Mt. Hood Wilderness (OR)
American Whitewater actively supported the effort to create a legacy for the wild rivers and wilderness lands in the shadow of Mt. Hood. We worked closely with our friends from American Rivers and Oregon Wild to protect rivers that flow off Mt. Hood as Wild and Scenic and have specifically highlighted key rivers that are well recognized for the whitewater opportunities they provide. We successfully protected these rivers for their scenic qualities, natural resource values for fish and wildlife, and recreational opportunities.
Following designation, our efforts turned towards working with the Forest Service to develop management plans for the rivers.
(a) Wild and Scenic River Designations, Mount Hood National Forest-
(1) IN GENERAL- Section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(171) SOUTH FORK CLACKAMAS RIVER, OREGON- The 4.2-mile segment of the South Fork Clackamas River from its confluence with the East Fork of the South Fork Clackamas to its confluence with the Clackamas River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a wild river.
`(172) EAGLE CREEK, OREGON- The 8.3-mile segment of Eagle Creek from its headwaters to the Mount Hood National Forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a wild river.
`(173) MIDDLE FORK HOOD RIVER- The 3.7-mile segment of the Middle Fork Hood River from the confluence of Clear and Coe Branches to the north section line of section 11, township 1 south, range 9 east, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a scenic river.
`(174) SOUTH FORK ROARING RIVER, OREGON- The 4.6-mile segment of the South Fork Roaring River from its headwaters to its confluence with Roaring River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a wild river.
`(175) ZIG ZAG RIVER, OREGON- The 4.3-mile segment of the Zig Zag River from its headwaters to the Mount Hood Wilderness boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a wild river.
`(A) IN GENERAL- The 11.1-mile segment of Fifteenmile Creek from its source at Senecal Spring to the southern edge of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 20, township 2 south, range 12 east, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture in the following classes:
`(i) The 2.6-mile segment from its source at Senecal Spring to the Badger Creek Wilderness boundary, as a wild river.
`(ii) The 0.4-mile segment from the Badger Creek Wilderness boundary to the point 0.4 miles downstream, as a scenic river.
`(iii) The 7.9-mile segment from the point 0.4 miles downstream of the Badger Creek Wilderness boundary to the western edge of section 20, township 2 south, range 12 east as a wild river.
`(iv) The 0.2-mile segment from the western edge of section 20, township 2 south, range 12 east, to the southern edge of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 20, township 2 south, range 12 east as a scenic river.
`(B) INCLUSIONS- Notwithstanding section 3(b), the lateral boundaries of both the wild river area and the scenic river area along Fifteenmile Creek shall include an average of not more than 640 acres per mile measured from the ordinary high water mark on both sides of the river.
`(177) EAST FORK HOOD RIVER, OREGON- The 13.5-mile segment of the East Fork Hood River from Oregon State Highway 35 to the Mount Hood National Forest boundary, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a recreational river.
`(178) COLLAWASH RIVER, OREGON- The 17.8-mile segment of the Collawash River from the headwaters of the East Fork Collawash to the confluence of the mainstream of the Collawash River with the Clackamas River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture in the following classes:
`(A) The 11.0-mile segment from the headwaters of the East Fork Collawash River to Buckeye Creek, as a scenic river.
`(B) The 6.8-mile segment from Buckeye Creek to the Clackamas River, as a recreational river.
`(179) FISH CREEK, OREGON- The 13.5-mile segment of Fish Creek from its headwaters to the confluence with the Clackamas River, to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture as a recreational river.'.
(2) EFFECT- The amendments made by paragraph (1) do not affect valid existing water rights.
(b) Protection for Hood River, Oregon- Section 13(a)(4) of the `Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act' (16 U.S.C. 544k(a)(4)) is amended by striking `for a period not to exceed twenty years from the date of enactment of this Act,'.
The contacts below include staff and volunteers working on this project. Make sure you are logged in if you wish to join the group.
Title | Name | City | |
Thomas O'Keefe | Seattle WA | Details... |
Lower Columbia Canoe Club
Portland, OR
Letter to District Ranger regarding development of river management plans (5/12/2010)
Development of management plans for the newly designated rivers on the Mt. Hood National Forest.
Comments on Post-Fire Re-Opening PNW of Forests (7/19/2022)
Letter to Regional Forester regarding Forest closures after wildfire and need for a consistent approach that engages the public.
Associated News
Associated Rivers
Associated Projects
Mt. Hood Wilderness (OR)
In 2009 new Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers were established for the forests of Mt. Hood.