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AW Comments on Colorado Nat'l Forest Wilderness Process

09/05/2018 - by Kestrel Kunz

Today, September 5, marked the close of the public review process for the DRAFT Wilderness Evaluation Report. The Evaluation Phase is the second step of 4 different steps required in the assessment of lands that may be suitable for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). American Whitewater thoroughly reviewed the DRAFT Wilderness Evaluation Report and submitted our comments to the Forest Service on September 4, 2018. Overall, we found that key paddling reaches throughout the GMUG area were greatly under-represented in the Polygon narratives and thus weren't acknowledged as contributing factors to the Polygon's respective Wilderness Ratings. We let the Forest Service know this, highlighting specific paddling reaches that should be added to each Polygon and which Polygons we believe should have a higher Wilderness Rating based on the high-quality recreation opportunities that each area has to offer. 

Please stay tuned as we continue to report on the GMUG Land Management Revision Process and in the meantime you can learn more about the GMUG here. (Photo of Josh King by Nick Spitzer)

Help Us Determine the Economic Impact of Recreation in Colorado and Montana!

07/20/2018 - by Evan Stafford

Do you like to paddle and/or recreate in other ways in Montana's Custer Gallatin National Forest or on the western slope of Colorado? If so, we need your help to understand the economic impact of recreation there. Our partners at Outdoor Alliance are working with a social scientist to measure the economic impact of human-powered recreation including paddling in priority national forests in Colorado’s Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest (GMUG) and Montana's Custer Gallatin National Forest. If you recreate in Colorado and/or Montana, you can help by taking one of the economic surveys. MONTANA : COLORADO 

Comments Needed on Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, Gunnison National Forests - Colorado

12/05/2017 - by Evan Stafford

The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, Gunnison National Forests (GMUG) are revising their Forest Plan. The new Forest Plan will dictate how recreation, wildlife habitats, watersheds, timber projects, grazing, and more will be managed on the GMUG for the next 20-30 years. We need your involvement to protect important whitewater resources and the special landscapes throughout the Forests. Public Comments are due on the draft by December 8th.

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