035) Feet Stage 7.50 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11455385 CACHE SLOUGH AB RYER ISLAND FERRY NR RIO VISTA CA (AW#250946) Feet Stage 9.92 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11455385 CACHE SLOUGH AB RYER ISLAND FERRY NR RIO VISTA CA (AW#250946) Flow 137000 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-RYF CACHE SLOUGH ABOVE RYER ISLAND FERRY (AW#251458) Feet Stage 10.24 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-RYF CACHE SLOUGH ABOVE RYER ISLAND FERRY (AW#251458) Flow 36000 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11173500 CALAVERAS C NR SUNOL CA (AW#7619) Flow 12 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11173500 CALAVERAS C NR SUNOL CA (AW#7619) Feet Stage 4.56 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-CVSC1 CALAVERAS RANGER STATION NEAR AVERY 1S (AW#24539) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 66h06m
USA-CAL hads-CVSC1 CALAVERAS RANGER STATION NEAR AVERY 1S (AW#24539) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 66h06m
USA-CAL hads-CVSC1 CALAVERAS RANGER STATION NEAR AVERY 1S (AW#24539) Yearly Precip. 15.7 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-CVSC1 CALAVERAS RANGER STATION NEAR AVERY 1S (AW#24539) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 66h06m
USA-CAL hads-PEAC1 CALAVERAS ROAD RAWS NEAR PLEASANTON 7SSE (AW#25005) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 97h02m
USA-CAL hads-PEAC1 CALAVERAS ROAD RAWS NEAR PLEASANTON 7SSE (AW#25005) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 97h02m
USA-CAL hads-PEAC1 CALAVERAS ROAD RAWS NEAR PLEASANTON 7SSE (AW#25005) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 97h02m
USA-CAL hads-PEAC1 CALAVERAS ROAD RAWS NEAR PLEASANTON 7SSE (AW#25005) Yearly Precip. 1.5 in/yr 01h02m
USA-CAL hads-CLNC1 CALLAHAN 2NW #2 RAWS (AW#24487) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 68h03m
USA-CAL hads-CLNC1 CALLAHAN 2NW #2 RAWS (AW#24487) Yearly Precip. 6.3 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-CLNC1 CALLAHAN 2NW #2 RAWS (AW#24487) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 68h03m
USA-CAL hads-CLNC1 CALLAHAN 2NW #2 RAWS (AW#24487) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 68h03m
USA-CAL cdec-CCI CALLEGUAS CREEK - CSU CHANNEL ISLANDS (AW#51026) Feet Stage 1.27 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-CLBC1 CALLINS BALDY RAWS NEAR KLAMATH RIVER 2S (AW#24482) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 9d09h49m
USA-CAL hads-CLBC1 CALLINS BALDY RAWS NEAR KLAMATH RIVER 2S (AW#24482) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 9d09h49m
USA-CAL hads-CLBC1 CALLINS BALDY RAWS NEAR KLAMATH RIVER 2S (AW#24482) Yearly Precip. 11.1 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-CLBC1 CALLINS BALDY RAWS NEAR KLAMATH RIVER 2S (AW#24482) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 9d09h49m
USA-CAL hads-CNIC1 CAMP 9 RAWS NEAR HUMPHREYS 1SE (AW#24499) Precip. in 12h 0.3 in/12h 85h24m
USA-CAL hads-CNIC1 CAMP 9 RAWS NEAR HUMPHREYS 1SE (AW#24499) Yearly Precip. 5.4 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-CNIC1 CAMP 9 RAWS NEAR HUMPHREYS 1SE (AW#24499) Precip. in 6h 0.3 in/6h 85h24m
USA-CAL hads-CNIC1 CAMP 9 RAWS NEAR HUMPHREYS 1SE (AW#24499) Precip. in 24h 0.3 in/24h 85h24m
USA-CAL hads-MPEC1 CAMP ELLIOTT RAWS NEAR MIRA MESA 4SSE (AW#24894) Yearly Precip. 0.8 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-CSXC1 CAMP SIX RAWS NEAR GASQUET 6ESE (AW#24527) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 70h22m
USA-CAL hads-CSXC1 CAMP SIX RAWS NEAR GASQUET 6ESE (AW#24527) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 70h22m
USA-CAL hads-CSXC1 CAMP SIX RAWS NEAR GASQUET 6ESE (AW#24527) Yearly Precip. 77.1 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-CSXC1 CAMP SIX RAWS NEAR GASQUET 6ESE (AW#24527) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 70h22m
USA-CAL hads-CMVC1 CAMPTONVILLE NEAR ALLEGHANY 2SW (AW#24495) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 95h20m
USA-CAL hads-CMVC1 CAMPTONVILLE NEAR ALLEGHANY 2SW (AW#24495) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 95h20m
USA-CAL hads-CMVC1 CAMPTONVILLE NEAR ALLEGHANY 2SW (AW#24495) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 95h20m
USA-CAL hads-CMVC1 CAMPTONVILLE NEAR ALLEGHANY 2SW (AW#24495) Yearly Precip. 39.7 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11253310 CANTUA C NR CANTUA CREEK CA (AW#4640) Feet Stage 0.76 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11253310 CANTUA C NR CANTUA CREEK CA (AW#4640) Flow 1 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-CAN CANTUA CREEK NEAR CANTUA CREEK (AW#42555) Feet Stage 0.77 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CCK CANTUA CREEK NEAR MT WHITNEY AVENUE (AW#42560) Feet Stage 0.00 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-CPLC1 CAPLES LAKE NEAR KIRKWOOD 1E (AW#24510) Yearly Precip. 15.3 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-CPLC1 CAPLES LAKE NEAR KIRKWOOD 1E (AW#24510) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-CPLC1 CAPLES LAKE NEAR KIRKWOOD 1E (AW#24510) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-CPLC1 CAPLES LAKE NEAR KIRKWOOD 1E (AW#24510) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11075720 CARBON C BL CARBON CYN DAM CA (AW#6851) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11075720 CARBON C BL CARBON CYN DAM CA (AW#6851) Feet Stage 1.93 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11143200 CARMEL R A ROBLES DEL RIO CA (AW#4592) Feet Stage 2.75 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11143200 CARMEL R A ROBLES DEL RIO CA (AW#4592) Flow 98 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11143250 CARMEL R NR CARMEL CA (AW#4593) Flow 127 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11143250 CARMEL R NR CARMEL CA (AW#4593) Feet Stage 3.59 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-RDRC1 CARMEL RIVER AT ROBLES DEL RIO (AW#25075) Feet Stage 2.76 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-RDR CARMEL RIVER AT ROBLES DEL RIO (AW#42776) Feet Stage 2.75 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CML CARMEL RIVER NEAR CARMEL (AW#42571) Feet Stage 3.60 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-CMEC1 CARMEL RIVER NEAR CARMEL 3E (AW#24491) Feet Stage 3.59 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CDEC1 CARPENTER RIDGE RAWS NEAR BUTTE MEADOWS 2SW (AW#24451) Precip. in 6h 0.3 in/6h 86h26m
USA-CAL hads-CDEC1 CARPENTER RIDGE RAWS NEAR BUTTE MEADOWS 2SW (AW#24451) Precip. in 24h 0.3 in/24h 86h26m
USA-CAL hads-CDEC1 CARPENTER RIDGE RAWS NEAR BUTTE MEADOWS 2SW (AW#24451) Yearly Precip. 48.1 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-CDEC1 CARPENTER RIDGE RAWS NEAR BUTTE MEADOWS 2SW (AW#24451) Precip. in 12h 0.3 in/12h 86h26m
USA-CAL cdec-WDD CARSON RIVER WF AT WOODFORDS (AW#44591) Feet Stage 11.43 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-WDD CARSON RIVER WF AT WOODFORDS (AW#44591) Flow 84 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-CSWC1 CASE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 6ESE (AW#24526) Yearly Precip. 8.6 in/yr 01h45m
USA-CAL hads-CSWC1 CASE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 6ESE (AW#24526) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 92h46m
USA-CAL hads-CSWC1 CASE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 6ESE (AW#24526) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 92h46m
USA-CAL hads-CSWC1 CASE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 6ESE (AW#24526) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 92h46m
USA-CAL hads-CHAC1 CASHMAN RAWS NEAR KEDDIE 3ESE (AW#24468) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 90h34m
USA-CAL hads-CHAC1 CASHMAN RAWS NEAR KEDDIE 3ESE (AW#24468) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 90h34m
USA-CAL hads-CHAC1 CASHMAN RAWS NEAR KEDDIE 3ESE (AW#24468) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 90h34m
USA-CAL hads-CHAC1 CASHMAN RAWS NEAR KEDDIE 3ESE (AW#24468) Yearly Precip. 19.1 in/yr 01h34m
USA-CAL cdec-CAS CASTAIC (AW#276682) Flow 11 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CSK CASTAIC CANYON CK Z3-2388 (AW#49254) Flow 1 cfs 6d00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-CSK CASTAIC CANYON CK Z3-2388 (AW#49254) Feet Stage 1.20 ft 6d00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11181008 CASTRO VALLEY C A HAYWARD CA (AW#4634) Feet Stage 1.17 ft 01h00m
USA-CAL usgs-11181008 CASTRO VALLEY C A HAYWARD CA (AW#4634) Flow 2 cfs 01h00m
USA-CAL cdec-CVC CASTRO VALLEY CR AT HAYWARD CA (AW#42580) Feet Stage 1.17 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-CVCC1 CASTRO VALLEY CREEK AT HAYWARD (AW#24536) Feet Stage 1.18 ft 05h10m
USA-CAL hads-CVBC1 CATHEYS VALLEY 1SW RAWS (AW#24535) Yearly Precip. 5.7 in/yr 00h54m
USA-CAL usgs-11152900 CEDAR C NR BELL STATION CA (AW#280245) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11152900 CEDAR C NR BELL STATION CA (AW#280245) Feet Stage 1.06 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-CGVC1 CEDAR GROVE 1E RAWS (AW#24467) Yearly Precip. 9.3 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CGVC1 CEDAR GROVE 1E RAWS (AW#24467) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 81h19m
USA-CAL hads-CGVC1 CEDAR GROVE 1E RAWS (AW#24467) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 81h19m
USA-CAL hads-CGVC1 CEDAR GROVE 1E RAWS (AW#24467) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 81h19m
USA-CAL dream-404 CF Yellowstone Near Belfry (AW#43016) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL hads-CRLC1 CHARLOTTE LAKE NEAR INDEPENDNCE 13W (AW#24518) Yearly Precip. 57.6 in/yr 04h35m
USA-CAL hads-CRLC1 CHARLOTTE LAKE NEAR INDEPENDNCE 13W (AW#24518) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 04h35m
USA-CAL hads-CRLC1 CHARLOTTE LAKE NEAR INDEPENDNCE 13W (AW#24518) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 04h35m
USA-CAL hads-CRLC1 CHARLOTTE LAKE NEAR INDEPENDNCE 13W (AW#24518) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 04h35m
USA-CAL cdec-CNR CHEROKEE CANAL ABV NELSON RD (AW#273822) Feet Stage 159.01 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CHC CHEROKEE CANAL NR RICHVALE (AW#42565) Flow 257 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CHC CHEROKEE CANAL NR RICHVALE (AW#42565) Feet Stage 97.23 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11278400 CHERRY C BL DION R HOLM PH NR MATHER CA (AW#4655) Flow 1230 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11278400 CHERRY C BL DION R HOLM PH NR MATHER CA (AW#4655) Feet Stage 9.26 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11277300 CHERRY C BL VALLEY DAM NR HETCH HETCHY CA (AW#4652) Flow 6 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11277300 CHERRY C BL VALLEY DAM NR HETCH HETCHY CA (AW#4652) Feet Stage 5.11 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11278300 CHERRY C NR EARLY INTAKE CA (AW#4654) Flow 244 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11278300 CHERRY C NR EARLY INTAKE CA (AW#4654) Feet Stage 3.39 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-CBD CHERRY CK BL DION R PH NR MATHER (AW#42556) Flow 1231 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-CBD CHERRY CK BL DION R PH NR MATHER (AW#42556) Feet Stage 9.26 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-CBV CHERRY CK BL VALLEY DAM NR HETCH HETCHY (AW#42559) Feet Stage 5.11 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CEI CHERRY CREEK NEAR EARLY INTAKE (AW#42563) Flow 249 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-CEI CHERRY CREEK NEAR EARLY INTAKE (AW#42563) Feet Stage 3.41 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-CESC1 CHESTER 2SSW RAWS (AW#24461) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 84h18m
USA-CAL hads-CESC1 CHESTER 2SSW RAWS (AW#24461) Yearly Precip. 25.8 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CESC1 CHESTER 2SSW RAWS (AW#24461) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 84h18m
USA-CAL hads-CESC1 CHESTER 2SSW RAWS (AW#24461) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 84h18m
USA-CAL cdec-W21 CHILKOOT LAKE (AW#274249) Feet Stage 94.56 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-CHMC1 CHILKOOT MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 8NE (AW#24472) Yearly Precip. 19.6 in/yr 04h50m
USA-CAL hads-CHMC1 CHILKOOT MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 8NE (AW#24472) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 42h21m
USA-CAL hads-CHMC1 CHILKOOT MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 8NE (AW#24472) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 42h21m
USA-CAL hads-CHMC1 CHILKOOT MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 8NE (AW#24472) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 42h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CHO CHIQUITO CREEK CANAL (AW#274247) Feet Stage -0.03 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CER CHOLAME CREEK NEAR ESTRELLA RIVER (AW#275385) Feet Stage 25.82 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-CBP CHOWCHILLA BYPASS (AW#42557) Feet Stage 163.07 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-BCQ CHOWCHILLA R BLW BUCHANAN DAM (AW#49240) Feet Stage 1.51 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-CMOC1 CLAREMONT 5NE RAWS (AW#24494) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 74h25m
USA-CAL hads-CMOC1 CLAREMONT 5NE RAWS (AW#24494) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 74h25m
USA-CAL hads-CMOC1 CLAREMONT 5NE RAWS (AW#24494) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 74h25m
USA-CAL hads-CMOC1 CLAREMONT 5NE RAWS (AW#24494) Yearly Precip. 3.2 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL usgs-11372000 CLEAR C NR IGO CA (AW#4671) Flow 486 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11372000 CLEAR C NR IGO CA (AW#4671) Feet Stage 3.89 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-IGO CLEAR CREEK NEAR IGO (AW#42648) Flow 492 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-IGO CLEAR CREEK NEAR IGO (AW#42648) Feet Stage 3.90 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-CLCC1 CLEAR CREEK NEAR WHISKEYTOWN 7W (AW#24483) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 86h35m
USA-CAL hads-CLCC1 CLEAR CREEK NEAR WHISKEYTOWN 7W (AW#24483) Yearly Precip. 54.1 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-CLCC1 CLEAR CREEK NEAR WHISKEYTOWN 7W (AW#24483) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 86h35m
USA-CAL hads-CLCC1 CLEAR CREEK NEAR WHISKEYTOWN 7W (AW#24483) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 86h35m
USA-CAL cdec-CKL CLEAR LAKE AT LAKEPORT (AW#42568) Feet Stage 8.01 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11450000 CLEAR LK A LAKEPORT CA (AW#7622) Feet Stage 8.00 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11449235 CLOVER C BYPASS A ELK MTN RD NR UPPER LAKE CA (AW#275939) Feet Stage 6.32 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-09527597 COACHELLA CANAL NEAR DESERT BEACH, CA (AW#49038) Feet Stage 20.12 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-09527597 COACHELLA CANAL NEAR DESERT BEACH, CA (AW#49038) Flow 378 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-09527594 COACHELLA CANAL NEAR NILAND, CA (AW#49081) Feet Stage 14.14 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-09527594 COACHELLA CANAL NEAR NILAND, CA (AW#49081) Flow 374 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CFRC1 COFFEE RIDGE NEAR TRINITY CENTER 7N (AW#24463) Yearly Precip. 44.7 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-CFRC1 COFFEE RIDGE NEAR TRINITY CENTER 7N (AW#24463) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 17h51m
USA-CAL hads-CFRC1 COFFEE RIDGE NEAR TRINITY CENTER 7N (AW#24463) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 17h51m
USA-CAL hads-CFRC1 COFFEE RIDGE NEAR TRINITY CENTER 7N (AW#24463) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 17h51m
USA-CAL hads-CSTC1 COHASSET RAWS NEAR FOREST RANCH 2NW (AW#24524) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 92h29m
USA-CAL hads-CSTC1 COHASSET RAWS NEAR FOREST RANCH 2NW (AW#24524) Yearly Precip. 33.3 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-CSTC1 COHASSET RAWS NEAR FOREST RANCH 2NW (AW#24524) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 92h29m
USA-CAL hads-CSTC1 COHASSET RAWS NEAR FOREST RANCH 2NW (AW#24524) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 92h29m
USA-CAL cdec-CDC COLD CREEK AT HIGHWAY 20 (AW#280237) Feet Stage 2.07 ft 03h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CDC COLD CREEK AT HIGHWAY 20 (AW#280237) Flow 46 cfs 03h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11071760 COLDWATER CANYON C NR CORONA CA (AW#251419) Flow 1 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11071760 COLDWATER CANYON C NR CORONA CA (AW#251419) Feet Stage 2.54 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11449820 COLE C A KELSEYVILLE CA (AW#275945) Feet Stage 10.50 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11465690 COLGAN C NR SANTA ROSA CA (AW#36131) Flow 3 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11465690 COLGAN C NR SANTA ROSA CA (AW#36131) Feet Stage 98.89 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11465700 COLGAN C NR SEBASTOPOL CA (AW#5414) Feet Stage 70.02 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11465700 COLGAN C NR SEBASTOPOL CA (AW#5414) Flow 8 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-EASC1 COLGAN CREEK NEAR SANTA ROSA (AW#24596) Feet Stage 98.89 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-CGNC1 COLGAN CREEK NEAR SEBASTOPOL 3ESE (AW#24466) Feet Stage 120.02 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-COGC1 COLGATE POWER HOUSE NEAR DOBBINS 3SSE (AW#24502) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 82h06m
USA-CAL hads-COGC1 COLGATE POWER HOUSE NEAR DOBBINS 3SSE (AW#24502) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 82h06m
USA-CAL hads-COGC1 COLGATE POWER HOUSE NEAR DOBBINS 3SSE (AW#24502) Yearly Precip. 30.6 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-COGC1 COLGATE POWER HOUSE NEAR DOBBINS 3SSE (AW#24502) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 82h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CSE COLLINSVILLE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER (AW#45508) Feet Stage 3.96 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-KLG COLUSA BASIN DRAIN AT KNIGHTS LANDING (AW#131447) Feet Stage 33.21 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-RIG COLUSA BASIN DRAIN AT RIGGS RANCH PUMP S (AW#276009) Feet Stage 32.61 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CDR COLUSA DRAIN NR HWY 20 (AW#42562) Feet Stage 50.10 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CDR COLUSA DRAIN NR HWY 20 (AW#42562) Flow 3674 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-TOT COMBINED SSD & WCD FLOWS (AW#49101) Flow 27 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-PTEC1 COOSKSIE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PETROLIA 6S (AW#25051) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 88h13m
USA-CAL hads-PTEC1 COOSKSIE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PETROLIA 6S (AW#25051) Yearly Precip. 74.8 in/yr 01h13m
USA-CAL hads-PTEC1 COOSKSIE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PETROLIA 6S (AW#25051) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 88h13m
USA-CAL hads-PTEC1 COOSKSIE MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PETROLIA 6S (AW#25051) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 88h13m
USA-CAL usgs-11465660 COPELAND C A ROHNERT PARK CA (AW#36576) Flow 14 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11465660 COPELAND C A ROHNERT PARK CA (AW#36576) Feet Stage 3.22 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-ROHC1 COPELAND CREEK AT ROHNERT PARK (AW#25088) Feet Stage 3.23 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-CRGC1 CORNING RAWS (AW#24515) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-CRGC1 CORNING RAWS (AW#24515) Yearly Precip. 17.4 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-CRGC1 CORNING RAWS (AW#24515) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-CRGC1 CORNING RAWS (AW#24515) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 86h24m
USA-CAL usgs-11460000 CORTE MADERA C A ROSS CA (AW#49180) Flow 30 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11460000 CORTE MADERA C A ROSS CA (AW#49180) Feet Stage 5.09 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-CGV COSGROVE CK NR VALLEY SPRINGS (AW#49218) Feet Stage 2.45 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11335000 COSUMNES R A MICHIGAN BAR CA (AW#4666) Flow 1120 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11335000 COSUMNES R A MICHIGAN BAR CA (AW#4666) Feet Stage 5.21 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-CMF COSUMNES R MID FORK NR SOMERSET (AW#42570) Flow 292 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-CMF COSUMNES R MID FORK NR SOMERSET (AW#42570) Feet Stage 5.91 ft 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-CNF COSUMNES R N FORK NR EL DORADO (AW#42573) Feet Stage 6.41 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CNF COSUMNES R N FORK NR EL DORADO (AW#42573) Flow 454 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MHB COSUMNES RIVER AT MICHIGAN BAR (AW#42694) Feet Stage 5.22 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MHB COSUMNES RIVER AT MICHIGAN BAR (AW#42694) Flow 1128 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MCC COSUMNES RIVER NEAR MCCONNELL (AW#42684) Feet Stage 31.10 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MCC COSUMNES RIVER NEAR MCCONNELL (AW#42684) Flow 1306 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CWC COTTONWOOD CK BLW HWY 99 (AW#244724) Feet Stage 110.13 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CWA COTTONWOOD CREEK AUXILIARY GAGE (AW#42582) Feet Stage 8.30 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CWA COTTONWOOD CREEK AUXILIARY GAGE (AW#42582) Flow 3506 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-CTNC1 COTTONWOOD NEAR PLATINA 7WSW (AW#24533) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-CTNC1 COTTONWOOD NEAR PLATINA 7WSW (AW#24533) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-CTNC1 COTTONWOOD NEAR PLATINA 7WSW (AW#24533) Yearly Precip. 26.0 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-CTNC1 COTTONWOOD NEAR PLATINA 7WSW (AW#24533) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-WISC1 COUNTY LINE RAWS NEAR WILBER SPRINGS 1S (AW#25340) Yearly Precip. 18.6 in/yr 00h45m
USA-CAL hads-WISC1 COUNTY LINE RAWS NEAR WILBER SPRINGS 1S (AW#25340) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 96h45m
USA-CAL hads-WISC1 COUNTY LINE RAWS NEAR WILBER SPRINGS 1S (AW#25340) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 96h45m
USA-CAL hads-WISC1 COUNTY LINE RAWS NEAR WILBER SPRINGS 1S (AW#25340) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 96h45m
USA-CAL usgs-11374000 COW C NR MILLVILLE CA (AW#4672) Feet Stage 6.69 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11374000 COW C NR MILLVILLE CA (AW#4672) Flow 2120 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-COW COW CREEK NEAR MILLVILLE (AW#42575) Flow 2144 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-COW COW CREEK NEAR MILLVILLE (AW#42575) Feet Stage 6.71 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-CCEC1 COW CREEK NEAR WHITMORE 4SE (AW#24446) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-CCEC1 COW CREEK NEAR WHITMORE 4SE (AW#24446) Yearly Precip. 35.2 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-CCEC1 COW CREEK NEAR WHITMORE 4SE (AW#24446) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-CCEC1 COW CREEK NEAR WHITMORE 4SE (AW#24446) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 57h04m
USA-CAL hads-COWC1 COW MOUNTAIN RIDGE RAWS NEAR UKIAH 7E (AW#24507) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 85h20m
USA-CAL hads-COWC1 COW MOUNTAIN RIDGE RAWS NEAR UKIAH 7E (AW#24507) Yearly Precip. 27.0 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-COWC1 COW MOUNTAIN RIDGE RAWS NEAR UKIAH 7E (AW#24507) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 85h20m
USA-CAL hads-COWC1 COW MOUNTAIN RIDGE RAWS NEAR UKIAH 7E (AW#24507) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 85h20m
USA-CAL cdec-COY COYOTE (LAKE MENDOCINO) (AW#276483) Alt. Flow 344 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-COY COYOTE (LAKE MENDOCINO) (AW#276483) Flow 419 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11172175 COYOTE C AB HWY 237 A MILPITAS CA (AW#5402) Feet Stage 4.55 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11172175 COYOTE C AB HWY 237 A MILPITAS CA (AW#5402) Flow 17 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169860 COYOTE C BL COYOTE RES NR SAN MARTIN CA (AW#242311) Flow 2 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169860 COYOTE C BL COYOTE RES NR SAN MARTIN CA (AW#242311) Feet Stage 4.40 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169800 COYOTE C NR GILROY CA (AW#8826) Flow 24 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169800 COYOTE C NR GILROY CA (AW#8826) Alt. Stage in Feet 794.38 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169800 COYOTE C NR GILROY CA (AW#8826) Feet Stage 4.32 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11170000 COYOTE C NR MADRONE CA (AW#275364) Flow 31 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11170000 COYOTE C NR MADRONE CA (AW#275364) Feet Stage 2.19 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-CBC COYOTE CK BLW COYOTE RES NR SAN MARTIN (AW#246133) Feet Stage 4.40 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-CMIC1 COYOTE CREEK ABOVE HWY 237 AT MILPITAS (AW#24492) Feet Stage 4.54 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-CYO COYOTE CREEK AT MADRONE (AW#242401) Feet Stage 2.19 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-NRGC1 COYOTE CREEK NEAR GILROY 7NE (AW#24951) Feet Stage 4.32 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-CYVC1 COYOTE-THOMPSON VALLEY RAWS NEAR PORTOLA 12N (AW#24545) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 87h22m
USA-CAL hads-CYVC1 COYOTE-THOMPSON VALLEY RAWS NEAR PORTOLA 12N (AW#24545) Yearly Precip. 13.7 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-CYVC1 COYOTE-THOMPSON VALLEY RAWS NEAR PORTOLA 12N (AW#24545) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 87h22m
USA-CAL hads-CYVC1 COYOTE-THOMPSON VALLEY RAWS NEAR PORTOLA 12N (AW#24545) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 87h22m
USA-CAL hads-CNFC1 CRANE FLAT LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE VILLAGEb 13W (AW#24498) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 88h19m
USA-CAL hads-CNFC1 CRANE FLAT LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE VILLAGEb 13W (AW#24498) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 88h19m
USA-CAL hads-CNFC1 CRANE FLAT LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE VILLAGEb 13W (AW#24498) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 88h19m
USA-CAL hads-CNFC1 CRANE FLAT LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR YOSEMITE VILLAGEb 13W (AW#24498) Yearly Precip. 33.8 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-BASC1 CRANE VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR BASS LAKE 3SE (AW#24355) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 70h50m
USA-CAL hads-BASC1 CRANE VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR BASS LAKE 3SE (AW#24355) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 70h50m
USA-CAL hads-BASC1 CRANE VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR BASS LAKE 3SE (AW#24355) Yearly Precip. 11.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-BASC1 CRANE VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR BASS LAKE 3SE (AW#24355) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 70h50m
USA-CAL hads-CRZC1 CRAZY PEAK RAWS NEAR HAPPY CAMP 17NW (AW#24521) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 90h42m
USA-CAL hads-CRZC1 CRAZY PEAK RAWS NEAR HAPPY CAMP 17NW (AW#24521) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 90h42m
USA-CAL hads-CRZC1 CRAZY PEAK RAWS NEAR HAPPY CAMP 17NW (AW#24521) Yearly Precip. 8.8 in/yr 01h43m
USA-CAL hads-CRZC1 CRAZY PEAK RAWS NEAR HAPPY CAMP 17NW (AW#24521) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 90h42m
USA-CAL noaanw-cecc1 CRESCENT CITY TIDE (AW#278988) Feet Stage 6.37 ft 00h56m
USA-CAL usgs-09429070 CRIR LWR MAIN DRAIN BLW TYSON WW, NR EHRENBERG, AZ (AW#48587) Feet Stage 16.33 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-09429070 CRIR LWR MAIN DRAIN BLW TYSON WW, NR EHRENBERG, AZ (AW#48587) Flow 135 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-361240119340701 CROSS C A KANSAS AVE NR HANFORD CA (AW#277476) Feet Stage 12.88 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-361240119340701 CROSS C A KANSAS AVE NR HANFORD CA (AW#277476) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-CRH CROSS CK AT HOUSTON (AW#49248) Feet Stage 1.14 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11180900 CROW C NR HAYWARD CA (AW#8486) Flow 5 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11180900 CROW C NR HAYWARD CA (AW#8486) Feet Stage 3.44 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-CXCC1 CRYSTAL SPRINGS COTTAGE NEAR SAN CARLOS (AW#24543) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-CXCC1 CRYSTAL SPRINGS COTTAGE NEAR SAN CARLOS (AW#24543) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-CXCC1 CRYSTAL SPRINGS COTTAGE NEAR SAN CARLOS (AW#24543) Yearly Precip. 0.0 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-CXCC1 CRYSTAL SPRINGS COTTAGE NEAR SAN CARLOS (AW#24543) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 69h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11180960 CULL C AB CULL C RES NR CASTRO VALLEY CA (AW#8748) Feet Stage 3.07 ft 00h30m
USA-CAL usgs-11180960 CULL C AB CULL C RES NR CASTRO VALLEY CA (AW#8748) Flow 5 cfs 00h30m
USA-CAL usgs-10260400 CUSHENBURY CANYON C NR LUCERNE VALLEY CA (AW#277595) Feet Stage 9.27 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10260400 CUSHENBURY CANYON C NR LUCERNE VALLEY CA (AW#277595) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11136800 CUYAMA R BL BUCKHORN CYN NR SANTA MARIA CA (AW#4589) Feet Stage 3.98 ft 00h41m
USA-CAL usgs-11136800 CUYAMA R BL BUCKHORN CYN NR SANTA MARIA CA (AW#4589) Flow 0 cfs 00h41m
USA-CAL usgs-11136710 CUYAMA R NR NEW CUYAMA CA (AW#275200) Flow 0 cfs 00h30m
USA-CAL usgs-11136710 CUYAMA R NR NEW CUYAMA CA (AW#275200) Feet Stage 10.40 ft 00h30m
USA-CAL usgs-11136500 CUYAMA R NR VENTUCOPA CA (AW#48795) Flow 4 cfs 00h30m
USA-CAL usgs-11136500 CUYAMA R NR VENTUCOPA CA (AW#48795) Feet Stage 3.07 ft 00h30m
USA-CAL cdec-CYG CYGNUS-CORDELIA SLOUGH (AW#49417) Feet Stage 4.02 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-587 Cache Creek At Rumsey Bridge (AW#44654) Status running 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-587 Cache Creek At Rumsey Bridge (AW#44654) Flow 4100 cfs -00h39m
USA-CAL dream-394 Cache Creek Below Clear Lake (AW#42464) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-394 Cache Creek Below Clear Lake (AW#42464) Flow 2740 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL river-158 Cache Creek-1) Hwy 20 to the Bear Creek Confluence (AW#37342) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-3695 Cache Creek-2) Bear Creek Confluence to Rumsey (AW#40888) Status running 00h17m
USA-CAL dream-138 Calaveras Below New Hogan Dam (AW#42402) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-138 Calaveras Below New Hogan Dam (AW#42402) Flow 45 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-536 Canyon Creek Below Bowman Lake (AW#42509) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-536 Canyon Creek Below Bowman Lake (AW#42509) Flow 5 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-583 Canyon Creek Near Amboy (AW#44637) Flow 175 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-6825 Canyon Creek-Bowman lake to S. Yuba confluence (AW#45318) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-337 Carmel At Robles Del Rio (AW#42457) Flow 125 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-337 Carmel At Robles Del Rio (AW#42457) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-219 Carmel Near Carmel (AW#42434) Flow 127 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-219 Carmel Near Carmel (AW#42434) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-10269 Carmel-Carmel Valley to Pacific Ocean (AW#49238) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL river-160 Carmel-Los Padres Reservoir to Carmel Valley (AW#37344) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-497 Carson Near Carson City (AW#42498) Flow 200 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-497 Carson Near Carson City (AW#42498) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL river-161 Carson, E. Fork-1. Cave Rock to Hangman's Bridge (AW#37345) Status too low 00h22m
USA-CAL river-162 Carson, E. Fork-Hangman's Bridge to CA-NV border (then 9 mi. in NV to Hwy 3 (AW#37346) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-647 Chelan Below Lake Chelan (AW#68980) Flow 80 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-439 Cherry Creek Above Holm Powerhouse (AW#42477) Flow 244 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-439 Cherry Creek Above Holm Powerhouse (AW#42477) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-438 Cherry Creek Below Cherry Lake (AW#42476) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-438 Cherry Creek Below Cherry Lake (AW#42476) Flow 6 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-088 Cherry Creek Below Holm Powerhouse (AW#42378) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-088 Cherry Creek Below Holm Powerhouse (AW#42378) Flow 1214 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL river-3474 Cherry Creek, W. Fork-Bourland Meadow to Cherry Lake (AW#40671) Status too high 02h21m
USA-CAL river-10294 Cherry Creek-Cherry Lake to Holm Powerhouse (AW#49390) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL river-4525 Cherry Creek-Upper (AW#43603) Status too high 02h21m
USA-CAL dream-588 Chewuch At Winthrop (AW#44771) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL river-166 Clear Creek (Klamath trib.)-Bear Pen Creek to Klamath River (AW#37350) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL river-3704 Clear Creek (Sacramento trib.)-2) Whiskeytown Reservoir to Sacramento Valle (AW#40896) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-327 Clear Creek At Golden (AW#43195) Flow 33 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-037 Clear Creek Below Whiskeytown Lake (AW#42358) Status running -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-037 Clear Creek Below Whiskeytown Lake (AW#42358) Flow 300 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-628 Colorado Above Diamond Creek (AW#51460) Flow 11500 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-126 Colorado In Cataract Canyon (AW#50552) Flow 5500 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-126 Colorado In Cataract Canyon (AW#50552) Status running 4d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-077 Cosumnes At Michigan Bar (AW#42376) Flow 725 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-077 Cosumnes At Michigan Bar (AW#42376) Status running -02h39m
USA-CAL river-10301 Cosumnes, Middle Fork-FS Route 9N60 to Rocky Bar Road (AW#49442) Status running 04h20m
USA-CAL river-11664 Cosumnes, North Fork-Happy Valley Rd. to Buck's Bar Rd., Happy Valley (AW#280821) Status running 02h21m
USA-CAL river-169 Cosumnes-Highway 49 to Highway 16 (AW#37353) Status running 01h51m
USA-CAL river-171 Cottonwood Creek, Middle Fork-2) Platina Road to North Fork (AW#37355) Status too high 02h21m
USA-CAL dream-615 Coyote Creek Above Coyote Lake (AW#50840) Flow 25 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-615 Coyote Creek Above Coyote Lake (AW#50840) Status too low 00h34m
USA-CAL river-175 Coyote Creek-Gilroy Hot Springs Road to Coyote Reservoir (AW#37359) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL river-5259 Crapo Creek-Crapo Creek (Salmon Tributary) (AW#44042) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-459 Cuyama Below Buckhorn Canyon (AW#42485) Status too low 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-459 Cuyama Below Buckhorn Canyon (AW#42485) Flow 0 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL river-3551 Cuyama-Highway 166 to Twitchell Reservoir (AW#40748) Status too low 00h41m
USA-CAL cdec-DID DCID DEER CK DIVERSION NR VINA (AW#113783) Feet Stage 0.22 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11044800 DE LUZ C NR DE LUZ CA (AW#4551) Feet Stage 4.83 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11044800 DE LUZ C NR DE LUZ CA (AW#4551) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-DLZC1 DE LUZ CREEK NEAR DE LUZ NEAR FALLBROOK 6NW (AW#24577) Feet Stage 4.34 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-DESC1 DE SABLA NEAR PARADISE 8N (AW#24565) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-DESC1 DE SABLA NEAR PARADISE 8N (AW#24565) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-DESC1 DE SABLA NEAR PARADISE 8N (AW#24565) Yearly Precip. 57.8 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-DESC1 DE SABLA NEAR PARADISE 8N (AW#24565) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 84h20m
USA-CAL usgs-10265100 DEADMAN C A BIG SPRINGS NR CRESTVIEW CA (AW#228982) Feet Stage 6.59 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10265100 DEADMAN C A BIG SPRINGS NR CRESTVIEW CA (AW#228982) Flow 24 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-DDMC1 DEADMAN CREEK NEAR KENNEDY MEADOWS 6ENE (AW#24558) Yearly Precip. 1.5 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-DDMC1 DEADMAN CREEK NEAR KENNEDY MEADOWS 6ENE (AW#24558) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-DDMC1 DEADMAN CREEK NEAR KENNEDY MEADOWS 6ENE (AW#24558) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-DDMC1 DEADMAN CREEK NEAR KENNEDY MEADOWS 6ENE (AW#24558) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10260500 DEEP C NR HESPERIA CA (AW#35701) Flow 10 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10260500 DEEP C NR HESPERIA CA (AW#35701) Feet Stage 1.87 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-360013118575201 DEER C A ROAD 272 BRIDGE NR PORTERVILLE CA (AW#276249) Feet Stage 35.26 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-360013118575201 DEER C A ROAD 272 BRIDGE NR PORTERVILLE CA (AW#276249) Flow 28 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11418500 DEER C NR SMARTSVILLE CA (AW#4684) Flow 269 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11418500 DEER C NR SMARTSVILLE CA (AW#4684) Feet Stage 3.66 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11383500 DEER C NR VINA CA (AW#4678) Feet Stage 3.76 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11383500 DEER C NR VINA CA (AW#4678) Flow 1240 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-DTW DEER CK AT TRENTON WEIR (AW#45305) Feet Stage -6.90 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-DCH DEER CREEK AT HWY 32 (AW#277955) Feet Stage 8.12 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DVD DEER CREEK BELOW STANFORD VINA DAM (AW#42600) Flow 1603 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DVD DEER CREEK BELOW STANFORD VINA DAM (AW#42600) Feet Stage 9.13 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-DKFC1 DEER CREEK FOREBAY NEAR DUTCH FLAT 7N (AW#24570) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 76h06m
USA-CAL hads-DKFC1 DEER CREEK FOREBAY NEAR DUTCH FLAT 7N (AW#24570) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 76h06m
USA-CAL hads-DKFC1 DEER CREEK FOREBAY NEAR DUTCH FLAT 7N (AW#24570) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 76h06m
USA-CAL hads-DKFC1 DEER CREEK FOREBAY NEAR DUTCH FLAT 7N (AW#24570) Yearly Precip. 46.0 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DCPC1 DEER CREEK NEAR CAMERON PARK 3SSW (AW#24551) Feet Stage 35.26 ft 05h20m
USA-CAL hads-DRDC1 DEER CREEK NEAR EARLIMART 7NE (AW#43361) Feet Stage -6.90 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DCSC1 DEER CREEK NEAR SMARTVILLE, CA (AW#24552) Feet Stage 3.66 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-DCVC1 DEER CREEK NEAR VINA NEAR LOS MOLINOS 8E (AW#24554) Feet Stage 3.77 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-DCS DEER CREEK NR SMARTSVILLE (AW#42587) Feet Stage 3.66 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DCS DEER CREEK NR SMARTSVILLE (AW#42587) Flow 269 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DCV DEER CREEK NR VINA (AW#42588) Feet Stage 3.77 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DCV DEER CREEK NR VINA (AW#42588) Flow 1244 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11274630 DEL PUERTO C NR PATTERSON CA (AW#4648) Flow 3 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11274630 DEL PUERTO C NR PATTERSON CA (AW#4648) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-DPC DEL PUERTO CK - USGS (AW#50604) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DLVC1 DEL VALLE RAWS NEAR VEL VERDE 2SE (AW#24576) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-DLVC1 DEL VALLE RAWS NEAR VEL VERDE 2SE (AW#24576) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-DLVC1 DEL VALLE RAWS NEAR VEL VERDE 2SE (AW#24576) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-DLVC1 DEL VALLE RAWS NEAR VEL VERDE 2SE (AW#24576) Yearly Precip. 2.1 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL cdec-DLC DELTA CROSS CHANNEL BTW SAC R & SNODGRAS (AW#43178) Flow -47 cfs 05h35m
USA-CAL cdec-DLC DELTA CROSS CHANNEL BTW SAC R & SNODGRAS (AW#43178) Feet Stage 6.00 ft 03h36m
USA-CAL hads-DEMC1 DEMOCRAT RAWS NEAR HAVILAH 8WNW (AW#24562) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d05h54m
USA-CAL hads-DEMC1 DEMOCRAT RAWS NEAR HAVILAH 8WNW (AW#24562) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d05h54m
USA-CAL hads-DEMC1 DEMOCRAT RAWS NEAR HAVILAH 8WNW (AW#24562) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d05h54m
USA-CAL hads-DEMC1 DEMOCRAT RAWS NEAR HAVILAH 8WNW (AW#24562) Yearly Precip. 3.9 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-DENC1 DESCANSO 1NW RAWS (AW#24563) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-DENC1 DESCANSO 1NW RAWS (AW#24563) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-DENC1 DESCANSO 1NW RAWS (AW#24563) Yearly Precip. 2.1 in/yr 01h17m
USA-CAL hads-DENC1 DESCANSO 1NW RAWS (AW#24563) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-ATSC1 DEVILS GARDEN RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 7WNW (AW#24350) Yearly Precip. 11.2 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-ATSC1 DEVILS GARDEN RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 7WNW (AW#24350) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d18h25m
USA-CAL hads-ATSC1 DEVILS GARDEN RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 7WNW (AW#24350) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d18h25m
USA-CAL hads-ATSC1 DEVILS GARDEN RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 7WNW (AW#24350) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d18h25m
USA-CAL hads-DDWC1 DIDDY WELLS NEAR REDDING 18SW (AW#24559) Precip. in 12h 0.3 in/12h 86h50m
USA-CAL hads-DDWC1 DIDDY WELLS NEAR REDDING 18SW (AW#24559) Precip. in 6h 0.3 in/6h 86h50m
USA-CAL hads-DDWC1 DIDDY WELLS NEAR REDDING 18SW (AW#24559) Yearly Precip. 50.5 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-DDWC1 DIDDY WELLS NEAR REDDING 18SW (AW#24559) Precip. in 24h 0.3 in/24h 86h50m
USA-CAL cdec-DKS DINKEY CK SIPHON (AW#44874) Flow 14 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DKYC1 DINKEY RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 7ESE (AW#24572) Yearly Precip. 16.0 in/yr 00h15m
USA-CAL hads-DKYC1 DINKEY RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 7ESE (AW#24572) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 89h15m
USA-CAL hads-DKYC1 DINKEY RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 7ESE (AW#24572) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 89h15m
USA-CAL hads-DKYC1 DINKEY RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 7ESE (AW#24572) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 89h15m
USA-CAL cdec-DBD DISCOVERY BAY AT DISCOVERY BAY BLVD (AW#42583) Feet Stage 5.49 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DBI DISCOVERY BAY AT INDIAN SLOUGH (AW#42584) Feet Stage 5.28 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DOGC1 DOG VALLEY RAWS NEAR VERDI 3NW (AW#24582) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 83h31m
USA-CAL hads-DOGC1 DOG VALLEY RAWS NEAR VERDI 3NW (AW#24582) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 83h31m
USA-CAL hads-DOGC1 DOG VALLEY RAWS NEAR VERDI 3NW (AW#24582) Yearly Precip. 14.3 in/yr 01h32m
USA-CAL hads-DOGC1 DOG VALLEY RAWS NEAR VERDI 3NW (AW#24582) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 83h31m
USA-CAL usgs-10338500 DONNER C A DONNER LK NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4516) Flow 120 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10338500 DONNER C A DONNER LK NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4516) Feet Stage 3.81 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10338700 DONNER C AT HWY 89 NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4517) Feet Stage 3.87 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10338700 DONNER C AT HWY 89 NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4517) Flow 158 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-DNC DONNER CREEK AT DONNER LAKE (AW#42594) Flow 123 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-DNC DONNER CREEK AT DONNER LAKE (AW#42594) Feet Stage 3.82 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DCKC1 DONNER CREEK AT DONNER LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 3W (AW#24549) Feet Stage 3.81 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-DCHC1 DONNER CREEK AT HIGHWAY 89 NEAR TRUCKEE 1SW (AW#24548) Feet Stage 3.87 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-DCK DONNER CREEK AT HWY 89 (AW#42585) Flow 158 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-DCK DONNER CREEK AT HWY 89 (AW#42585) Feet Stage 3.87 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DNRC1 DONNER LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 5W (AW#24579) Yearly Precip. 26.4 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-DNRC1 DONNER LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 5W (AW#24579) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 80h04m
USA-CAL hads-DNRC1 DONNER LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 5W (AW#24579) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 80h04m
USA-CAL hads-DNRC1 DONNER LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 5W (AW#24579) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 80h04m
USA-CAL cdec-DOT DOOLEY CK AT OLD TOLL RD NR HOPLAND (AW#195023) Feet Stage 3.99 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DGL DOUGHTY CUT ABOVE GRANT LINE CANAL (AW#42591) Feet Stage 4.82 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DNVC1 DOWNIEVILLE NEAR SIERRA CITY 10W (AW#24581) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h51m
USA-CAL hads-DNVC1 DOWNIEVILLE NEAR SIERRA CITY 10W (AW#24581) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h51m
USA-CAL hads-DNVC1 DOWNIEVILLE NEAR SIERRA CITY 10W (AW#24581) Yearly Precip. 50.3 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DNVC1 DOWNIEVILLE NEAR SIERRA CITY 10W (AW#24581) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h51m
USA-CAL cdec-DSR DOYLE SPRINGS DIVERSION (AW#51005) Feet Stage -1.35 ft 4d17h51m
USA-CAL hads-DLCC1 DOYLES CROSSING NEAR MILFORD 8WSW (AW#24573) Precip. in 15m 0.00 in/15min 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DAR DRAINAGE AT ARBOR ROAD (AW#166990) Feet Stage 100.08 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DAR DRAINAGE AT ARBOR ROAD (AW#166990) Flow 2 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DPHC1 DRUM POWERHOUSE NEAR BLUE CANYON 4W (AW#24584) Yearly Precip. 0.0 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11289850 DRY C A CRABTREE RD NR LA GRANGE CA (AW#273890) Flow 6 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11289850 DRY C A CRABTREE RD NR LA GRANGE CA (AW#273890) Feet Stage 1.03 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11180500 DRY C A UNION CITY CA (AW#6815) Feet Stage 1.61 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11180500 DRY C A UNION CITY CA (AW#6815) Flow 2 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11465240 DRY C BLW LAMBERT BR NR GEYSERVILLE CA (AW#50948) Flow 4540 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11465240 DRY C BLW LAMBERT BR NR GEYSERVILLE CA (AW#50948) Feet Stage 16.96 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11465350 DRY C NR MOUTH NR HEALDSBURG CA (AW#4706) Flow 4010 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11465350 DRY C NR MOUTH NR HEALDSBURG CA (AW#4706) Feet Stage 17.22 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-WRM DRY CK BLW WARM SPRINGS DAM (AW#49243) Feet Stage 10.15 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DGY DRY CK NR GEYSERVILLE (AW#49220) Flow 4217 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DGY DRY CK NR GEYSERVILLE (AW#49220) Feet Stage 11.77 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DAC DRY CREEK AT COOLEY RANCH RD (AW#281039) Feet Stage 3.85 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-DCUC1 DRY CREEK AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24553) Yearly Precip. 7.6 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-DCUC1 DRY CREEK AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24553) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 85h20m
USA-CAL hads-DCUC1 DRY CREEK AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24553) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 85h20m
USA-CAL hads-DCUC1 DRY CREEK AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24553) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 85h20m
USA-CAL cdec-DFR DRY CREEK AT FIELDS ROAD (AW#236516) Feet Stage 2.44 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-VRS DRY CREEK AT VERNON STREET BRIDGE (AW#42856) Feet Stage 111.00 ft 08h45m
USA-CAL cdec-DRY DRY CREEK NEAR HEALDSBURG (AW#42597) Feet Stage 17.25 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-DRY DRY CREEK NEAR HEALDSBURG (AW#42597) Flow 2506 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-DROC1 DRY CREEK NEAR LEMON COVE 5N (AW#24587) Feet Stage 2.19 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-LCV DRY CREEK NEAR LEMONCOVE (AW#49123) Flow 6 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DCM DRY CREEK NEAR MODESTO (AW#42586) Feet Stage 65.64 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DCM DRY CREEK NEAR MODESTO (AW#42586) Flow 1 cfs 92h20m
USA-CAL hads-DRIC1 DRY CREEK NEAR MOUTH NEAR HEALDSBURG 2S (AW#24585) Feet Stage 17.26 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DCW DRY CREEK NEAR WHEATLAND (AW#42589) Feet Stage 9.01 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-DSN DRY CREEK NR SNELLING (AW#42599) Flow 6 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-DSN DRY CREEK NR SNELLING (AW#42599) Feet Stage 4.33 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-DCD DUCK CK DIVERSION (AW#49219) Feet Stage -1.74 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DVF DUCK CK DIVERSION NR FARMINGTON (AW#49241) Feet Stage 7.02 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-DUDC1 DUDLEY RANCH AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24591) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 75h36m
USA-CAL hads-DUDC1 DUDLEY RANCH AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24591) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 75h36m
USA-CAL hads-DUDC1 DUDLEY RANCH AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24591) Yearly Precip. 14.5 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-DUDC1 DUDLEY RANCH AT COULTERVILLE (AW#24591) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 75h36m
USA-CAL hads-DUCC1 DUNCAN RAWS NEAR CISCO 5S (AW#24590) Yearly Precip. 13.4 in/yr 02h02m
USA-CAL hads-DUCC1 DUNCAN RAWS NEAR CISCO 5S (AW#24590) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 7d16h02m
USA-CAL hads-DUCC1 DUNCAN RAWS NEAR CISCO 5S (AW#24590) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 7d16h02m
USA-CAL hads-DUCC1 DUNCAN RAWS NEAR CISCO 5S (AW#24590) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 7d16h02m
USA-CAL cdec-DSJ DUTCH SLOUGH AT JERSEY ISLAND (AW#42598) Flow 4400 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DSJ DUTCH SLOUGH AT JERSEY ISLAND (AW#42598) Feet Stage 5.13 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL dream-190 Deadwood Below Deadwood Dam (AW#42902) Flow 4 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-11572 Deep Creek-Deep Springs Hotsprings to Mojave River Dam (AW#276313) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-542 Deer Creek Near Oso (AW#43078) Status too low 22h20m
USA-CAL dream-124 Deer Creek Near Smartville (AW#50577) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-124 Deer Creek Near Smartville (AW#50577) Flow 175 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-132 Deer Creek Near Vina (AW#42400) Flow 1150 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-132 Deer Creek Near Vina (AW#42400) Status running -02h39m
USA-CAL river-11172 Deer Creek-1. Highway 32 Bridge to Ponderosa Way Bridge (AW#273208) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL river-176 Deer Creek-Hwy 32 (Potato Patch Campground) to Route 99 (AW#37360) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL river-11297 Deer Creek-Wildwood to Mooney Flat Road (AW#274749) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-453 Dinkey Creek Above North Fork Kings (AW#45323) Flow 152 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-453 Dinkey Creek Above North Fork Kings (AW#45323) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-179 Dinkey Creek-3. Ross Creek Trail to confluence of NF Kings (AW#37363) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-178 Dinkey Creek-4. Old mine trail to NF Kings confluence (AW#37362) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-3150 Dry Meadow Creek-to North Fork Kern (AW#40339) Status too low 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-589 Dungeness Near Sequim (AW#44772) Flow 145 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL cdec-CEM E FK CARSON R NR MARKLEEVILLE (AW#51492) Feet Stage 2.62 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-10308200 E FK CARSON RV BLW MARKLEEVILLE CK NR MARKLEEVILLE (AW#4489) Feet Stage 2.58 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-108 E. Fk Carson Near Gardnerville (AW#42387) Flow 150 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-108 E. Fk Carson Near Gardnerville (AW#42387) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-127 E. Fk Carson Near Markleeville (AW#42396) Status too low 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-127 E. Fk Carson Near Markleeville (AW#42396) Flow 120 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-261 E. Fk Lewis Near Heisson (AW#42938) Flow 340 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-261 E. Fk Lewis Near Heisson (AW#42938) Status too low 6d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-532 E. Fk Russian Above Lake Mendocino (AW#42507) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-532 E. Fk Russian Above Lake Mendocino (AW#42507) Flow 346 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-EAGC1 EAGLE CREEK NEAR JOHNSONDALE 6WNW (AW#44275) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 81h04m
USA-CAL hads-EAGC1 EAGLE CREEK NEAR JOHNSONDALE 6WNW (AW#44275) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 81h04m
USA-CAL hads-EAGC1 EAGLE CREEK NEAR JOHNSONDALE 6WNW (AW#44275) Yearly Precip. 14.1 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-EAGC1 EAGLE CREEK NEAR JOHNSONDALE 6WNW (AW#44275) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 81h04m
USA-CAL hads-EPKC1 EAGLE PEAK RAWS NEAR PASKENTA 6NW (AW#24613) Yearly Precip. 15.6 in/yr 01h17m
USA-CAL hads-EPKC1 EAGLE PEAK RAWS NEAR PASKENTA 6NW (AW#24613) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 5d18h17m
USA-CAL hads-EPKC1 EAGLE PEAK RAWS NEAR PASKENTA 6NW (AW#24613) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 5d18h17m
USA-CAL hads-EPKC1 EAGLE PEAK RAWS NEAR PASKENTA 6NW (AW#24613) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 5d18h17m
USA-CAL cdec-EFM EAST FK OF WEST FK MOJAVE R UPR MILLER (AW#42605) Feet Stage 2.93 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GDV EAST FORK CARSON R NEAR GARDNERVILLE (AW#44219) Feet Stage 9.85 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-EPRC1 EAST PARK RESERVOIR NEAR STONYFORD 2SE (AW#24614) Yearly Precip. 14.8 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-EPRC1 EAST PARK RESERVOIR NEAR STONYFORD 2SE (AW#24614) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 88h19m
USA-CAL hads-EPRC1 EAST PARK RESERVOIR NEAR STONYFORD 2SE (AW#24614) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 88h19m
USA-CAL hads-EPRC1 EAST PARK RESERVOIR NEAR STONYFORD 2SE (AW#24614) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 88h19m
USA-CAL cdec-EWR EAST WALKER RIVER NR BRIDGEPORT (AW#275568) Flow 22 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-EWR EAST WALKER RIVER NR BRIDGEPORT (AW#275568) Feet Stage 2.41 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-ELWC1 EASTMAN LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 4WSW (AW#43362) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 76h20m
USA-CAL hads-ELWC1 EASTMAN LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 4WSW (AW#43362) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 76h20m
USA-CAL hads-ELWC1 EASTMAN LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 4WSW (AW#43362) Yearly Precip. 6.1 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-ELWC1 EASTMAN LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 4WSW (AW#43362) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 76h20m
USA-CAL cdec-EBM EASTSIDE BYPASS BLW MARIPOSA BYPASS (AW#49564) Feet Stage 82.91 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-ELN EASTSIDE BYPASS NEAR EL NIDO (AW#42607) Feet Stage 10.19 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11479560 EEL R A FERNBRIDGE CA (AW#4718) Feet Stage 6.25 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11475000 EEL R A FORT SEWARD CA (AW#4712) Feet Stage 18.15 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11475000 EEL R A FORT SEWARD CA (AW#4712) Flow 15600 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11477000 EEL R A SCOTIA CA (AW#4716) Flow 24600 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11477000 EEL R A SCOTIA CA (AW#4716) Feet Stage 18.32 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-FER EEL RIVER AT FERNBRIDGE (AW#42613) Feet Stage 6.29 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-FSW EEL RIVER AT FORT SEWARD (AW#42620) Flow 15120 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-FSW EEL RIVER AT FORT SEWARD (AW#42620) Feet Stage 17.95 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-SCO EEL RIVER AT SCOTIA (AW#42789) Feet Stage 17.94 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-SCOC1 EEL RIVER AT SCOTIA (AW#25120) Feet Stage 18.21 ft 06h35m
USA-CAL cdec-SCO EEL RIVER AT SCOTIA (AW#42789) Flow 23153 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-EVA EEL RIVER BELOW VAN ARSDALE DAM 24HR AVG (AW#49141) Flow 2512 cfs 05h20m
USA-CAL hads-ERCC1 EEL RIVER CAMP RAWS NEAR REDWAY 2NE (AW#24615) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 24h51m
USA-CAL hads-ERCC1 EEL RIVER CAMP RAWS NEAR REDWAY 2NE (AW#24615) Yearly Precip. 46.5 in/yr 00h51m
USA-CAL hads-ERCC1 EEL RIVER CAMP RAWS NEAR REDWAY 2NE (AW#24615) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 24h51m
USA-CAL hads-ERCC1 EEL RIVER CAMP RAWS NEAR REDWAY 2NE (AW#24615) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 24h51m
USA-CAL hads-FRNC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FERNBRIDGE (AW#24644) Feet Stage 6.26 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-FTSC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FORT SEWARD 1SE (AW#24653) Yearly Precip. 37.9 in/yr 03h51m
USA-CAL hads-FTSC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FORT SEWARD 1SE (AW#24653) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d06h50m
USA-CAL hads-FTSC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FORT SEWARD 1SE (AW#24653) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d06h50m
USA-CAL hads-FTSC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FORT SEWARD 1SE (AW#24653) Feet Stage 17.94 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-FTSC1 EEL RIVER NEAR FORT SEWARD 1SE (AW#24653) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d06h50m
USA-CAL hads-COVC1 EEL RIVER RANGER STATION NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24506) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 73h19m
USA-CAL hads-COVC1 EEL RIVER RANGER STATION NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24506) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 73h19m
USA-CAL hads-COVC1 EEL RIVER RANGER STATION NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24506) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 73h19m
USA-CAL hads-COVC1 EEL RIVER RANGER STATION NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24506) Yearly Precip. 9.2 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-EELC1 EEL RIVER RAWS NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24603) Yearly Precip. 10.6 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-EELC1 EEL RIVER RAWS NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24603) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 90h36m
USA-CAL hads-EELC1 EEL RIVER RAWS NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24603) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 90h36m
USA-CAL hads-EELC1 EEL RIVER RAWS NEAR COVELO 9ENE (AW#24603) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 90h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MRD EEL RIVER SF NR MIRANDA (AT SYLVANDALE) (AW#42703) Flow 4105 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MRD EEL RIVER SF NR MIRANDA (AT SYLVANDALE) (AW#42703) Feet Stage 11.24 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MIK EF KAWEAH RIVER NEAR MINERAL KING (AW#280030) Feet Stage 4.15 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MIK EF KAWEAH RIVER NEAR MINERAL KING (AW#280030) Flow 46 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL river-11362 EF NF Trinity River-Lower (AW#275231) Status running 04h20m
USA-CAL river-11361 EF NF Trinity River-Todd's Cabin Run (AW#275230) Status running 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-CDM EF RUSSIAN R BLW COYOTE DAM (AW#49217) Flow 3767 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-CDM EF RUSSIAN R BLW COYOTE DAM (AW#49217) Feet Stage 6.24 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11461500 EF RUSSIAN R NR CALPELLA CA (AW#36775) Feet Stage 7.57 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11461500 EF RUSSIAN R NR CALPELLA CA (AW#36775) Flow 346 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11475560 ELDER C NR BRANSCOMB CA (AW#8222) Flow 66 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11475560 ELDER C NR BRANSCOMB CA (AW#8222) Feet Stage 4.34 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11379500 ELDER C NR PASKENTA CA (AW#4676) Flow 289 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11379500 ELDER C NR PASKENTA CA (AW#4676) Feet Stage 2.62 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-ECBC1 ELDER CREEK NEAR BRANSCOMB 5N (AW#24597) Feet Stage 4.34 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ECP ELDER CREEK NEAR PASKENTA (AW#42603) Feet Stage 2.60 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ECP ELDER CREEK NEAR PASKENTA (AW#42603) Flow 283 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-EDCC1 ELDER CREEK NEAR PASKENTA 10NNE (AW#24601) Feet Stage 2.62 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11278000 ELEANOR C NR HETCH HETCHY CA (AW#4653) Flow 249 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11278000 ELEANOR C NR HETCH HETCHY CA (AW#4653) Feet Stage 12.30 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-ECK ELEANOR CK NR HETCH HETCHY (AW#42602) Feet Stage 10.97 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ECK ELEANOR CK NR HETCH HETCHY (AW#42602) Flow 72 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ECC ELIZABETH CANYON CK (AW#42601) Feet Stage 2.22 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-ECC ELIZABETH CANYON CK (AW#42601) Flow 41 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-ELKC1 ELK VALLEY 5S (AW#24607) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d22h50m
USA-CAL hads-ELKC1 ELK VALLEY 5S (AW#24607) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d22h50m
USA-CAL hads-ELKC1 ELK VALLEY 5S (AW#24607) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d22h50m
USA-CAL hads-ELKC1 ELK VALLEY 5S (AW#24607) Yearly Precip. 53.1 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-14361600 ELLIOTT CREEK NEAR COPPER, OR (AW#273548) Feet Stage 5.43 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-ENB ENGLEBRIGHT (YCWA) (AW#276820) Alt. Flow 1558 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-EST ESTRELLA RIVER NEAR ESTRELLA (AW#42608) Flow 8 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-EST ESTRELLA RIVER NEAR ESTRELLA (AW#42608) Feet Stage 1.63 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL dream-575 East Walker Near Bridgeport (AW#44555) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-575 East Walker Near Bridgeport (AW#44555) Flow 22 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-022 Eel At Fort Seward (AW#42353) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-022 Eel At Fort Seward (AW#42353) Flow 15000 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-285 Eel At Scotia (AW#42452) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-285 Eel At Scotia (AW#42452) Flow 22500 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-113 Eel Below Outlet Creek (AW#42389) Status running 07h05m
USA-CAL dream-113 Eel Below Outlet Creek (AW#42389) Flow 5587 cfs 07h05m
USA-CAL river-185 Eel, Middle Fork-Black Butte River to Dos Rios (AW#37369) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL river-188 Eel, S. Fork-1) Near Branscomb to Big Bend (AW#37372) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-189 Eel, S. Fork-2) Big Bend to Piercy (AW#37373) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-181 Eel-2) Lake Pillsbury to Bucknell Creek (AW#37365) Status running 08h22m
USA-CAL river-182 Eel-3) Van Arsdale Dam to Dos Rios (AW#37366) Status running 05h20m
USA-CAL river-183 Eel-4) Dos Rios to Alderpoint (AW#37367) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL river-184 Eel-5) South Fork Eel to Rio Dell (AW#37368) Status too high 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-121 Elder Creek At Lowrey Road (AW#42393) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-121 Elder Creek At Lowrey Road (AW#42393) Flow 260 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL river-190 Elder Creek-Lowrey Road to Paskenta Road (AW#37374) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-581 Elk Creek Above Rogue River (AW#44661) Flow 270 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-180 Elwha At McDonald Bridge (AW#60351) Flow 625 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-468 Encampment Near Encampment (AW#43042) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-608 Escalante Near Escalante (AW#50584) Flow 1 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-608 Escalante Near Escalante (AW#50584) Status running 7d21h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11045300 FALLBROOK C NR FALLBROOK CA (AW#4552) Feet Stage 0.55 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11045300 FALLBROOK C NR FALLBROOK CA (AW#4552) Flow 1 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-FABC1 FALLBROOK CREEK NEAR FALLBROOK 5SW (AW#24624) Feet Stage 0.55 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FHH FALLS CK NR HETCH HETCHY (AW#50118) Feet Stage 2.37 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FHH FALLS CK NR HETCH HETCHY (AW#50118) Flow 75 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FAL FALSE RIVER NEAR OAKLEY (AW#42609) Flow 32500 cfs 03h51m
USA-CAL cdec-FAL FALSE RIVER NEAR OAKLEY (AW#42609) Feet Stage 18.37 ft 03h51m
USA-CAL cdec-FRM FARMINGTON (SPILL ELEV 156.5 FT) (AW#276485) Alt. Flow 1 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-FRM FARMINGTON (SPILL ELEV 156.5 FT) (AW#276485) Flow 1 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-FSB FEATHER R AT BOYD'S LNDNG ABV STAR BEND (AW#44567) Feet Stage 47.11 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FSB FEATHER R AT BOYD'S LNDNG ABV STAR BEND (AW#44567) Flow 46133 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-YWP FEATHER R AT YUBA WATER TREATMENT PLANT (AW#280241) Feet Stage 55.78 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-FLO FEATHER RIVER AT LIVE OAK (AW#42615) Feet Stage 63.05 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MER FEATHER RIVER AT MERRIMAC (AW#42691) Flow 4975 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MER FEATHER RIVER AT MERRIMAC (AW#42691) Feet Stage 1608.11 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GRL FEATHER RIVER NEAR GRIDLEY (AW#42627) Feet Stage 83.47 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GRL FEATHER RIVER NEAR GRIDLEY (AW#42627) Flow 30346 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-NIC FEATHER RIVER NEAR NICOLAUS (AW#42727) Feet Stage 39.90 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-FNWC1 FENCE MEADOW RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 5SE (AW#24640) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 83h21m
USA-CAL hads-FNWC1 FENCE MEADOW RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 5SE (AW#24640) Yearly Precip. 10.8 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-FNWC1 FENCE MEADOW RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 5SE (AW#24640) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 83h21m
USA-CAL hads-FNWC1 FENCE MEADOW RAWS NEAR PINERIDGE 5SE (AW#24640) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 83h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FCK FISH CANYON CK (AW#51543) Feet Stage 1.92 ft 69h35m
USA-CAL hads-TRHC1 FISH HATCHERY AT LEWISTON (AW#25287) Yearly Precip. 26.9 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-TRHC1 FISH HATCHERY AT LEWISTON (AW#25287) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h36m
USA-CAL hads-TRHC1 FISH HATCHERY AT LEWISTON (AW#25287) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h36m
USA-CAL hads-TRHC1 FISH HATCHERY AT LEWISTON (AW#25287) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FCT FISHERMANS CUT (AW#140907) Flow 1868 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-FCT FISHERMANS CUT (AW#140907) Feet Stage 4.69 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-FOL FOLSOM LAKE (AW#276484) Alt. Flow 8086 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FOL FOLSOM LAKE (AW#276484) Flow 2996 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-FTH FOOTHILL DITCH (AW#49221) Feet Stage 0.04 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-FBSC1 FORBESTOWN 4NNW (AW#24628) Yearly Precip. 61.7 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-FBSC1 FORBESTOWN 4NNW (AW#24628) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 74h06m
USA-CAL hads-FBSC1 FORBESTOWN 4NNW (AW#24628) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 74h06m
USA-CAL hads-FBSC1 FORBESTOWN 4NNW (AW#24628) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 74h06m
USA-CAL cdec-FBD FORBESTOWN DITCH (OROV-WYAN CANAL) (AW#273885) Feet Stage 0.50 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-FSHC1 FORESTHILL 2 6NE RAWS (AW#24646) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 93h48m
USA-CAL hads-FSHC1 FORESTHILL 2 6NE RAWS (AW#24646) Yearly Precip. 37.3 in/yr 00h47m
USA-CAL hads-FSHC1 FORESTHILL 2 6NE RAWS (AW#24646) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 93h48m
USA-CAL hads-FSHC1 FORESTHILL 2 6NE RAWS (AW#24646) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 93h48m
USA-CAL hads-FOIC1 FORNI RIDGE NEAR STRAWBERRY 4W (AW#24641) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-FOIC1 FORNI RIDGE NEAR STRAWBERRY 4W (AW#24641) Yearly Precip. 6.9 in/yr 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-FOIC1 FORNI RIDGE NEAR STRAWBERRY 4W (AW#24641) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-FOIC1 FORNI RIDGE NEAR STRAWBERRY 4W (AW#24641) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-FHLC1 FORT HUNTER LIGGET RAWS NEAR KING CITY 15SSW (AW#24632) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 95h56m
USA-CAL hads-FHLC1 FORT HUNTER LIGGET RAWS NEAR KING CITY 15SSW (AW#24632) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 95h56m
USA-CAL hads-FHLC1 FORT HUNTER LIGGET RAWS NEAR KING CITY 15SSW (AW#24632) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 95h56m
USA-CAL hads-FHLC1 FORT HUNTER LIGGET RAWS NEAR KING CITY 15SSW (AW#24632) Yearly Precip. 6.0 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-FRTC1 FOUR TREES NEAR PARADISE 15ENE (AW#24645) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 40h34m
USA-CAL hads-FRTC1 FOUR TREES NEAR PARADISE 15ENE (AW#24645) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 40h34m
USA-CAL hads-FRTC1 FOUR TREES NEAR PARADISE 15ENE (AW#24645) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 40h34m
USA-CAL hads-FRTC1 FOUR TREES NEAR PARADISE 15ENE (AW#24645) Yearly Precip. 74.5 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-FCC FRENCH CREEK AT HWY 3 NEAR CALLAHAN (AW#42612) Feet Stage 2837.19 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FCC FRENCH CREEK AT HWY 3 NEAR CALLAHAN (AW#42612) Flow 93 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-FTAC1 FRENCH CREEK AT HWY 3 NEAR ETNA 3SSE (AW#24648) Feet Stage 2837.19 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FDT FRENCHMAN DAM TAILRACE (AW#227979) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-FHL FRESNO R ABV HENLEY LAKE (AW#44894) Flow 62 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FHL FRESNO R ABV HENLEY LAKE (AW#44894) Feet Stage 0.77 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-HIQ FRESNO R BLW HIDDEN DAM (AW#49222) Feet Stage 1.73 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FRU FRESNO R LEWIS FORK NR OAKHURST (AW#50838) Feet Stage 1.10 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-FRU FRESNO R LEWIS FORK NR OAKHURST (AW#50838) Flow 28 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-FRIC1 FRIANT DAM NEAR FRIANT 1NE (AW#24643) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 93h50m
USA-CAL hads-FRIC1 FRIANT DAM NEAR FRIANT 1NE (AW#24643) Yearly Precip. 3.8 in/yr 03h36m
USA-CAL hads-FRIC1 FRIANT DAM NEAR FRIANT 1NE (AW#24643) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 93h50m
USA-CAL hads-FRIC1 FRIANT DAM NEAR FRIANT 1NE (AW#24643) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 93h50m
USA-CAL hads-FMOC1 FRIEND MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HAYFORK 9SW (AW#24637) Yearly Precip. 35.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-FMOC1 FRIEND MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HAYFORK 9SW (AW#24637) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 6d02h04m
USA-CAL hads-FMOC1 FRIEND MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HAYFORK 9SW (AW#24637) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 6d02h04m
USA-CAL hads-FMOC1 FRIEND MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR HAYFORK 9SW (AW#24637) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 6d02h04m
USA-CAL hads-AFSC1 FROG SPRINGS NEAR WELDON 12SSE (AW#24316) Yearly Precip. 27.7 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11089500 FULLERTON C BL FULLERTON DAM NR BREA CA (AW#6853) Feet Stage 3.28 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11089500 FULLERTON C BL FULLERTON DAM NR BREA CA (AW#6853) Flow 1 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-604 Fall Creek Above North Fork (AW#49512) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-315 Fall Creek Inflow Fall Creek Res (AW#49424) Status too low 7d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-315 Fall Creek Inflow Fall Creek Res (AW#49424) Flow 430 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-193 Feather, Middle Fork-2) Nelson Point to Milsap Bridge (AW#37377) Status too high 02h21m
USA-CAL river-194 Feather, Middle Fork-3) Milsap Bridge to Lake Oroville (Bald Rock Canyon Ru (AW#37378) Status too high 01h19m
USA-CAL river-192 Feather, N. Fork, E. Branch-Virgilia to Belden (AW#37376) Status running 01h51m
USA-CAL river-195 Feather, N. Fork-1) Caribou to E. Branch. N. Fork Feather (AW#37379) Status too high 06h20m
USA-CAL river-196 Feather, N. Fork-2) Rock Creek Dam to Rock Creek Powerhouse (AW#37380) Status too high 06h20m
USA-CAL river-197 Feather, N. Fork-3) Cresta Dam to Poe Dam (AW#37381) Status too high 06h20m
USA-CAL river-198 Feather, N. Fork-4) Poe Dam to Poe Powerhouse (AW#37382) Status too high 06h20m
USA-CAL river-4438 Feather, S.Fk.-Little Grass Valley Reservoir to South Fork Diversion Dam (AW#41631) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL river-5746 Feather, West Branch-Dean Road to Lake Oroville (AW#44111) Status too high 01h51m
USA-CAL river-5661 Feather, West Branch-Whiskey Flat to Dean Road (AW#44101) Status running 01h51m
USA-CAL river-5113 Feather-Fish Barrier Dam to Thermalito Return (AW#43963) Status too high 03h21m
USA-CAL river-10588 Feather-Thermolito to Highway 99 (AW#51234) Status too high 02h36m
USA-CAL dream-063 Fordyce Creek Below Fordyce Dam (AW#42366) Flow 21 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-063 Fordyce Creek Below Fordyce Dam (AW#42366) Status too low 01h51m
USA-CAL river-199 Fordyce Creek-Fordyce Lake to Lake Spaulding (AW#37383) Status too low 01h51m
USA-CAL dream-005 Fresno Above Hensley Lake (AW#45051) Flow 62 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-005 Fresno Above Hensley Lake (AW#45051) Status too low 01h36m
USA-CAL river-200 Fresno-1) Goldside Drive, off road 600, to Road 600 (AW#37384) Status too low 08h36m
USA-CAL river-201 Fresno-2) Road 600 to Road 415 (AW#37385) Status too low 06h37m
USA-CAL river-202 Fresno-3) Road 415 to boat ramp near dam at Lake Hensley (AW#37386) Status too low 04h38m
USA-CAL cdec-GTB GALINDO CREEK AT TREAT BLVD (AW#238706) Feet Stage 0.29 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-GAC GALLOWAY CREEK AT COOLEY RANCH RD (AW#281040) Feet Stage 3.05 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11467590 GARCIA R AT EUREKA HILL RD NR PT ARENA CA (AW#167233) Feet Stage 4.90 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-GRC GARCIA RIVER NEAR POINT ARENA (AW#42625) Feet Stage 4.92 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-GQEC1 GASQUET 4NW RAWS (AW#24671) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 4d23h30m
USA-CAL hads-GQEC1 GASQUET 4NW RAWS (AW#24671) Yearly Precip. 65.5 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-GQEC1 GASQUET 4NW RAWS (AW#24671) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 4d23h30m
USA-CAL hads-GQEC1 GASQUET 4NW RAWS (AW#24671) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 4d23h30m
USA-CAL cdec-GSM GEORGIANA SLOUGH AT MOKELUMNE R (AW#190971) Feet Stage 5.83 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GSS GEORGIANA SLOUGH AT SACRAMENTO RIVER (AW#42628) Feet Stage 11.08 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-GNLC1 GIANELLI NEAR STRAWBERRY 6E (AW#24666) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 42h06m
USA-CAL hads-GNLC1 GIANELLI NEAR STRAWBERRY 6E (AW#24666) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 42h06m
USA-CAL hads-GNLC1 GIANELLI NEAR STRAWBERRY 6E (AW#24666) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 42h06m
USA-CAL hads-GNLC1 GIANELLI NEAR STRAWBERRY 6E (AW#24666) Yearly Precip. 20.4 in/yr 02h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11121900 GIBRALTAR DAM DIV WEIR A GIBRALTAR DAM CA (AW#4581) Feet Stage 17.65 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11121900 GIBRALTAR DAM DIV WEIR A GIBRALTAR DAM CA (AW#4581) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11122010 GIBRALTAR DAM RELEASE WEIR A GIBRALTAR DAM CA (AW#4582) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11122010 GIBRALTAR DAM RELEASE WEIR A GIBRALTAR DAM CA (AW#4582) Feet Stage 15.16 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-GFTC1 GIN FLAT NEAR EL PORTAL 7NNE (AW#24662) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-GFTC1 GIN FLAT NEAR EL PORTAL 7NNE (AW#24662) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-GFTC1 GIN FLAT NEAR EL PORTAL 7NNE (AW#24662) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-GFTC1 GIN FLAT NEAR EL PORTAL 7NNE (AW#24662) Yearly Precip. 17.6 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRDC1 GIRARD RIDGE NEAR CASTELLA 2ESE (AW#24672) Yearly Precip. 86.2 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-GRDC1 GIRARD RIDGE NEAR CASTELLA 2ESE (AW#24672) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRDC1 GIRARD RIDGE NEAR CASTELLA 2ESE (AW#24672) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRDC1 GIRARD RIDGE NEAR CASTELLA 2ESE (AW#24672) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-GTMC1 GOAT MOUNTAIN NEAR OAKHURST 7SE (AW#24684) Yearly Precip. 2.8 in/yr 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-GYS GOODYEAR SLOUGH (AW#42632) Feet Stage 4.35 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-GOSC1 GOOSE VALLEY RAWS NEAR RAMONA 3NNE (AW#24670) Yearly Precip. 1.3 in/yr 01h28m
USA-CAL cdec-GLE GRANT LINE CANAL EAST (AW#51650) Feet Stage 5.03 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-GLE GRANT LINE CANAL EAST (AW#51650) Flow 342 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-GCF GRANT LINE CANAL NEAR CLIFTON CT FOREBAY (AW#280242) Feet Stage 5.06 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11313240 GRANT LINE CN NR TRACY CA (AW#101884) Feet Stage 5.12 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11313240 GRANT LINE CN NR TRACY CA (AW#101884) Flow -279 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-GLC GRANTLINE CANAL (USGS) (AW#42624) Flow -1560 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GLC GRANTLINE CANAL (USGS) (AW#42624) Feet Stage 4.78 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-GCT GRANTLINE CANAL AT TRACY RD BRIDGE (AW#42622) Feet Stage 5.18 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-GVPC1 GRAPEVINE PEAK RAWS NEAR FRAZIER PARK 6NNE (AW#44901) Yearly Precip. 4.2 in/yr 01h06m
USA-CAL hads-GMTC1 GRASS MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PALMDALE 13W (AW#24665) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-GMTC1 GRASS MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PALMDALE 13W (AW#24665) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-GMTC1 GRASS MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PALMDALE 13W (AW#24665) Yearly Precip. 3.2 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-GMTC1 GRASS MOUNTAIN RAWS NEAR PALMDALE 13W (AW#24665) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-GSVC1 GRASS VALLEY 1SSW (AW#24683) Precip. in 24h 0.7 in/24h 83h36m
USA-CAL hads-GSVC1 GRASS VALLEY 1SSW (AW#24683) Precip. in 6h 0.7 in/6h 83h36m
USA-CAL hads-GSVC1 GRASS VALLEY 1SSW (AW#24683) Yearly Precip. 29.0 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-GSVC1 GRASS VALLEY 1SSW (AW#24683) Precip. in 12h 0.7 in/12h 83h36m
USA-CAL usgs-10260855 GRASS VALLEY LK TUNNEL OUTLET A LAKE ARROWHEAD CA (AW#44303) Feet Stage 1.09 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-10260855 GRASS VALLEY LK TUNNEL OUTLET A LAKE ARROWHEAD CA (AW#44303) Flow 0 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-GVYC1 GRAVEYARD MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 18NE (AW#24690) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 45h05m
USA-CAL hads-GVYC1 GRAVEYARD MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 18NE (AW#24690) Yearly Precip. 12.7 in/yr 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-GVYC1 GRAVEYARD MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 18NE (AW#24690) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 45h05m
USA-CAL hads-GVYC1 GRAVEYARD MEADOW NEAR BASS LAKE 18NE (AW#24690) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 45h05m
USA-CAL cdec-GCC GRAYSON CREEK AT CITY YARD (AW#216268) Feet Stage 0.14 ft 17h19m
USA-CAL hads-GKSC1 GREEK STORE NEAR SODA SPRINGS 20SSW (AW#24664) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 73h51m
USA-CAL hads-GKSC1 GREEK STORE NEAR SODA SPRINGS 20SSW (AW#24664) Yearly Precip. 36.4 in/yr 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-GKSC1 GREEK STORE NEAR SODA SPRINGS 20SSW (AW#24664) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 73h51m
USA-CAL hads-GKSC1 GREEK STORE NEAR SODA SPRINGS 20SSW (AW#24664) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 73h51m
USA-CAL hads-GRMC1 GREEN MOUNTAIN NEAR MAMMOTH LAKES 18SW (AW#24675) Precip. in 12h 2.5 in/12h 74h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRMC1 GREEN MOUNTAIN NEAR MAMMOTH LAKES 18SW (AW#24675) Yearly Precip. 14.6 in/yr 03h51m
USA-CAL hads-GRMC1 GREEN MOUNTAIN NEAR MAMMOTH LAKES 18SW (AW#24675) Precip. in 6h 2.5 in/6h 74h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRMC1 GREEN MOUNTAIN NEAR MAMMOTH LAKES 18SW (AW#24675) Precip. in 24h 2.5 in/24h 74h21m
USA-CAL hads-GNSC1 GREEN SPRINGS RAWS NEAR CHINESE CAMP 5SW (AW#24668) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 8d19h16m
USA-CAL hads-GNSC1 GREEN SPRINGS RAWS NEAR CHINESE CAMP 5SW (AW#24668) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 8d19h16m
USA-CAL hads-GNSC1 GREEN SPRINGS RAWS NEAR CHINESE CAMP 5SW (AW#24668) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 8d19h16m
USA-CAL hads-GNSC1 GREEN SPRINGS RAWS NEAR CHINESE CAMP 5SW (AW#24668) Yearly Precip. 8.6 in/yr 00h17m
USA-CAL cdec-GMR GREEN VALLEY CK AT MARTINELLI RD (AW#171342) Feet Stage 58.69 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-GVD GREEN VALLEY CREEK AT DIABLO ROAD (AW#202281) Feet Stage 1.62 ft 17h19m
USA-CAL hads-GRRC1 GREENVILLE 1W (AW#24676) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 82h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRRC1 GREENVILLE 1W (AW#24676) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 82h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRRC1 GREENVILLE 1W (AW#24676) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 82h21m
USA-CAL hads-GRRC1 GREENVILLE 1W (AW#24676) Yearly Precip. 30.9 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-GRI GRINDSTONE CK NR GRINDSTONE RANCHERIA (AW#122227) Feet Stage 618.48 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-F22 GRIZZLY CR BL DIVERSION DAM (AW#275637) Flow 289 cfs 06h20m
USA-CAL hads-GZFC1 GRIZZLY FLAT RAWS NEAR OMO RANCH 3NE (AW#24692) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 87h03m
USA-CAL hads-GZFC1 GRIZZLY FLAT RAWS NEAR OMO RANCH 3NE (AW#24692) Yearly Precip. 18.3 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-GZFC1 GRIZZLY FLAT RAWS NEAR OMO RANCH 3NE (AW#24692) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 87h03m
USA-CAL hads-GZFC1 GRIZZLY FLAT RAWS NEAR OMO RANCH 3NE (AW#24692) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 87h03m
USA-CAL hads-GRZC1 GRIZZLY RIDGE NEAR PORTOLA 12WNW (AW#24679) Yearly Precip. 8.5 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169025 GUADALUPE R ABV HWY 101 A SAN JOSE CA (AW#7618) Feet Stage 5.69 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11169025 GUADALUPE R ABV HWY 101 A SAN JOSE CA (AW#7618) Flow 88 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-GRJ GUADALUPE R ABV HWY 101 AT SAN JOSE (AW#45064) Flow 88 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-GRJ GUADALUPE R ABV HWY 101 AT SAN JOSE (AW#45064) Feet Stage 5.69 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-GUD GUADALUPE R-SAN JOSE AT ALMADEN EXPRESSW (AW#181590) Feet Stage 1.95 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-GSJC1 GUADALUPE RIVER ABOVE HIGHWAY 101 AT SAN JOSE (AW#24680) Feet Stage 5.69 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11027000 GUEJITO C NR SAN PASQUAL CA (AW#8837) Flow 0 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11027000 GUEJITO C NR SAN PASQUAL CA (AW#8837) Feet Stage 0.27 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-GTOC1 GUEJITO CREEK NEAR SAN PASQUAL 2N (AW#24685) Feet Stage 0.26 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL river-4436 Goose Creek-Saddle Road to South Fork Smith confluence (AW#41629) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-107 Grande Ronde Near Perry (AW#50254) Status too low 45h20m
USA-CAL dream-107 Grande Ronde Near Perry (AW#50254) Flow 390 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-157 Green At Green River (AW#51465) Flow 2700 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-157 Green At Green River (AW#51465) Status running 6d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-636 Green At Ouray (AW#51466) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL river-203 Grindstone Creek-Grindstone Road to Road 306 (AW#37387) Status too low 04h20m
USA-CAL dream-605 Guadalupe At San Jose (AW#49513) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-605 Guadalupe At San Jose (AW#49513) Flow 74 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL hads-HABC1 HAMILTON BRANCH NEAR CHESTER 9E (AW#24693) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 69h35m
USA-CAL hads-HABC1 HAMILTON BRANCH NEAR CHESTER 9E (AW#24693) Yearly Precip. 21.6 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-HABC1 HAMILTON BRANCH NEAR CHESTER 9E (AW#24693) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 69h35m
USA-CAL hads-HABC1 HAMILTON BRANCH NEAR CHESTER 9E (AW#24693) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 69h35m
USA-CAL usgs-11136040 HARRIS CANYON C NR ORCUTT CA (AW#207212) Feet Stage 1.66 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-HFLC1 HART FLAT RAWS NEAR KEENE 3NW (AW#44902) Yearly Precip. 3.1 in/yr 9d21h07m
USA-CAL hads-CAHC1 HASTINGS RAWS NEAR JAMESBURG 2NE (AW#24437) Yearly Precip. 6.7 in/yr 01h08m
USA-CAL cdec-HCB HAT CK BLW HAT CK (AW#42634) Feet Stage 3.39 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-HCB HAT CK BLW HAT CK (AW#42634) Flow 70 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-HCN HAT CK NR HAT CK (AW#42635) Flow 137 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-HCN HAT CK NR HAT CK (AW#42635) Feet Stage 2.41 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-HCNC1 HAT CREEK NEAR HAT CREEK NEAR OLD STATION 1NNE (AW#24699) Feet Stage 2.40 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-HWKC1 HAWKEYE RAWS NEAR CLOVERDALE 5ESE (AW#24734) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-HWKC1 HAWKEYE RAWS NEAR CLOVERDALE 5ESE (AW#24734) Yearly Precip. 39.8 in/yr 01h23m
USA-CAL hads-HWKC1 HAWKEYE RAWS NEAR CLOVERDALE 5ESE (AW#24734) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-HWKC1 HAWKEYE RAWS NEAR CLOVERDALE 5ESE (AW#24734) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-HYFC1 HAYFORK RAWS HAYFORK 8WSW (AW#24735) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 6d03h57m
USA-CAL hads-HYFC1 HAYFORK RAWS HAYFORK 8WSW (AW#24735) Yearly Precip. 32.4 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-HYFC1 HAYFORK RAWS HAYFORK 8WSW (AW#24735) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 6d03h57m
USA-CAL hads-HYFC1 HAYFORK RAWS HAYFORK 8WSW (AW#24735) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 6d03h57m
USA-CAL hads-HBRC1 HEART BAR NEAR BIG BEAR LAKE 8SE (AW#43120) Yearly Precip. 0.5 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-HLLC1 HELL HOLE RESERVOIR RAWS NEAR FOREST HILL 23E (AW#24711) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h12m
USA-CAL hads-HLLC1 HELL HOLE RESERVOIR RAWS NEAR FOREST HILL 23E (AW#24711) Yearly Precip. 31.4 in/yr 01h11m
USA-CAL hads-HLLC1 HELL HOLE RESERVOIR RAWS NEAR FOREST HILL 23E (AW#24711) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h12m
USA-CAL hads-HLLC1 HELL HOLE RESERVOIR RAWS NEAR FOREST HILL 23E (AW#24711) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h12m
USA-CAL cdec-HCC HELMS CK BLW COURTRIGHT (AW#44330) Feet Stage 3.45 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-HNLC1 HENSLEY LAKE OUTFLOW NEAR DAULTON 5ESE (AW#44394) Feet Stage 1.73 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-HLWC1 HENSLEY LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 7S (AW#43364) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 91h06m
USA-CAL hads-HLWC1 HENSLEY LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 7S (AW#43364) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 91h06m
USA-CAL hads-HLWC1 HENSLEY LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 7S (AW#43364) Yearly Precip. 4.3 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-HLWC1 HENSLEY LAKE WEATHER STATION NEAR RAYMOND 7S (AW#43364) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 91h06m
USA-CAL cdec-HID HIDDEN DAM (HENSLEY) (AW#276486) Alt. Flow 87 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-HID HIDDEN DAM (HENSLEY) (AW#276486) Flow 2 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-HGLC1 HIGH GLADE LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR UPPER LAKE 5NE (AW#24706) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 92h44m
USA-CAL hads-HGLC1 HIGH GLADE LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR UPPER LAKE 5NE (AW#24706) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 92h44m
USA-CAL hads-HGLC1 HIGH GLADE LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR UPPER LAKE 5NE (AW#24706) Yearly Precip. 23.1 in/yr 01h45m
USA-CAL hads-HGLC1 HIGH GLADE LOOKOUT RAWS NEAR UPPER LAKE 5NE (AW#24706) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 92h44m
USA-CAL hads-HSQC1 HIGH SIERRA RAWS NEAR MONO HOT SPRINGS 2SW (AW#24730) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-HSQC1 HIGH SIERRA RAWS NEAR MONO HOT SPRINGS 2SW (AW#24730) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-HSQC1 HIGH SIERRA RAWS NEAR MONO HOT SPRINGS 2SW (AW#24730) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 70h28m
USA-CAL hads-HSQC1 HIGH SIERRA RAWS NEAR MONO HOT SPRINGS 2SW (AW#24730) Yearly Precip. 8.7 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-HPEC1 HIGHLANDS PEAK MET STATION NEAR LUCIA 3NNW (AW#24723) Precip. in 15m 0.00 in/15min 70h20m
USA-CAL hads-HPEC1 HIGHLANDS PEAK MET STATION NEAR LUCIA 3NNW (AW#24723) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 70h39m
USA-CAL hads-HPEC1 HIGHLANDS PEAK MET STATION NEAR LUCIA 3NNW (AW#24723) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 70h39m
USA-CAL hads-HPEC1 HIGHLANDS PEAK MET STATION NEAR LUCIA 3NNW (AW#24723) Yearly Precip. 47.3 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-HPEC1 HIGHLANDS PEAK MET STATION NEAR LUCIA 3NNW (AW#24723) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 70h39m
USA-CAL cdec-HSL HILL SLOUGH (AW#274384) Feet Stage 4.42 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-HLCC1 HILLCREST 2E (AW#24709) Precip. in 12h 0.5 in/12h 5d16h49m
USA-CAL hads-HLCC1 HILLCREST 2E (AW#24709) Precip. in 6h 0.5 in/6h 5d16h49m
USA-CAL hads-HLCC1 HILLCREST 2E (AW#24709) Yearly Precip. 68.5 in/yr 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-HLCC1 HILLCREST 2E (AW#24709) Precip. in 24h 0.5 in/24h 5d16h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11125605 HILTON CYN C 0.25 MI BL BRADBURY DAM NR SANTA YNEZ (AW#206150) Feet Stage 2.70 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11125605 HILTON CYN C 0.25 MI BL BRADBURY DAM NR SANTA YNEZ (AW#206150) Flow 5 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11125600 HILTON CYN C NR SANTA YNEZ CA (AW#7613) Feet Stage 5.53 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-HRZC1 HIRZ NEAR LAKEHEAD 8ESE (AW#24726) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 21h05m
USA-CAL hads-HRZC1 HIRZ NEAR LAKEHEAD 8ESE (AW#24726) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 21h05m
USA-CAL hads-HRZC1 HIRZ NEAR LAKEHEAD 8ESE (AW#24726) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 21h05m
USA-CAL hads-HRZC1 HIRZ NEAR LAKEHEAD 8ESE (AW#24726) Yearly Precip. 52.1 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-HDLC1 HOADLEY NEAR LEWISTON 3SE (AW#24702) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 12h50m
USA-CAL hads-HDLC1 HOADLEY NEAR LEWISTON 3SE (AW#24702) Yearly Precip. 32.0 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-HDLC1 HOADLEY NEAR LEWISTON 3SE (AW#24702) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 12h50m
USA-CAL hads-HDLC1 HOADLEY NEAR LEWISTON 3SE (AW#24702) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 12h50m
USA-CAL hads-HOKC1 HOCKETT MEADOWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 15ESE (AW#24716) Precip. in 12h 0.3 in/12h 80h19m
USA-CAL hads-HOKC1 HOCKETT MEADOWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 15ESE (AW#24716) Yearly Precip. 41.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-HOKC1 HOCKETT MEADOWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 15ESE (AW#24716) Precip. in 24h 0.3 in/24h 80h19m
USA-CAL hads-HOKC1 HOCKETT MEADOWS NEAR THREE RIVERS 15ESE (AW#24716) Precip. in 6h 0.3 in/6h 80h19m
USA-CAL cdec-HOL HOLLAND CUT NEAR BETHEL ISLAND (AW#42640) Flow -13100 cfs 05h20m
USA-CAL cdec-HOL HOLLAND CUT NEAR BETHEL ISLAND (AW#42640) Feet Stage 14.63 ft 05h20m
USA-CAL hads-HONC1 HONEYDEW 1SW (AW#24717) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-HONC1 HONEYDEW 1SW (AW#24717) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-HONC1 HONEYDEW 1SW (AW#24717) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 68h50m
USA-CAL hads-HONC1 HONEYDEW 1SW (AW#24717) Yearly Precip. 10.0 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-HOAC1 HOOPA 2NE RAWS (AW#24715) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 81h40m
USA-CAL hads-HOAC1 HOOPA 2NE RAWS (AW#24715) Yearly Precip. 41.0 in/yr 00h41m
USA-CAL hads-HOAC1 HOOPA 2NE RAWS (AW#24715) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 81h40m
USA-CAL hads-HOAC1 HOOPA 2NE RAWS (AW#24715) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 81h40m
USA-CAL hads-HPDC1 HOPLAND 5NNE RAWS (AW#24722) Precip. in 6h 0.2 in/6h 90h06m
USA-CAL hads-HPDC1 HOPLAND 5NNE RAWS (AW#24722) Yearly Precip. 7.8 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-HPDC1 HOPLAND 5NNE RAWS (AW#24722) Precip. in 24h 0.2 in/24h 90h06m
USA-CAL hads-HPDC1 HOPLAND 5NNE RAWS (AW#24722) Precip. in 12h 0.2 in/12h 90h06m
USA-CAL hads-HSMC1 HOSSACK MEADOW NEAR SPRINGVILLE 11NE (AW#44171) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 09h36m
USA-CAL hads-HSMC1 HOSSACK MEADOW NEAR SPRINGVILLE 11NE (AW#44171) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 09h36m
USA-CAL hads-HSMC1 HOSSACK MEADOW NEAR SPRINGVILLE 11NE (AW#44171) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 09h36m
USA-CAL hads-HSMC1 HOSSACK MEADOW NEAR SPRINGVILLE 11NE (AW#44171) Yearly Precip. 15.2 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-10265150 HOT C A FLUME NR MAMMOTH LAKES CA (AW#6343) Feet Stage 6953.90 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11137900 HUASNA R NR ARROYO GRANDE CA (AW#37034) Feet Stage 2.27 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11137900 HUASNA R NR ARROYO GRANDE CA (AW#37034) Flow 1 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-HSAC1 HUASNA RIVER NEAR ARROYO GRANDE 8ESE (AW#24727) Feet Stage 2.27 ft 03h06m
USA-CAL cdec-HUN HUNTER CUT AT MONTEZUMA SLOUGH (AW#49377) Feet Stage 3.97 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-HNTC1 HUNTINGTON LAKE NEAR BIG CREEK 2NE (AW#24714) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-HNTC1 HUNTINGTON LAKE NEAR BIG CREEK 2NE (AW#24714) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-HNTC1 HUNTINGTON LAKE NEAR BIG CREEK 2NE (AW#24714) Yearly Precip. 12.1 in/yr 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-HNTC1 HUNTINGTON LAKE NEAR BIG CREEK 2NE (AW#24714) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 18h21m
USA-CAL hads-PRHC1 HURLEY RAWS NEAR PRATHER 3SW (AW#25047) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 91h53m
USA-CAL hads-PRHC1 HURLEY RAWS NEAR PRATHER 3SW (AW#25047) Yearly Precip. 5.7 in/yr 00h54m
USA-CAL hads-PRHC1 HURLEY RAWS NEAR PRATHER 3SW (AW#25047) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 91h53m
USA-CAL hads-PRHC1 HURLEY RAWS NEAR PRATHER 3SW (AW#25047) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 91h53m
USA-CAL usgs-11424550 HUTCHINSON C BL DOOLITTLE DR NR MARYSVILLE CA (AW#274559) Feet Stage 0.70 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-390748121231701 HUTCHINSON C BL LOWER BLACKWELDER LK NR WHEATLAND (AW#274592) Feet Stage 1.31 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-HYSC1 HUYSINK NEAR SODA SPRINGS 9SW (AW#24737) Yearly Precip. 18.8 in/yr 03h36m
USA-CAL dream-013 Hayfork Creek At Hyampom (AW#42348) Status running -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-013 Hayfork Creek At Hyampom (AW#42348) Flow 1600 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL river-5011 Helms Creek-Courtright reservoir to the NF Kings river (AW#43872) Status too low 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-188 Henrys Fork Near Ashton (AW#42900) Flow 900 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-188 Henrys Fork Near Ashton (AW#42900) Status too low 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-173 Highland Creek Below New Spicer Meadow (AW#42412) Flow 200 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-227 Hood At Tucker Bridge (AW#42915) Status too low 7d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-227 Hood At Tucker Bridge (AW#42915) Flow 525 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL cdec-ICH ICE HOUSE (SMUD) (AW#276487) Flow 20 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ICH ICE HOUSE (SMUD) (AW#276487) Alt. Flow 34 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-IDAC1 IDRIA (AW#24742) Yearly Precip. 4.0 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-IDAC1 IDRIA (AW#24742) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 86h20m
USA-CAL hads-IDAC1 IDRIA (AW#24742) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 86h20m
USA-CAL hads-IDAC1 IDRIA (AW#24742) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 86h20m
USA-CAL usgs-09429495 IMPERIAL RESERVOIR AT IMPERIAL DAM, AZ-CA (AW#173364) Feet Stage 180.24 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10343000 INDEPENDENCE C NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4522) Flow 27 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10343000 INDEPENDENCE C NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4522) Feet Stage 2.89 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-INC INDEPENDENCE CREEK NEAR TRUCKEE (AW#42650) Feet Stage 2.89 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11525670 INDIAN C NR DOUGLAS CITY CA (AW#8939) Flow 96 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11525670 INDIAN C NR DOUGLAS CITY CA (AW#8939) Feet Stage 1.79 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11521500 INDIAN C NR HAPPY CAMP CA (AW#5418) Flow 512 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11521500 INDIAN C NR HAPPY CAMP CA (AW#5418) Feet Stage 5.17 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11173800 INDIAN C NR SUNOL CA (AW#94688) Flow 3 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11173800 INDIAN C NR SUNOL CA (AW#94688) Feet Stage 10.62 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-ICD INDIAN CK NR DOUGLAS CITY (AW#42646) Feet Stage 1.80 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ICD INDIAN CK NR DOUGLAS CITY (AW#42646) Flow 78 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-ICR INDIAN CREEK BELOW INDIAN FALLS (AW#42647) Feet Stage 3116.10 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ICR INDIAN CREEK BELOW INDIAN FALLS (AW#42647) Flow 2280 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-ICDC1 INDIAN CREEK NEAR DOUGLAS CITY 2E (AW#24740) Feet Stage 1.80 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-IHC INDIAN CREEK NEAR HAPPY CAMP (AW#42649) Flow 518 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-IHC INDIAN CREEK NEAR HAPPY CAMP (AW#42649) Feet Stage 5.18 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-HAPC1 INDIAN CREEK NEAR HAPPY CAMP 3N (AW#24695) Feet Stage 5.17 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-IDKC1 INDIAN CREEK NEAR TEHACHAPI 11NE (AW#24743) Yearly Precip. 157.6 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-INVC1 INDIAN VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR LOWER LAKE 12NE (AW#24750) Precip. in 15m 0.00 in/15min 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-IDWC1 INDIAN WELL RAWS NEAR TULELAKE 20S (AW#24746) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-IDWC1 INDIAN WELL RAWS NEAR TULELAKE 20S (AW#24746) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-IDWC1 INDIAN WELL RAWS NEAR TULELAKE 20S (AW#24746) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 69h20m
USA-CAL hads-IDWC1 INDIAN WELL RAWS NEAR TULELAKE 20S (AW#24746) Yearly Precip. 3.5 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-ISB ISABELLA DAM (AW#276488) Alt. Flow 1005 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-ISB ISABELLA DAM (AW#276488) Flow 303 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL hads-ISLC1 ISABELLA WEATHER STATION NEAR LAKE ISABELLA (AW#24753) Yearly Precip. 4.9 in/yr 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-ISLC1 ISABELLA WEATHER STATION NEAR LAKE ISABELLA (AW#24753) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 86h05m
USA-CAL hads-ISLC1 ISABELLA WEATHER STATION NEAR LAKE ISABELLA (AW#24753) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 86h05m
USA-CAL hads-ISLC1 ISABELLA WEATHER STATION NEAR LAKE ISABELLA (AW#24753) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 86h05m
USA-CAL cdec-ISH ITALIAN SLOUGH HEADWATER NR BYRON (AW#42651) Feet Stage 4.98 ft 03h51m
USA-CAL dream-144 Illinois Near Kerby (AW#42878) Status running 6d23h20m
USA-CAL dream-144 Illinois Near Kerby (AW#42878) Flow 1050 cfs -00h39m
USA-CAL dream-644 Imnaha At Imnaha (AW#58814) Flow 145 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-208 Indian Creek (Klamath trib)-confluence S. and E. Fork to Klamath River (AW#37392) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-530 Indian Creek Below Indian Falls (AW#42505) Flow 2300 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-530 Indian Creek Below Indian Falls (AW#42505) Status too high 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-592 Indian Creek Near Douglas City (AW#45052) Flow 96 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-592 Indian Creek Near Douglas City (AW#45052) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-216 Indian Creek Near Happy Camp (Klamath) (AW#42432) Flow 490 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-216 Indian Creek Near Happy Camp (Klamath) (AW#42432) Status running -02h39m
USA-CAL cdec-JBP JAMES BYPASS (AW#42653) Flow 4844 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-JBP JAMES BYPASS (AW#42653) Feet Stage 21.52 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-JAMC1 JAMES BYPASS NEAR TRANQUILITY 4E (AW#24757) Feet Stage 15.37 ft 07h50m
USA-CAL usgs-11014000 JAMUL C NR JAMUL CA (AW#8373) Flow 10 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11014000 JAMUL C NR JAMUL CA (AW#8373) Feet Stage 1.58 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-JMLC1 JAMUL CREEK NEAR JAMUL 6S (AW#24759) Feet Stage 1.57 ft 07h35m
USA-CAL hads-JBGC1 JARBO GAP RAWS NEAR PARADISE 5ESE (AW#24758) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 88h07m
USA-CAL hads-JBGC1 JARBO GAP RAWS NEAR PARADISE 5ESE (AW#24758) Yearly Precip. 51.8 in/yr 01h06m
USA-CAL hads-JBGC1 JARBO GAP RAWS NEAR PARADISE 5ESE (AW#24758) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 88h07m
USA-CAL hads-JBGC1 JARBO GAP RAWS NEAR PARADISE 5ESE (AW#24758) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 88h07m
USA-CAL hads-JSDC1 JERSEYDALE RAWS NEAR MIDPINES 4ENE (AW#24761) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 75h34m
USA-CAL hads-JSDC1 JERSEYDALE RAWS NEAR MIDPINES 4ENE (AW#24761) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 75h34m
USA-CAL hads-JSDC1 JERSEYDALE RAWS NEAR MIDPINES 4ENE (AW#24761) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 75h34m
USA-CAL hads-JSDC1 JERSEYDALE RAWS NEAR MIDPINES 4ENE (AW#24761) Yearly Precip. 15.3 in/yr 01h34m
USA-CAL hads-JSNC1 JOHNSONDALE RAWS (AW#24762) Yearly Precip. 10.5 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-JSNC1 JOHNSONDALE RAWS (AW#24762) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-JSNC1 JOHNSONDALE RAWS (AW#24762) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 86h24m
USA-CAL hads-JSNC1 JOHNSONDALE RAWS (AW#24762) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 86h24m
USA-CAL cdec-JTR JONES TRACT (AW#44547) Feet Stage 0.49 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-JNC JUNCTION (AW#276489) Flow 22 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-JPRC1 JUNIPER CREEK RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 12SSE (AW#24760) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 71h28m
USA-CAL hads-JPRC1 JUNIPER CREEK RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 12SSE (AW#24760) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 71h28m
USA-CAL hads-JPRC1 JUNIPER CREEK RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 12SSE (AW#24760) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 71h28m
USA-CAL hads-JPRC1 JUNIPER CREEK RAWS NEAR ALTURAS 12SSE (AW#24760) Yearly Precip. 8.0 in/yr 01h28m
USA-CAL dream-179 Jarbidge Below Jarbidge (AW#59080) Flow 8 cfs 4d05h50m
USA-CAL dream-179 Jarbidge Below Jarbidge (AW#59080) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-248 John Day At Service Creek (AW#42933) Flow 1050 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-297 Johnson Creek At Yellow Pine (AW#42960) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL hads-KSPC1 KAISER POINT NEAR LAKESHORE 4ENE (AW#24782) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 20h06m
USA-CAL hads-KSPC1 KAISER POINT NEAR LAKESHORE 4ENE (AW#24782) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 20h06m
USA-CAL hads-KSPC1 KAISER POINT NEAR LAKESHORE 4ENE (AW#24782) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 20h06m
USA-CAL hads-KSPC1 KAISER POINT NEAR LAKESHORE 4ENE (AW#24782) Yearly Precip. 21.1 in/yr 03h36m
USA-CAL cdec-KRM KAWEAH R BLW MCKAY POINT (AW#49225) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-TRR KAWEAH RIVER AT THREE RIVERS (AW#49102) Flow 371 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-KTRC1 KAWEAH RIVER NEAR THREE RIVERS 1N (AW#24784) Feet Stage 3.88 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-KRG KELLY RIDGE POWER HOUSE (AW#251003) Feet Stage 224.10 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11449500 KELSEY C NR KELSEYVILLE CA (AW#7621) Feet Stage 5.19 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11449500 KELSEY C NR KELSEYVILLE CA (AW#7621) Flow 245 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11449500 KELSEY C NR KELSEYVILLE CA (AW#7621) Alt. Stage in Feet 1483.30 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-KCK KELSEY CK BLW KELSEYVILLE (AW#42656) Feet Stage 30.88 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-KCK KELSEY CK BLW KELSEYVILLE (AW#42656) Flow 236 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-KCH KELSEY CK NR HOBERGS (AW#156552) Feet Stage 336.96 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-KCKC1 KELSEY CREEK BELOW KELSEYVILLE 2N (AW#44172) Feet Stage 30.88 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-351813119150601 KERN R A ENOS PARK FOOT BR NR BAKERSFIELD CA (AW#277483) Feet Stage -0.45 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-351813119150601 KERN R A ENOS PARK FOOT BR NR BAKERSFIELD CA (AW#277483) Flow 0 cfs 6d17h19m
USA-CAL cdec-KKV KERN R AT KERNVILLE (AW#49224) Feet Stage 3.35 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-KKV KERN R AT KERNVILLE (AW#49224) Flow 676 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-KRD KERN R BL KERN CYN PH DIV DAM (AW#42660) Flow 33 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-KRD KERN R BL KERN CYN PH DIV DAM (AW#42660) Feet Stage 2.61 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-1ST KERN RIVER AT FIRST POINT (AW#274906) Feet Stage 1.76 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-1ST KERN RIVER AT FIRST POINT (AW#274906) Flow 288 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-KRVC1 KERN RIVER AT KERNVILLE (AW#24781) Feet Stage 3.35 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-A2P KERN RIVER CANAL AT ALT SECOND POINT (AW#274907) Feet Stage -9.99 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-KES KESWICK RESERVOIR (AW#276490) Flow 61978 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-KES KESWICK RESERVOIR (AW#276490) Alt. Flow 59739 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-KRKC1 KETTLE ROCK NEAR TAYLORSVILLE 8NE (AW#24778) Yearly Precip. 0.1 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-KTLC1 KETTLEMAN HILLS RAWS NEAR KETTLEMAN CITY 5WNW (AW#24783) Yearly Precip. 1.8 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL cdec-KRT KINGS R NR TRIMMER (AW#49226) Feet Stage 4.09 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-KRT KINGS R NR TRIMMER (AW#49226) Flow 1024 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MBK KINGS RIVER AT MEADOWBROOK (AW#42683) Feet Stage 2.13 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MBK KINGS RIVER AT MEADOWBROOK (AW#42683) Flow 16 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-AMW KINGS RIVER BELOW ARMY WEIR (AW#42521) Feet Stage 0.83 ft 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-CSW KINGS RIVER BELOW CRESCENT WEIR (AW#50307) Feet Stage 1.66 ft 04h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11523000 KLAMATH R A ORLEANS (AW#4732) Flow 11200 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11523000 KLAMATH R A ORLEANS (AW#4732) Feet Stage 8.34 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11517818 KLAMATH R A WALKER BR NR KLAMATH RIVER CA (AW#276155) Feet Stage 24.17 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11511990 KLAMATH R AB FALL C NR COPCO CA (AW#276139) Feet Stage 26.30 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11516530 KLAMATH R BL IRON GATE DAM CA (AW#4727) Flow 1510 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11516530 KLAMATH R BL IRON GATE DAM CA (AW#4727) Feet Stage 2.84 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11530500 KLAMATH R NR KLAMATH CA (AW#4737) Flow 33000 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11530500 KLAMATH R NR KLAMATH CA (AW#4737) Feet Stage 16.78 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11520500 KLAMATH R NR SEIAD VALLEY CA (AW#4730) Flow 4830 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11520500 KLAMATH R NR SEIAD VALLEY CA (AW#4730) Feet Stage 5.59 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-ONSC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT ORLEANS (AW#24975) Feet Stage 8.35 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-OLS KLAMATH RIVER AT ORLEANS (AW#42748) Feet Stage 8.37 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-OLS KLAMATH RIVER AT ORLEANS (AW#42748) Flow 11250 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-TERC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT TURWAR CREEK NEAR KLAMATH 1SE (AW#25261) Yearly Precip. 1.2 in/yr 03h36m
USA-CAL hads-TERC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT TURWAR CREEK NEAR KLAMATH 1SE (AW#25261) Feet Stage 25.96 ft 5d11h21m
USA-CAL hads-TERC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT TURWAR CREEK NEAR KLAMATH 1SE (AW#25261) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 87h20m
USA-CAL hads-TERC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT TURWAR CREEK NEAR KLAMATH 1SE (AW#25261) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 87h20m
USA-CAL hads-TERC1 KLAMATH RIVER AT TURWAR CREEK NEAR KLAMATH 1SE (AW#25261) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 87h20m
USA-CAL cdec-KIG KLAMATH RIVER BELOW IRON GATE DAM (AW#42657) Flow 1507 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-KIG KLAMATH RIVER BELOW IRON GATE DAM (AW#42657) Feet Stage 2.84 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-KNK KLAMATH RIVER NEAR KLAMATH (AW#42658) Flow 33272 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-KNK KLAMATH RIVER NEAR KLAMATH (AW#42658) Feet Stage 16.82 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-KLMC1 KLAMATH RIVER NEAR KLAMATH 3SE (AW#24773) Feet Stage 16.82 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-KSV KLAMATH RIVER NEAR SEIAD VALLEY (AW#42661) Feet Stage 5.60 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-KSV KLAMATH RIVER NEAR SEIAD VALLEY (AW#42661) Flow 4848 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-SEIC1 KLAMATH RIVER NEAR SEIAD VALLEY 2W (AW#25130) Feet Stage 5.59 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-KNNC1 KNEELAND 5SE RAWS (AW#24775) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 88h26m
USA-CAL hads-KNNC1 KNEELAND 5SE RAWS (AW#24775) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 88h26m
USA-CAL hads-KNNC1 KNEELAND 5SE RAWS (AW#24775) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 88h26m
USA-CAL hads-KNNC1 KNEELAND 5SE RAWS (AW#24775) Yearly Precip. 47.1 in/yr 01h26m
USA-CAL hads-KNXC1 KNOXVILLE RAWS NEAR LOWER LAKE 9E (AW#24777) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 84h12m
USA-CAL hads-KNXC1 KNOXVILLE RAWS NEAR LOWER LAKE 9E (AW#24777) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 84h12m
USA-CAL hads-KNXC1 KNOXVILLE RAWS NEAR LOWER LAKE 9E (AW#24777) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 84h12m
USA-CAL hads-KNXC1 KNOXVILLE RAWS NEAR LOWER LAKE 9E (AW#24777) Yearly Precip. 26.6 in/yr 01h11m
USA-CAL hads-KELC1 KONOCTI RAWS (MOUNT KONOCTI) NEAR KELSEYVILLE 7SE (AW#24771) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-KELC1 KONOCTI RAWS (MOUNT KONOCTI) NEAR KELSEYVILLE 7SE (AW#24771) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-KELC1 KONOCTI RAWS (MOUNT KONOCTI) NEAR KELSEYVILLE 7SE (AW#24771) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 87h24m
USA-CAL hads-KELC1 KONOCTI RAWS (MOUNT KONOCTI) NEAR KELSEYVILLE 7SE (AW#24771) Yearly Precip. 22.0 in/yr 01h23m
USA-CAL hads-KRTC1 KRNO3 RAWS NEAR FRAZIER PARK 1W (AW#24780) Yearly Precip. 46.0 in/yr 01h02m
USA-CAL dream-103 Kaweah At Three Rivers (AW#42383) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-103 Kaweah At Three Rivers (AW#42383) Flow 363 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-424 Kaweah Below Terminus Dam (AW#42471) Flow 4 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-424 Kaweah Below Terminus Dam (AW#42471) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-5202 Kaweah, East Fork-Oak Grove Bridge to Gateway Bridge (AW#44010) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-11611 Kaweah, Middle Fork-Panther Creek to Hospital Rock (AW#280163) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-209 Kaweah-Above Gateway Bridge to Dinley Bridge (AW#37393) Status too low 03h21m
USA-CAL river-212 Kaweah-Dinley Bridge to N.Fork Bridge (AW#37396) Status too low 03h21m
USA-CAL river-210 Kaweah-N.Fork Bridge to Lake Kaweah (AW#37394) Status too low 03h21m
USA-CAL river-5010 Kaweah-Terminus Dam to VIsalia (AW#43871) Status too low 01h00m
USA-CAL dream-105 Kern Below Lake Isabella (AW#42385) Flow 307 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-105 Kern Below Lake Isabella (AW#42385) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-219 Kern, N. Fork-Powerhouse #3 to Riverside Park (AW#37403) Status too low 02h06m
USA-CAL river-2604 Kern, S. Fork-1) Monache Meadows to Kennedy Meadows (AW#39791) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL river-2607 Kern, S. Fork-2) Kennedy Meadows to Long Valley (AW#39794) Status too low 00h49m
USA-CAL river-217 Kern-2) Forks of the Kern to Johnsondale Bridge (AW#37401) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL river-218 Kern-3) Johnsondale Bridge to Powerhouse #3 (AW#37402) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL river-221 Kern-5) Sandy Flat to Democrat Hot Springs (Miracle Run) (AW#37405) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL river-223 Kern-7) Mouth of canyon to Lake Ming (AW#37407) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-100 Kings At Rodgers Crossing (AW#42380) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-100 Kings At Rodgers Crossing (AW#42380) Flow 640 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-101 Kings Rel Pine Flat Lake (AW#42381) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-101 Kings Rel Pine Flat Lake (AW#42381) Flow 146 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL virtual-50302 Kings River at Piedra (AW#50302) Flow 156 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL virtual-50759 Kings, MF or SF (AW#50759) Flow 320 cfs 01h21m
USA-CAL river-1723 Kings, N. Fork-Above Wishon Reservoir (AW#38909) Status too low 01h51m
USA-CAL river-229 Kings, N. Fork-Balch Afterbay to confluence with Dinkey Creek (AW#37413) Status running 02h38m
USA-CAL river-228 Kings, N. Fork-Dinkey Creek to Main Kings Confluence (AW#37412) Status running 02h23m
USA-CAL river-231 Kings, S. Fork-2. Park Boundary to Boyden Cave (AW#37415) Status running -03h36m
USA-CAL river-230 Kings, S. Fork-3. Boyden Cave to Middle Fork confluence (AW#37414) Status running 07h22m
USA-CAL river-224 Kings-1. Middle, S. Fork confluence to Garnet Dike Campground (AW#37408) Status running 07h20m
USA-CAL river-225 Kings-2. Garnet Dike Campground to Kirch Flat Campground (AW#37409) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL river-226 Kings-4. Pine Flat Dam to Centerville (Route 180) (AW#37410) Status too low 01h19m
USA-CAL dream-457 Klamath At Klamath Glen (AW#42484) Flow 33000 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-457 Klamath At Klamath Glen (AW#42484) Status too high 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-004 Klamath At Orleans (AW#42341) Status too high 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-004 Klamath At Orleans (AW#42341) Flow 11000 cfs -02h39m
USA-CAL dream-003 Klamath Below Iron Gate Dam (AW#42340) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-003 Klamath Below Iron Gate Dam (AW#42340) Flow 1510 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-519 Klamath Below J.C. Boyle Plant (AW#42501) Flow 1220 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-519 Klamath Below J.C. Boyle Plant (AW#42501) Status running 01h36m
USA-CAL dream-295 Klamath Below Seiad Valley (AW#42454) Flow 4700 cfs -00h39m
USA-CAL dream-295 Klamath Below Seiad Valley (AW#42454) Status running 01h19m
USA-CAL virtual-7118 Klamath R. below Shasta Confluence (AW#43492) Flow 2011 cfs 00h22m
USA-CAL river-11615 Klamath-04. Access 6 to Wards Canyon (AW#280220) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL river-11616 Klamath-06. Fall Creek to Iron Gate (AW#280221) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL river-233 Klamath-1) Iron Gate Dam to Sarah Totten CG (AW#37417) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL river-234 Klamath-2) Sarah Totten Campground to Happy Camp (AW#37418) Status running 00h19m
USA-CAL river-3170 Klamath-3) Happy Camp to Coon Creek (AW#40359) Status running 00h19m
USA-CAL river-232 Klamath-4) Coon Creek to Ishi Pishi Falls (AW#37416) Status running 00h19m
USA-CAL river-235 Klamath-5) Ishi Pishi Bridge to Orleans (Ikes) (AW#37419) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-236 Klamath-6) Orleans to Weitchpec (AW#37420) Status too high 00h49m
USA-CAL river-3865 Klamath-7) Weitchpec to Klamath Glen (AW#41069) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL river-11684 Klamath-Access 1 to Wards Canyon Entrance (AW#280952) Status running 00h34m
USA-CAL dream-318 Klickitat Near Pitt (AW#42976) Flow 825 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-410 Kootenai Below Libby Dam (AW#43169) Flow 6250 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-410 Kootenai Below Libby Dam (AW#43169) Status running 93h20m
USA-CAL hads-LAHC1 LA HONDA RAWS (AW#24786) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 89h13m
USA-CAL hads-LAHC1 LA HONDA RAWS (AW#24786) Yearly Precip. 17.7 in/yr 01h13m
USA-CAL hads-LAHC1 LA HONDA RAWS (AW#24786) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 89h13m
USA-CAL hads-LAHC1 LA HONDA RAWS (AW#24786) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 89h13m
USA-CAL hads-LPTC1 LA PORTE SNOW COURSE (AW#24815) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h21m
USA-CAL hads-LPTC1 LA PORTE SNOW COURSE (AW#24815) Yearly Precip. 58.4 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-LPTC1 LA PORTE SNOW COURSE (AW#24815) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h21m
USA-CAL hads-LPTC1 LA PORTE SNOW COURSE (AW#24815) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h21m
USA-CAL hads-PCIC1 LA/VENTURA COUNTY LINE NEAR PIRU 5ESE (AW#24995) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-PCIC1 LA/VENTURA COUNTY LINE NEAR PIRU 5ESE (AW#24995) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-PCIC1 LA/VENTURA COUNTY LINE NEAR PIRU 5ESE (AW#24995) Yearly Precip. 75.6 in/yr 00h56m
USA-CAL hads-PCIC1 LA/VENTURA COUNTY LINE NEAR PIRU 5ESE (AW#24995) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 78h20m
USA-CAL hads-LDRC1 LADDER BUTTE RAWS NEAR HALLS FLAT 4NW (AW#24795) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 5d17h28m
USA-CAL hads-LDRC1 LADDER BUTTE RAWS NEAR HALLS FLAT 4NW (AW#24795) Yearly Precip. 11.8 in/yr 00h28m
USA-CAL hads-LDRC1 LADDER BUTTE RAWS NEAR HALLS FLAT 4NW (AW#24795) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 5d17h28m
USA-CAL hads-LDRC1 LADDER BUTTE RAWS NEAR HALLS FLAT 4NW (AW#24795) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 5d17h28m
USA-CAL cdec-EGN LAGUNA CR - FLORIN NEAR EAGLES NEST ROAD (AW#42606) Feet Stage 99.09 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11465680 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA A STONY PT RD NR COTATI CA (AW#5413) Feet Stage 76.46 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11465680 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA A STONY PT RD NR COTATI CA (AW#5413) Flow 47 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11465750 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA C NR SEBASTOPOL CA (AW#5415) Flow 159 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11465750 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA C NR SEBASTOPOL CA (AW#5415) Feet Stage 59.90 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-CTIC1 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA NEAR COTATI 2NW (AW#24531) Feet Stage 76.46 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-LSEC1 LAGUNA DE SANTA ROSA NEAR SEBASTOPOL 1N (AW#24821) Feet Stage 59.94 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LDT LAKE DAVIS TAILRACE (AW#236106) Feet Stage 2.32 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-09427500 LAKE HAVASU NEAR PARKER DAM, AZ-CA (AW#7160) Feet Stage 47.74 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-LPPC1 LAKE KAWEAH POOL NEAR LEMON COVE 3NE (AW#24814) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 5d04h20m
USA-CAL hads-LPPC1 LAKE KAWEAH POOL NEAR LEMON COVE 3NE (AW#24814) Yearly Precip. 31.1 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-LPPC1 LAKE KAWEAH POOL NEAR LEMON COVE 3NE (AW#24814) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 5d04h20m
USA-CAL hads-LPPC1 LAKE KAWEAH POOL NEAR LEMON COVE 3NE (AW#24814) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 5d04h20m
USA-CAL hads-KAWC1 LAKE KAWEAH WEATHER STATION NEAR LEMONCOVE 3NNE (AW#24766) Yearly Precip. 4.0 in/yr 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-KAWC1 LAKE KAWEAH WEATHER STATION NEAR LEMONCOVE 3NNE (AW#24766) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 82h06m
USA-CAL hads-KAWC1 LAKE KAWEAH WEATHER STATION NEAR LEMONCOVE 3NNE (AW#24766) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 82h06m
USA-CAL hads-KAWC1 LAKE KAWEAH WEATHER STATION NEAR LEMONCOVE 3NNE (AW#24766) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 82h06m
USA-CAL hads-MHEC1 LAKE MATHEWS RAWS NEAR CORONA 7ESE (AW#45280) Yearly Precip. 0.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-EXQC1 LAKE MCCLURE AT EXCHEQUER DAM NEAR SNELLING 10ENE (AW#24623) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 8d02h36m
USA-CAL hads-EXQC1 LAKE MCCLURE AT EXCHEQUER DAM NEAR SNELLING 10ENE (AW#24623) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 8d02h36m
USA-CAL hads-EXQC1 LAKE MCCLURE AT EXCHEQUER DAM NEAR SNELLING 10ENE (AW#24623) Yearly Precip. 5.6 in/yr 02h06m
USA-CAL hads-EXQC1 LAKE MCCLURE AT EXCHEQUER DAM NEAR SNELLING 10ENE (AW#24623) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 8d02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-NAT LAKE NATOMA (NIMBUS DAM) (AW#276492) Flow 2522 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-NAT LAKE NATOMA (NIMBUS DAM) (AW#276492) Alt. Flow 2637 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-TCLC1 LAKE PIRU RAWS NEAR TEMESCAL NEAR PIRU 4NNE (AW#25253) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 85h07m
USA-CAL hads-TCLC1 LAKE PIRU RAWS NEAR TEMESCAL NEAR PIRU 4NNE (AW#25253) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 85h07m
USA-CAL hads-TCLC1 LAKE PIRU RAWS NEAR TEMESCAL NEAR PIRU 4NNE (AW#25253) Yearly Precip. 3.7 in/yr 01h08m
USA-CAL hads-TCLC1 LAKE PIRU RAWS NEAR TEMESCAL NEAR PIRU 4NNE (AW#25253) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 85h07m
USA-CAL hads-RSWC1 LAKE SONOMA RECREATION AREA NEAR GEYSERVILLE 4W (AW#43545) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 85h35m
USA-CAL hads-RSWC1 LAKE SONOMA RECREATION AREA NEAR GEYSERVILLE 4W (AW#43545) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 85h35m
USA-CAL hads-RSWC1 LAKE SONOMA RECREATION AREA NEAR GEYSERVILLE 4W (AW#43545) Yearly Precip. 38.3 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-RSWC1 LAKE SONOMA RECREATION AREA NEAR GEYSERVILLE 4W (AW#43545) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 85h35m
USA-CAL hads-LSHC1 LAKESHORE NEAR LAKEHEAD 3S (AW#24824) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 78h35m
USA-CAL hads-LSHC1 LAKESHORE NEAR LAKEHEAD 3S (AW#24824) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 78h35m
USA-CAL hads-LSHC1 LAKESHORE NEAR LAKEHEAD 3S (AW#24824) Yearly Precip. 40.8 in/yr 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-LSHC1 LAKESHORE NEAR LAKEHEAD 3S (AW#24824) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 78h35m
USA-CAL hads-TABC1 LAS TABLAS RAWS NEAR CAMBRIA 11NE (AW#25243) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 91h12m
USA-CAL hads-TABC1 LAS TABLAS RAWS NEAR CAMBRIA 11NE (AW#25243) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 91h12m
USA-CAL hads-TABC1 LAS TABLAS RAWS NEAR CAMBRIA 11NE (AW#25243) Yearly Precip. 9.5 in/yr 01h13m
USA-CAL hads-TABC1 LAS TABLAS RAWS NEAR CAMBRIA 11NE (AW#25243) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 91h12m
USA-CAL hads-LSNC1 LASSEN LODGE RAWS NEAR MINERAL 6W (AW#24825) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 86h31m
USA-CAL hads-LSNC1 LASSEN LODGE RAWS NEAR MINERAL 6W (AW#24825) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 86h31m
USA-CAL hads-LSNC1 LASSEN LODGE RAWS NEAR MINERAL 6W (AW#24825) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 86h31m
USA-CAL hads-LSNC1 LASSEN LODGE RAWS NEAR MINERAL 6W (AW#24825) Yearly Precip. 35.4 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-LAYC1 LAYTONVILLE 1N RAWS (AW#24787) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 94h52m
USA-CAL hads-LAYC1 LAYTONVILLE 1N RAWS (AW#24787) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 94h52m
USA-CAL hads-LAYC1 LAYTONVILLE 1N RAWS (AW#24787) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 94h52m
USA-CAL hads-LAYC1 LAYTONVILLE 1N RAWS (AW#24787) Yearly Precip. 58.8 in/yr 00h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LMN LEMONCOVE DITCH (AW#49228) Feet Stage 1.05 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-10308789 LEVIATHAN C AB ASPEN C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5393) Flow 0 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10308789 LEVIATHAN C AB ASPEN C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5393) Feet Stage 4.47 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10308783 LEVIATHAN C AB MINE NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#63747) Feet Stage 3.26 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10308783 LEVIATHAN C AB MINE NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#63747) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10308792 LEVIATHAN C AB MOUNTAINEER C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#250958) Feet Stage 7.45 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-10308792 LEVIATHAN C AB MOUNTAINEER C NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#250958) Flow 1 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-10308784 LEVIATHAN MINE ADIT DRAIN NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5388) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10308784 LEVIATHAN MINE ADIT DRAIN NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5388) Feet Stage 9.67 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10308785 LEVIATHAN MINE PIT FLOW NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5389) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10308785 LEVIATHAN MINE PIT FLOW NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5389) Feet Stage 9.82 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-103087855 LEVIATHAN MINE PIT JUNCTION BOX NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#274619) Feet Stage 0.17 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-103087853 LEVIATHAN MINE POND 1 NR MARKLEEVILLE CA (AW#5390) Feet Stage 5.18 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-LWS LEWISTON (WATER QUALITY) (AW#42679) Feet Stage 16.99 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-LWS LEWISTON (WATER QUALITY) (AW#42679) Flow 3558 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-LIR LIBERTY ISLAND - RD2068 (AW#42671) Feet Stage 7.50 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-LIB LIBERTY ISLAND @ APPROX CNTR S END (AW#50299) Feet Stage 7.80 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LIB LIBERTY ISLAND @ APPROX CNTR S END (AW#50299) Flow 18100 cfs 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-ATHC1 LIME KILN CANYON NEAR TEHACHAPI 3S (AW#24347) Yearly Precip. 113.1 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LCH LINDO CHANNEL NR CHICO (AW#42665) Feet Stage 2.74 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LCH LINDO CHANNEL NR CHICO (AW#42665) Flow 160 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LTA LITTLE CHICO CK AT TAFFEE AVE (AW#248688) Feet Stage 10.81 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LDC LITTLE DRY CREEK (USBR) (AW#42667) Feet Stage 3.33 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LDM LITTLE DRY CREEK AT MARYSVILLE RD (AW#281041) Feet Stage 2.23 ft 03h06m
USA-CAL hads-LJCC1 LITTLE JOHN CREEK NEAR FARMINGTON 4E (AW#43365) Feet Stage 2.85 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-LLE LITTLE LAST CHANCE CREEK, EB, AT HWY 70 (AW#280641) Feet Stage -1.27 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LLN LITTLE LAST CHANCE CREEK, NB, AT HWY 70 (AW#280640) Feet Stage -2.05 ft 16h49m
USA-CAL cdec-LPS LITTLE POTATO SLOUGH AT TERMINOUS (AW#42675) Feet Stage 18.06 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LPS LITTLE POTATO SLOUGH AT TERMINOUS (AW#42675) Flow 5480 cfs 02h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11481200 LITTLE R NR TRINIDAD CA (AW#4722) Flow 320 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11481200 LITTLE R NR TRINIDAD CA (AW#4722) Feet Stage 3.34 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-LRT LITTLE RIVER NEAR TRINIDAD (AW#42676) Flow 320 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-TRDC1 LITTLE RIVER NEAR TRINIDAD (AW#25286) Feet Stage 3.34 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-LRT LITTLE RIVER NEAR TRINIDAD (AW#42676) Feet Stage 3.34 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-LSR LITTLE SHASTA R NR MONTAGUE (AW#49649) Feet Stage 1.70 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LSR LITTLE SHASTA R NR MONTAGUE (AW#49649) Flow 22 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LSS LITTLE SHASTA RIVER BELOW BIG SPRINGS RD (AW#277992) Feet Stage 16.67 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LTG LITTLE SPRINGS CREEK NEAR GRENADA (AW#278150) Feet Stage 5.97 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-10344400 LITTLE TRUCKEE R AB BOCA RES NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4523) Feet Stage 1.06 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10344400 LITTLE TRUCKEE R AB BOCA RES NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4523) Flow 96 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-LAB LITTLE TRUCKEE R ABV BOCA RESERVOIR (AW#42663) Feet Stage 1.06 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-10344500 LITTLE TRUCKEE R BL BOCA DAM NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4524) Flow 40 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10344500 LITTLE TRUCKEE R BL BOCA DAM NR TRUCKEE CA (AW#4524) Feet Stage 1.33 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-LTK LITTLE TRUCKEE R BL BOCA RES (AW#42677) Feet Stage 1.33 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LTK LITTLE TRUCKEE R BL BOCA RES (AW#42677) Flow 40 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LCF LITTLEJOHN CK AT FARMINGTON (AW#49227) Feet Stage 2.85 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL hads-LGPC1 LOG SPRINGS NEAR PASKENTA 14SW (AW#45099) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 20h35m
USA-CAL hads-LGPC1 LOG SPRINGS NEAR PASKENTA 14SW (AW#45099) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 20h35m
USA-CAL hads-LGPC1 LOG SPRINGS NEAR PASKENTA 14SW (AW#45099) Yearly Precip. 29.4 in/yr 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-LGPC1 LOG SPRINGS NEAR PASKENTA 14SW (AW#45099) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 20h35m
USA-CAL cdec-LON LOON LAKE (SMUD) (AW#51484) Flow 25 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11141280 LOPEZ C NR ARROYO GRANDE CA (AW#4590) Flow 4 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11141280 LOPEZ C NR ARROYO GRANDE CA (AW#4590) Feet Stage 7.93 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-LOAC1 LOS ALTOS RAWS NEAR LOS ALTOS HILLS 1S (AW#24811) Yearly Precip. 6.9 in/yr 01h11m
USA-CAL usgs-11022200 LOS COCHES C NR LAKESIDE CA (AW#4538) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11022200 LOS COCHES C NR LAKESIDE CA (AW#4538) Feet Stage 2.52 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-LCCC1 LOS COCHES CREEK NEAR LAKESIDE (AW#24791) Feet Stage 2.54 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-LSGC1 LOS GATOS 2SE RAWS (AW#24823) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 91h48m
USA-CAL hads-LSGC1 LOS GATOS 2SE RAWS (AW#24823) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 91h48m
USA-CAL hads-LSGC1 LOS GATOS 2SE RAWS (AW#24823) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 91h48m
USA-CAL hads-LSGC1 LOS GATOS 2SE RAWS (AW#24823) Yearly Precip. 10.5 in/yr 00h47m
USA-CAL cdec-EDA LOS GATOS CREEK AT EL DORADO AVENUE (AW#42604) Feet Stage 0.15 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-LGC LOS GATOS CREEK NEAR COALINGA (AW#42669) Feet Stage 3.37 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LGC LOS GATOS CREEK NEAR COALINGA (AW#42669) Flow 1 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-LLC LOS LAURELES CANYON (AW#42673) Feet Stage 87.57 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL usgs-11023340 LOS PENASQUITOS C NR POWAY CA (AW#7967) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11023340 LOS PENASQUITOS C NR POWAY CA (AW#7967) Flow 1 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL hads-PNQC1 LOS PENASQUITOS CREEK NEAR POWAY 7WSW (AW#25037) Feet Stage 1.53 ft 04h35m
USA-CAL usgs-390800121230701 LOWER BLACKWELDER LK NR WHEATLAND CA (AW#274593) Feet Stage 0.90 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-211 Lavezzola Creek Above Downie River (AW#42428) Flow 239 cfs 02h36m
USA-CAL dream-211 Lavezzola Creek Above Downie River (AW#42428) Status running 02h36m
USA-CAL dream-243 Li. No. Santiam Near Mehama (AW#42929) Status too low 5d21h20m
USA-CAL dream-243 Li. No. Santiam Near Mehama (AW#42929) Flow 320 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-437 Li. White Salmon At Willard Fish Hatchery (AW#43034) Flow 400 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-437 Li. White Salmon At Willard Fish Hatchery (AW#43034) Status running 69h20m
USA-CAL dream-548 Little Klickitat Near Wahkiacus (AW#43084) Flow 81 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL dream-149 Little Salmon At Riggins (AW#42883) Flow 210 cfs 21h20m
USA-CAL river-238 Little Sulphur Creek-Healdsburg-Geyserville Road to Big Sulphur Creek (AW#37422) Status too low 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-146 Lochsa Near Lowell (AW#42880) Status running 21h20m
USA-CAL river-2855 Los Penasquitos Creek-I-15 to I-5 (AW#40038) Status too low 00h19m
USA-CAL dream-610 Lost Creek Below Lost Creek Res (AW#49517) Status running 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-610 Lost Creek Below Lost Creek Res (AW#49517) Flow 128 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL dream-374 Lower Colorado Below Hoover Dam (AW#42459) Status running 00h49m
USA-CAL dream-374 Lower Colorado Below Hoover Dam (AW#42459) Flow 12766 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11463900 MAACAMA C NR KELLOGG CA (AW#51392) Flow 204 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11463900 MAACAMA C NR KELLOGG CA (AW#51392) Feet Stage 5.78 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11480390 MAD R AB RUTH RES NR FOREST GLEN CA (AW#4719) Flow 673 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11480390 MAD R AB RUTH RES NR FOREST GLEN CA (AW#4719) Feet Stage 4.98 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-MRF MAD R ABV RUTH RESERVOIR NR FOREST GLEN (AW#42705) Feet Stage 5.00 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11481000 MAD R NR ARCATA CA (AW#4721) Flow 3670 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11481000 MAD R NR ARCATA CA (AW#4721) Feet Stage 10.17 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL hads-MDDC1 MAD RIVER 1NW RAWS (AW#24855) Yearly Precip. 48.2 in/yr 01h28m
USA-CAL hads-MDDC1 MAD RIVER 1NW RAWS (AW#24855) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 4d22h26m
USA-CAL hads-MDDC1 MAD RIVER 1NW RAWS (AW#24855) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 4d22h26m
USA-CAL hads-MDDC1 MAD RIVER 1NW RAWS (AW#24855) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 4d22h26m
USA-CAL cdec-ARC MAD RIVER NEAR ARCATA (AW#42523) Feet Stage 10.19 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-ARC MAD RIVER NEAR ARCATA (AW#42523) Flow 3698 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-ARCC1 MAD RIVER NEAR ARCATA 3NE (AW#24339) Feet Stage 10.17 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL hads-MADC1 MAD RIVER ON RUTH LAKE NEAR MAD RIVER 12SE (AW#24837) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 19h36m
USA-CAL hads-MADC1 MAD RIVER ON RUTH LAKE NEAR MAD RIVER 12SE (AW#24837) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 19h36m
USA-CAL hads-MADC1 MAD RIVER ON RUTH LAKE NEAR MAD RIVER 12SE (AW#24837) Yearly Precip. 62.3 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-MADC1 MAD RIVER ON RUTH LAKE NEAR MAD RIVER 12SE (AW#24837) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 19h36m
USA-CAL hads-MHYC1 MAHOGANY NEAR KERNVILLE 22NE (AW#24870) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 80h41m
USA-CAL hads-MHYC1 MAHOGANY NEAR KERNVILLE 22NE (AW#24870) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 80h41m
USA-CAL hads-MHYC1 MAHOGANY NEAR KERNVILLE 22NE (AW#24870) Yearly Precip. 5.3 in/yr 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MHYC1 MAHOGANY NEAR KERNVILLE 22NE (AW#24870) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 80h41m
USA-CAL hads-VIOC1 MANZANITA LAKE RAWS NEAR VIOLA 6ENE (AW#25314) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 66h27m
USA-CAL hads-VIOC1 MANZANITA LAKE RAWS NEAR VIOLA 6ENE (AW#25314) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 66h27m
USA-CAL hads-VIOC1 MANZANITA LAKE RAWS NEAR VIOLA 6ENE (AW#25314) Yearly Precip. 36.4 in/yr 00h28m
USA-CAL hads-VIOC1 MANZANITA LAKE RAWS NEAR VIOLA 6ENE (AW#25314) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 66h27m
USA-CAL hads-MAEC1 MAPEL RANCH NEAR ROCKLAND LANDING 3NE (AW#24838) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 09h19m
USA-CAL hads-MAEC1 MAPEL RANCH NEAR ROCKLAND LANDING 3NE (AW#24838) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 09h19m
USA-CAL hads-MAEC1 MAPEL RANCH NEAR ROCKLAND LANDING 3NE (AW#24838) Yearly Precip. 5.0 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-MAEC1 MAPEL RANCH NEAR ROCKLAND LANDING 3NE (AW#24838) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 09h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11206820 MARBLE FORK KAWEAH R AB HORSE C NR LODGEPOLE CA (AW#67662) Feet Stage 7.13 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11206820 MARBLE FORK KAWEAH R AB HORSE C NR LODGEPOLE CA (AW#67662) Flow 4 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-MAR MARIPOSA CREEK DAM (AW#276491) Flow 24 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MAR MARIPOSA CREEK DAM (AW#276491) Alt. Flow 24 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL cdec-MBM MARIPOSSA BYPASS NEAR CRANES ROAD (AW#280380) Feet Stage 88.99 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11466800 MARK WEST C NR MIRABEL HEIGHTS CA (AW#36022) Feet Stage 50.08 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11466800 MARK WEST C NR MIRABEL HEIGHTS CA (AW#36022) Flow 1850 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-MKEC1 MARKLEEVILLE RAWS NEAR MARKLEEVILLE 1SE (AW#24875) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 72h32m
USA-CAL hads-MKEC1 MARKLEEVILLE RAWS NEAR MARKLEEVILLE 1SE (AW#24875) Yearly Precip. 10.7 in/yr 01h32m
USA-CAL hads-MKEC1 MARKLEEVILLE RAWS NEAR MARKLEEVILLE 1SE (AW#24875) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 72h32m
USA-CAL hads-MKEC1 MARKLEEVILLE RAWS NEAR MARKLEEVILLE 1SE (AW#24875) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 72h32m
USA-CAL cdec-MBW MARSH CREEK AT BRENTWOOD (AW#94563) Feet Stage 2.17 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MDA MARSH CREEK AT DAINTY AVENUE (AW#273059) Feet Stage 1.09 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MRZ MARTINEZ (AW#42709) Feet Stage 4.44 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MTK MARTIS CK NR TRUCKEE (AW#42716) Flow 25 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MTK MARTIS CK NR TRUCKEE (AW#42716) Feet Stage 2.91 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MTSC1 MARTIS CREEK LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 4E (AW#24914) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 70h20m
USA-CAL hads-MTSC1 MARTIS CREEK LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 4E (AW#24914) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 70h20m
USA-CAL hads-MTSC1 MARTIS CREEK LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 4E (AW#24914) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 70h20m
USA-CAL hads-MTSC1 MARTIS CREEK LAKE NEAR TRUCKEE 4E (AW#24914) Yearly Precip. 11.3 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-MCTC1 MARTIS CREEK NEAR TRUCKEE 4E (AW#24851) Feet Stage 2.90 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-MRT MARTIS CREEK RESERVOIR (AW#42707) Flow 29 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MRT MARTIS CREEK RESERVOIR (AW#42707) Alt. Flow 18 cfs 04h20m
USA-CAL usgs-11466170 MATANZAS C A SANTA ROSA CA (AW#7446) Feet Stage 156.18 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11466170 MATANZAS C A SANTA ROSA CA (AW#7446) Flow 54 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-MZSC1 MATANZAS CREEK AT SANTA ROSA (AW#24931) Feet Stage 156.18 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL usgs-11468900 MATTOLE R NR ETTERSBURG CA (AW#6974) Flow 707 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11468900 MATTOLE R NR ETTERSBURG CA (AW#6974) Feet Stage 11.82 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11469000 MATTOLE R NR PETROLIA CA (AW#4710) Flow 1890 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11469000 MATTOLE R NR PETROLIA CA (AW#4710) Feet Stage 13.71 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-MRE MATTOLE RIVER NEAR ETTERSBURG (AW#42704) Flow 724 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MRE MATTOLE RIVER NEAR ETTERSBURG (AW#42704) Feet Stage 11.86 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-ETTC1 MATTOLE RIVER NEAR ETTERSBURG 1E (AW#24621) Feet Stage 11.94 ft 07h50m
USA-CAL cdec-PTA MATTOLE RIVER NEAR PETROLIA (AW#42769) Flow 1846 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-PTA MATTOLE RIVER NEAR PETROLIA (AW#42769) Feet Stage 13.68 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MTOC1 MATTOLE RIVER NEAR PETROLIA 1SE (AW#24912) Feet Stage 13.71 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-MCUC1 MCCLOUD DAM POWERPLANT NEAR MCCLOUD 9SSE (AW#24852) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 72h19m
USA-CAL hads-MCUC1 MCCLOUD DAM POWERPLANT NEAR MCCLOUD 9SSE (AW#24852) Yearly Precip. 51.7 in/yr 00h49m
USA-CAL hads-MCUC1 MCCLOUD DAM POWERPLANT NEAR MCCLOUD 9SSE (AW#24852) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 72h19m
USA-CAL hads-MCUC1 MCCLOUD DAM POWERPLANT NEAR MCCLOUD 9SSE (AW#24852) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 72h19m
USA-CAL cdec-MCA MCCLOUD R AT AH-DI-NA (AW#45329) Flow 461 cfs 03h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MCA MCCLOUD R AT AH-DI-NA (AW#45329) Feet Stage 1.92 ft 03h36m
USA-CAL hads-MCCC1 MCCLOUD RAWS NEAR MCCLOUD 8E (AW#24847) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 71h20m
USA-CAL hads-MCCC1 MCCLOUD RAWS NEAR MCCLOUD 8E (AW#24847) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 71h20m
USA-CAL hads-MCCC1 MCCLOUD RAWS NEAR MCCLOUD 8E (AW#24847) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 71h20m
USA-CAL hads-MCCC1 MCCLOUD RAWS NEAR MCCLOUD 8E (AW#24847) Yearly Precip. 34.1 in/yr 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-MSS MCCLOUD RIVER ABOVE SHASTA LAKE (AW#42713) Feet Stage 12.01 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MSS MCCLOUD RIVER ABOVE SHASTA LAKE (AW#42713) Flow 1796 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MC7 MCCLOUD RIVER BELOW MCCLOUD DAM (AW#72320) Feet Stage 4.61 ft 03h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MC7 MCCLOUD RIVER BELOW MCCLOUD DAM (AW#72320) Flow 218 cfs 03h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MCD MCCLOUD RIVER NEAR MCCLOUD (AW#42685) Feet Stage 2.03 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MCD MCCLOUD RIVER NEAR MCCLOUD (AW#42685) Flow 1212 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MMCC1 MCCLOUD RIVER NEAR MCCLOUD 6SE (AW#24881) Feet Stage 2.03 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL hads-MCGC1 MCGUIRES RAWS NEAR FORT BRAGG 12SE (AW#24849) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 87h30m
USA-CAL hads-MCGC1 MCGUIRES RAWS NEAR FORT BRAGG 12SE (AW#24849) Yearly Precip. 47.2 in/yr 01h30m
USA-CAL hads-MCGC1 MCGUIRES RAWS NEAR FORT BRAGG 12SE (AW#24849) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 87h30m
USA-CAL hads-MCGC1 MCGUIRES RAWS NEAR FORT BRAGG 12SE (AW#24849) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 87h30m
USA-CAL hads-MASC1 MENDOCINO PASS RAWS NEAR NEWVILLE 16W (AW#24840) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-MASC1 MENDOCINO PASS RAWS NEAR NEWVILLE 16W (AW#24840) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-MASC1 MENDOCINO PASS RAWS NEAR NEWVILLE 16W (AW#24840) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 67h16m
USA-CAL hads-MASC1 MENDOCINO PASS RAWS NEAR NEWVILLE 16W (AW#24840) Yearly Precip. 7.0 in/yr 01h17m
USA-CAL cdec-MLK MERCED LAKE (AW#99483) Flow 31 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MLK MERCED LAKE (AW#99483) Feet Stage 9.15 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11264500 MERCED R A HAPPY ISLES BRIDGE NR YOSEMITE CA (AW#4643) Feet Stage 1.93 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11264500 MERCED R A HAPPY ISLES BRIDGE NR YOSEMITE CA (AW#4643) Flow 88 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-11266500 MERCED R A POHONO BRIDGE NR YOSEMITE CA (AW#4644) Flow 237 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11266500 MERCED R A POHONO BRIDGE NR YOSEMITE CA (AW#4644) Feet Stage 2.61 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-AMR MERCED R AT AMSTERDAM RD (AW#204467) Flow 189 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-AMR MERCED R AT AMSTERDAM RD (AW#204467) Feet Stage 4.22 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-HIB MERCED R AT HAPPY ISLES BR NR YOSEMITE (AW#42637) Feet Stage 1.93 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-H59 MERCED R AT HWY 59 (MID) (AW#226881) Feet Stage 6.21 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-H59 MERCED R AT HWY 59 (MID) (AW#226881) Flow 179 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-POH MERCED R AT POHONO BR NR YOSEMITE (AW#42767) Flow 255 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-POH MERCED R AT POHONO BR NR YOSEMITE (AW#42767) Feet Stage 2.68 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MBN MERCED R AT SHAFFER BRIDGE NR CRESSY (AW#51548) Flow 181 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MBN MERCED R AT SHAFFER BRIDGE NR CRESSY (AW#51548) Feet Stage 1.48 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MBH MERCED R BLW CROCKER-HUFFMAN DAM (AW#51547) Flow 203 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MBH MERCED R BLW CROCKER-HUFFMAN DAM (AW#51547) Feet Stage 1.86 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MBG MERCED R NR BRICEBURG #2 (AW#273780) Flow 839 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MBG MERCED R NR BRICEBURG #2 (AW#273780) Feet Stage 8.24 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CRS MERCED RIVER AT CRESSY (AW#42578) Flow 148 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-CRS MERCED RIVER AT CRESSY (AW#42578) Feet Stage 10.81 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MMF MERCED RIVER BELOW MERCED FALLS (AW#42697) Feet Stage 3.95 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MMF MERCED RIVER BELOW MERCED FALLS (AW#42697) Flow 249 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MSN MERCED RIVER NEAR SNELLING (AW#42712) Feet Stage 5.60 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MSN MERCED RIVER NEAR SNELLING (AW#42712) Flow 216 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MST MERCED RIVER NEAR STEVINSON (AW#42714) Feet Stage 56.90 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MST MERCED RIVER NEAR STEVINSON (AW#42714) Flow 165 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MPS MERIDIAN PUMPS (AW#42701) Feet Stage 60.82 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL hads-MCFC1 METCALF GAP RAWS NEAR NIPINNSAWASEE 2W (AW#24848) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 92h18m
USA-CAL hads-MCFC1 METCALF GAP RAWS NEAR NIPINNSAWASEE 2W (AW#24848) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 92h18m
USA-CAL hads-MCFC1 METCALF GAP RAWS NEAR NIPINNSAWASEE 2W (AW#24848) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 92h18m
USA-CAL hads-MCFC1 METCALF GAP RAWS NEAR NIPINNSAWASEE 2W (AW#24848) Yearly Precip. 9.4 in/yr 00h17m
USA-CAL cdec-MEW MEWHINNEY CREEK NEAR COOPER (AW#280868) Feet Stage 1.97 ft 03h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11473900 MF EEL R NR DOS RIOS CA (AW#4711) Flow 3760 cfs 01h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11473900 MF EEL R NR DOS RIOS CA (AW#4711) Feet Stage 8.83 ft 01h19m
USA-CAL cdec-POC MF KAWEAH RIVER NEAR POTWISHA CAMP (AW#280032) Flow 102 cfs 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-POC MF KAWEAH RIVER NEAR POTWISHA CAMP (AW#280032) Feet Stage 4.23 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11224000 MF SAN JOAQUIN R NR MAMMOTH LAKES CA (AW#49487) Feet Stage 3.21 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11224000 MF SAN JOAQUIN R NR MAMMOTH LAKES CA (AW#49487) Flow 48 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL cdec-S52 MF STANISLAUS R AT KENNEDY MEADOWS (AW#72335) Flow 41 cfs 06h20m
USA-CAL cdec-S12 MF STANISLAUS R BL SANDBAR DIV DAM (AW#72333) Flow 438 cfs 06h20m
USA-CAL cdec-SVI MF TULE RIVER BLW INTAKES NR SPRINGVILLE (AW#280031) Feet Stage 3.05 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MTO MF TUOLUMNE R NR OAKLAND REC CAMP (AW#44775) Feet Stage 2.55 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MTO MF TUOLUMNE R NR OAKLAND REC CAMP (AW#44775) Flow 91 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-MIAC1 MIAMI RAWS NEAR FISH CAMP 7SW (AW#24871) Yearly Precip. 10.1 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-MIAC1 MIAMI RAWS NEAR FISH CAMP 7SW (AW#24871) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 74h21m
USA-CAL hads-MIAC1 MIAMI RAWS NEAR FISH CAMP 7SW (AW#24871) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 74h21m
USA-CAL hads-MIAC1 MIAMI RAWS NEAR FISH CAMP 7SW (AW#24871) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 74h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MCU MIDDLE CK NR UPPER LAKE (AW#42688) Feet Stage 7.76 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MCU MIDDLE CK NR UPPER LAKE (AW#42688) Flow 294 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MUPC1 MIDDLE CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE 2N (AW#43367) Feet Stage 7.75 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-OXB MIDDLE FK AMERICAN R NR OXBOW PH (AW#42756) Flow 2606 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-OXB MIDDLE FK AMERICAN R NR OXBOW PH (AW#42756) Feet Stage 11.72 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DOS MIDDLE FORK EEL RIVER NEAR DOS RIOS (AW#42595) Feet Stage 8.82 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-DOS MIDDLE FORK EEL RIVER NEAR DOS RIOS (AW#42595) Flow 3748 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL hads-DOSC1 MIDDLE FORK EEL RIVER NEAR DOS RIOS 2SE (AW#24583) Feet Stage 8.82 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MFP MIDDLE FORK FEATHER RIVER NEAR PORTOLA (AW#42692) Feet Stage 4848.53 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MFTC1 MIDDLE FORK FEATHER RIVER NEAR PORTOLA 1ENE (AW#24865) Feet Stage 4848.53 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-BIR MIDDLE R AT BACON ISLAND RD (AW#250688) Feet Stage 5.88 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MAB MIDDLE RIVER ABOVE BARRIER (AW#90559) Feet Stage 5.07 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MAB MIDDLE RIVER ABOVE BARRIER (AW#90559) Flow 369 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MHR MIDDLE RIVER AT HOWARD ROAD BRIDGE (AW#42695) Feet Stage 5.46 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MDM MIDDLE RIVER AT MIDDLE RIVER (AW#42689) Flow -9800 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MDM MIDDLE RIVER AT MIDDLE RIVER (AW#42689) Feet Stage 8.66 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MMB MIDDLE RIVER AT MOWRY BRIDGE (AW#280451) Feet Stage 5.38 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MTB MIDDLE RIVER AT TRACY BLVD (AW#42715) Feet Stage 5.41 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MRU MIDDLE RIVER AT UNDINE ROAD (AW#49289) Feet Stage 5.55 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MRU MIDDLE RIVER AT UNDINE ROAD (AW#49289) Flow -82 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-HLT MIDDLE RIVER NEAR HOLT (AW#42638) Feet Stage 14.46 ft 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-HLT MIDDLE RIVER NEAR HOLT (AW#42638) Flow -5250 cfs 03h21m
USA-CAL cdec-ORH MIDDLE YUBA RIVER BELOW OUR HOUSE DAM (AW#42752) Feet Stage 18.75 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11381500 MILL C NR LOS MOLINOS CA (AW#4677) Flow 781 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11381500 MILL C NR LOS MOLINOS CA (AW#4677) Feet Stage 4.13 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL cdec-MCR MILL CREEK AT REEVES CANYON RD (AW#280238) Flow 57 cfs 02h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MCR MILL CREEK AT REEVES CANYON RD (AW#280238) Feet Stage 1.58 ft 02h51m
USA-CAL hads-MLMC1 MILL CREEK NEAR LOS MOLINOS 4NE (AW#24879) Feet Stage 4.12 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-PDR MILL CREEK NEAR PIEDRA (AW#42761) Flow 10 cfs 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-PDR MILL CREEK NEAR PIEDRA (AW#42761) Feet Stage 1.71 ft 02h21m
USA-CAL cdec-MLM MILL CREEK NR LOS MOLINOS (AW#42696) Flow 777 cfs 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MLM MILL CREEK NR LOS MOLINOS (AW#42696) Feet Stage 4.12 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL hads-MOLC1 MILO RAWS (AW#24889) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 92h52m
USA-CAL hads-MOLC1 MILO RAWS (AW#24889) Yearly Precip. 6.5 in/yr 00h54m
USA-CAL hads-MOLC1 MILO RAWS (AW#24889) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 92h52m
USA-CAL hads-MOLC1 MILO RAWS (AW#24889) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 92h52m
USA-CAL hads-MTTC1 MINARETS RAWS NEAR BASS LAKE 13NE (AW#24915) Yearly Precip. 12.4 in/yr 01h21m
USA-CAL hads-MTTC1 MINARETS RAWS NEAR BASS LAKE 13NE (AW#24915) Precip. in 12h 0.1 in/12h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-MTTC1 MINARETS RAWS NEAR BASS LAKE 13NE (AW#24915) Precip. in 24h 0.1 in/24h 84h20m
USA-CAL hads-MTTC1 MINARETS RAWS NEAR BASS LAKE 13NE (AW#24915) Precip. in 6h 0.1 in/6h 84h20m
USA-CAL cdec-MFV MINER SLOUGH AT FIVE POINTS (AW#49548) Feet Stage 9.90 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MIR MINER SLOUGH NEAR SACRAMENTO RIVER (AW#142604) Flow 10450 cfs 01h51m
USA-CAL cdec-MIR MINER SLOUGH NEAR SACRAMENTO RIVER (AW#142604) Feet Stage 6.42 ft 01h51m
USA-CAL hads-MNAC1 MINERAL (AW#24884) Precip. in 24h 0.0 in/24h 72h49m
USA-CAL hads-MNAC1 MINERAL (AW#24884) Precip. in 6h 0.0 in/6h 72h49m
USA-CAL hads-MNAC1 MINERAL (AW#24884) Precip. in 12h 0.0 in/12h 72h49m
USA-CAL hads-MNAC1 MINERAL (AW#24884) Yearly Precip. 50.5 in/yr 02h21m
USA-CAL usgs-11119770 MISSION C BL W GUTIERREZ ST BR A SANTA BARBARA CA (AW#280899) Feet Stage 10.28 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-11289000 MODESTO CN NR LA GRANGE CA (AW#49263) Flow 19 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-11289000 MODESTO CN NR LA GRANGE CA (AW#49263) Feet Stage 1.76 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10263000 MOJAVE R A AFTON CA (AW#8179) Flow 0 cfs 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10263000 MOJAVE R A AFTON CA (AW#8179) Feet Stage 5.44 ft 00h19m
USA-CAL usgs-10262500 MOJAVE R A BARSTOW CA (AW#51175) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10262500 MOJAVE R A BARSTOW CA (AW#51175) Feet Stage 3.13 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10262700 MOJAVE R A DAGGETT CA (AW#275645) Feet Stage 6.76 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10262700 MOJAVE R A DAGGETT CA (AW#275645) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10261500 MOJAVE R A LO NARROWS NR VICTORVILLE CA (AW#4479) Feet Stage 6.20 ft 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10261500 MOJAVE R A LO NARROWS NR VICTORVILLE CA (AW#4479) Flow 13 cfs 00h34m
USA-CAL usgs-10262000 MOJAVE R NR HODGE CA (AW#275669) Feet Stage 4.22 ft 00h49m
USA-CAL usgs-10262000 MOJAVE R NR HODGE CA (AW#275669) Flow 0 cfs 00h49m
USA-CAL cdec-MVV MOJAVE RIVER - VICTORVILLE (AW#51027) Feet Stage 6.19 ft 01h36m
USA-CAL cdec-BEN MOKELUMNE R @ BENSON'S FERRY NR THORNTON (AW#42538) Feet Stage 7.68 ft 02h06m
USA-CAL usgs-11336930 MOKELUMNE R A ANDRUS ISLAND NR TERMINOUS CA (AW#36313) Feet Stage 8.02 ft 01h04m
USA-CAL usgs-11336930 MOKELUMNE R A ANDRUS ISLAND NR TERMINOUS CA (AW#36313) Flow 19000 cfs 01h04m
USA-CAL cdec-MOK MOKELUMNE R AT SAN JOAQUIN RIVER (AW#42699) Flow 15600 cfs 03h06m
USA-CAL cdec-MOK MOKELUMNE R AT SAN JOAQUIN RIVER (AW#42699) Feet Stage 8.57 ft 03h06m
USA-CAL cdec-WBR MOKELUMNE RIVER AT WOODBRIDGE (AW#42857) Feet Stage 19.83 ft 02h36m
USA-CAL cdec-MSL MONTEZUMA SLOUGH AT ROARING R (AW#48932) Feet Stage 3.96 ft 01h51m