• Level Legend
  • Low
  • Running
  • High
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
Allagash Stream [ME]
Allagash Lake to Chamberlain Lake
I-II n/a

Allagash [ME]
Chamberlain Lake to Allagash Village (Allagash Wilderness Waterway)
I-II n/a

Androscoggin River [ME]
Lisbon (The Brothel)
I(II) n/a

Androscoggin [ME]
Dresser Rips
II(III) 2620cfs
Below Recom.

Aroostook [ME]
Fort Fairfield to Saint John River
II-V 2.81ft
Lower Runnable

Austin Stream [ME]
South Branch to Bingham (Austin Falls)
III-V(V+) n/a

B Stream [ME]
Hammond (6th Bridge) to Houlton
I-II n/a

Back river (tidal) [ME]
Singing Eddy
I n/a

Baker Branch [ME]
1) Fourth St. John Pond to Baker Lake
I-II n/a

Baker Branch [ME]
2) Baker Lake to SW Branch St. John River
I-II n/a

Barnjum Stream [ME]
to Orbeton Stream
I n/a

Baskahegan Str. [ME]
Lindsey Brook to Baskahegan Lake
I-II n/a

Baskahegan Str. [ME]
South Bancroft to Mattawamkeag River
II-IV n/a

Bear [ME]
Devils Horseshoe
II-III n/a

Big Black [ME]
Depot Stream to Saint John River
I-II 4.15ft
Lower Runnable

Big Brook [ME]
Dead Horse Gulch to Allagash R.
II-III n/a

Big Wilson Stream [ME]
1) Lower Wilson Pond to Bodfish Crossing
IV-V n/a

Big Wilson Stream [ME]
2) Bodfish Crossing to Willimantic
II-III n/a

Big Wilson Stream [ME]
3) Willimantic to Earley Landing
I-V(V+) n/a

Black Brook [ME]
Devils Den to Ellis R., Rte 120
IV-V+ n/a

Blue Hill Falls [ME]
Rt 175 to Rt 175 (Tidal Reversing Falls)
III n/a

Bowley Brook [ME]
between Weld and Dryden (Bowley Brook Gorge)
V n/a

Branch Lake Stream [ME]
Branch Lake to Infant Street in Ellsworth
III-V n/a

Bull Branch (of the Sunday River) [ME]
Bull Branch Road &/or Goose Eye Brook to Sunday River Road
IV-V n/a

Carrabassett River [ME]
Redington Road to Airport (S Turns)
III-IV(V) n/a

Carrabassett, South Branch [ME]
AT Trail to Rt 27 Bridge
IV-V n/a

Carrabassett [ME]
1. Carrabasset to Kingfield
I-IV 3.75ft
Lower Runnable

Carrabassett [ME]
2. Kingfield to US201A
I-IV n/a

Carrying Place Stream [ME]
2 miles up to Wyman Lake
V n/a

Cathance (Sagadahoc Co.) [ME]
U.S. 201 to Cathance Rd
III-IV(V) n/a

Cathance Stream (Washington Co.) [ME]
Lake Cathance to Dennysville
I-V n/a

Caucomgomoc Stream [ME]
Caucomgomoc Lake to Black Pond
I-II n/a

Chandler Brook [ME]
Runaround Pond to Royal River
I-II n/a

Chandler Mill Stream [ME]
IV-V n/a

Chase Mills Stream [ME]
Gardner Lake to East Machias
II n/a

Chemquasabamticook Stream [ME]
Ross Lake to Long Lake
I-II n/a

Cobbosseecontee Stream [ME]
1. Cobbosseecontee Lake to Pleasant Pond
II 142cfs
Lower Runnable

Cobbosseecontee Stream [ME]
2. Gardiner to Kennebec River
II-III n/a

Cobscook Falls [ME]
Dennys Bay to Cobscook Bay
II-III n/a

Cold Stream [ME]
Tomhegan Stream to Kennebec R.
V n/a

Crooked [ME]
1) Albany to North Waterford
I-II n/a

Crooked [ME]
2) North Waterford to East Waterford
II-III n/a

Crooked [ME]
3) East Waterford to Scribners Mill
II-III n/a

Crooked [ME]
Scribners Mill to US 302
II-III n/a

Cupsuptic [ME]
Big Canyon to Big Falls
V+ n/a

Damariscotta [ME]
Reversing Falls
II n/a

Dead, N. Branch [ME]
Chain Lakes to Eustis
I-III n/a

Dead, S. Branch [ME]
1. Dallas School (Rte, 16) to Langston Mill
II-III n/a

Dead, S. Branch [ME]
2. Green Farm Br. to Flagstaff
II-III n/a

Dead [ME]
Spencer Falls to West Forks
II-III(IV) 717cfs
Below Recom.

Deer Meadow Brook [ME]
Park and Huck
III n/a

Dennys [ME]
1. Gilman Dam to Rte. 86
I-II n/a

Dennys [ME]
Rte. 86 to 2.5 mi downstream
I-III n/a

Depot Stream [ME]
Depot Lake to Big Black River
II n/a

Diamond River [ME]
Swift Diamond to Wentworth Location
III-IV n/a

Ducktrap [ME]
Black Brook to Ducktrap Harbor
II-V n/a

East Machias [ME]
Crawford to East Machias
I-III n/a

Ellis Brook [ME]
Ellis Bog to Chamberlain Lake
II n/a

Enchanted Stream [ME]
to Dead River
V n/a

Falls Brook [ME]
Falls Pond to St. Francis R.
II-IV n/a

Fish [ME]
Round Pond to Ferguson Brook
I-III n/a

Fish [ME]
Soldier Pond to Saint John River
I-V n/a

Goose Eye Brook [ME]
Bull Branch Rd - Hike up
IV-V(V+) n/a

Goose Falls [ME]
Goose Falls Fd to same
II n/a

Goose [ME]
Rte 141 to US 1 at Belfast
V n/a

Grand Lake Stream [ME]
West Grand Lake to Big Lake
II-III 128cfs
Lower Runnable

Great Works [ME]
Brattle Street to Leighs Mill Pond
IV-V n/a

Hobart Stream [ME]
Hobart Bog to Dennys Bay
I-IV n/a

Kenduskeag Stream [ME]
1) Garland to French Stream
I-II n/a

Kenduskeag Stream [ME]
2) French Stream to Kenduskeag
I-III n/a

Kenduskeag Stream [ME]
3) Kenduskeag to Rte. 15 (Six Mile Falls)
II-III n/a

Kenduskeag Stream [ME]
4) Rt. 15 (Six Mile Falls) to Bangor
I-II(III) 3.48ft
Below Recom.

Kennebago [ME]
Kennebago Lake to Bridge
III-IV n/a

Kennebec, West Outlet [ME]
Moosehead Lake to Indian Pond
I-II n/a

Kennebec., East Outlet [ME]
Moosehead Lake Rte. 15 Bridge to Indian Pond
II-IV n/a

Kennebec [ME]
1) Kennebec Gorge: Harris Station Dam to Carry Brook
III-IV 1650cfs
Lower Runnable

Kennebec [ME]
2) Lower Kennebec: Carry Brook to the Forks
II-III 1650cfs
Below Recom.

Kennebec [ME]
Madison Wave
I(IV) n/a

Kennebec [ME]
The Forks to Caratunk
I n/a

Kennebunk [ME]
Route 1 Ledge
III+ 2.59ft
Below Recom.

Kingsbury Stream [ME]
Kingsbury Pond to Coles Corner Rd
II-III 6.15ft
Below Recom.

Little Androscoggin [ME]
Bryant Pond to Tubbs School
I 2.49ft
Below Recom.

Little Androscoggin [ME]
West Paris to South Paris
I-II n/a

Little Ossipee [ME]
Balch Pond to Saco R.
I n/a

Little Spencer Stream [ME]
Spencer Lake to Spencer Stream
I-II n/a

Little [ME]
Stackpole Bridge to Hubbard Road
I-II n/a

Little [ME]
US202 to Lord Road
I-II n/a

Long Pond Stream [ME]
Edelheid Road to S.Shore Drive
IV-V n/a

Machias (Washington County) [ME]
Fifth Machias Lake to Maine 9
I-III n/a

Machias (Washington County) [ME]
Maine Rte. 9 to Machias
I-IV n/a

Machias, W. Branch [ME]
Lower Sabao Lake to Machias R.
I-III n/a

Machias [ME]
Big Machias Lake to Aroostook River
I-III 1.89ft
Lower Runnable

Macwahoc Stream [ME]
Macwahoc Lake to Macwahoc
I-II n/a

Magalloway [ME]
Aziscohos Dam to Wilsons Mills
II-III(V) n/a

Magalloway [ME]
Parmachenee Lake to Aziscohos Lake (Magalloway Gorge)
V+ n/a

Magalloway [ME]
Third East Branch to First E. Branch
I-IV n/a

Marsh Stream [ME]
Monroe Center to W. Winterport
I-II n/a

Marsh Stream [ME]
W. Winterport to Frankfort
I-III n/a

Martin Stream [ME]
Dixmont to Newport
I-II n/a

Mattawamkeag, E. Branch [ME]
Smyrna Mills to Haynesville
I-II n/a

Mattawamkeag, W. Branch [ME]
Route 11 15 mi to Island Falls, 24 mi to Haynesville
I-II n/a

Mattawamkeag [ME]
Haynesville to Kingman
I-II n/a

Mattawamkeag [ME]
Kingman to Mattawamkeag
II-IV n/a

Medomak River [ME]
Medomak River Rest Area to Pine Street Landing
II-III(V) n/a

Meduxnekeag, S. Branch [ME]
Hodgdon to Meduxnekeag River
I-II n/a

Mill Stream [ME]
Embden Pond to Slipp Road
II n/a

Millinocket Stream (Aroostook trib) [ME]
Millinocket Lake 9 mi to Libby Camp
I-III n/a

Millinocket Stream (E.Br.Penobscot trib) [ME]
Millinocket Lake to Shad Pond
I-II(III) n/a

Moose, S. Branch [ME]
Peaked Mtn to Skinner
IV-V n/a

Moose [ME]
Long Pond to Brassua Lake
II-III n/a

Mopang Stream [ME]
Maine 9 to Machias Eddy
I-II n/a

Mopang Stream [ME]
Mopang Lake to Maine 9
I-II n/a

Mousam [ME]
Rte. 1 to Roger’s Pond
II-III 79cfs
Below Recom.

Moxie Stream [ME]
Snowmobile bridge to Moxie Falls
V n/a

Munsungan Stream [ME]
Chase Lake to Libby Camp
I-II n/a

Musquacook Stream [ME]
2nd Lake to Allagash R.
I-III n/a

Musquacook Stream [ME]
5th Lake to 2nd Lake
I-II n/a

Nahmakanta Stream [ME]
Nahmakanta Lake to Pemadumcook Lake
I-II n/a

Narraguagus, W. Branch [ME]
Denbow Peat Mine to Sprague Falls ...
II-III n/a

Narraguagus [ME]
Deblois to Cherryfield
I-V n/a

Narraguagus [ME]
Deer Lake to Deblois
I-II 7.88ft
Lower Runnable

Narramissic [ME]
Denham to Alamoosook Lake
II n/a

Nesowadnehunk Stream [ME]
Little Niagara to Penobscot R.
V n/a

Nesowadnehunk Stream [ME]
Nesowadnehunk to Daicey Pond Brook
I-III n/a

Nezinscot, W. Branch [ME]
Headwaters to Buckfield
I n/a

Nezinscot [ME]
Headwaters to Androscoggin R.
I n/a

Nicatous Stream [ME]
Nicatous Lake to Pistol Green
I-III n/a

Northern Inlet [ME]
Rt. 191 to Mud Landing
I-II n/a

Old Stream [ME]
Second Lake to Machias River
I-II n/a

Orange [ME]
Halls Mills to Whiting
I-III n/a

Orbeton Stream [ME]
Barnjum Stream to Sandy R.
IV-V n/a

Ossipee [ME]
N.H. border to Saco R.
I-II n/a

Oyster [ME]
Beechwood St to Rt 131
II-III+(V+) n/a

Parlin Pond Stream [ME]
Parlin Gorge
V+ n/a

Passadumkeag [ME]
Saponac to Upper Lord Brook (Grand Falls)
V n/a

Pemaquid [ME]
Bristol to Pemaquid
I-II n/a

Penobscot, E. Branch [ME]
Grand Lake Matagamon to Whetstone Falls
III-V n/a

Penobscot, E. Branch [ME]
Whetstone Falls to Medway
I-III n/a

Penobscot, N. Branch [ME]
Big Bog Dam to Pittston Farm
I-II n/a

Penobscot, S. Branch [ME]
Bridge to Canada Falls Dam
I-II n/a

Penobscot, S. Branch [ME]
Canada Falls Lake to Pittston Farm (Canada Falls)
III-V n/a

Penobscot, S. Branch [ME]
US Rt. 201 Bridge to Canada Falls Lake
I-II n/a

Penobscot, W. Branch [ME]
Quackish Dam (ME 11) to Shad Pond
III-IV n/a

Penobscot, W. Branch [ME]
Ripogenus Gorge to Debsconeag (Exterminator/Cribworks)
III-V n/a

Penobscot, W. Branch [ME]
Seboomook Dam to Roll Dam Campsite (Seboomook)
III n/a

Penobscot [ME]
Mattawamkeag to Winn
I-II n/a

Penobscot [ME]
Old Town, 2nd Dam to Veazie Dam
I-III n/a

Penobscot [ME]
South Orrington to Sandy Point
I-III n/a

Perham Stream [ME]
East Madrid
IV n/a

Pierce Pond Stream [ME]
Pierce Pond to Kennebec River
V+ n/a

Piscataquis River [ME]
Blanchard to Upper Abbott
I-II(III) n/a

Piscataquis, E. Branch [ME]
Shirley Mills to Blanchard
V n/a

Piscataquis, W. Branch [ME]
Oakes Bog to Blanchard
IV-V n/a

Piscataquis [ME]
Dover-Foxcroft 18.5 mi to Derby, 9 mi to Medford
I-III n/a

Piscataquis [ME]
Medford to Maxfield
II-III n/a

Pleasant (Pleasant Bay trib) [ME]
Pleasant River Lake to Columbia Falls
I-III n/a

Pleasant (Presumpscot trib) [ME]
U.S. 302 to River Rd.
I(III) n/a

Pleasant, E. Branch [ME]
Guernsey Brook to Upper Ebeemee Lake
III-V n/a

Pleasant, E. Branch [ME]
Lower Ebeemee to Brownville Junction
I-II n/a

Pleasant, W. Branch [ME]
Bear Brook to Long Pond Road (Gulf Hagas)
V n/a

Pleasant, W. Branch [ME]
Katahdin Iron Works to Brownville Junction
II-III n/a

Presumpscot [ME]
Sebago Lake to Pleasant Hill
I-IV n/a

Ragged Stream [ME]
Ragged Lake dam to bridge
III+ n/a

Rapid [ME]
Pond in the River to Lake Umbagog
IV n/a

Roach [ME]
Kokadjo to Moosehead lake
II-III n/a

Royal [ME]
Yarmouth Historical Society to Town Landing
IV n/a

Saco [ME]
Limington Rips (Limington Rips)
II+(IV) n/a

Saco [ME]
Steep Falls
I-II+(V+) n/a

Salmon Brook [ME]
New Dunn Town Road to Aroostook River
II n/a

Sandy Stream [ME]
Freedom Pond to Unity Pond
II-III n/a

Sandy Stream [ME]
Lower Togue Pond to Millicocket Lake
I-II n/a

Sandy Stream [ME]
Stony Brook to Michael Stream (Lexington Township)
IV-V n/a

Sandy, S. Branch [ME]
Number Six Rd to ME 4
II n/a

Sandy [ME]
1) Smalls Falls
V n/a

Sandy [ME]
2) Smalls Falls to S. Branch
II-III 3.49ft
Below Recom.

Sandy [ME]
3) S. Branch to Phillips
II-III 3.49ft
Below Recom.

Sandy [ME]
4) Phillips through town
V n/a

Sandy [ME]
5) Phillips to Fairbanks Bridge
I-II 3.49ft
Below Recom.

Sandy [ME]
6) Farmington Falls to New Sharon
II-III 3.49ft
Below Recom.

Sandy [ME]
7. Norridgewock (Sandy River Dam)
I n/a

Schoodic Stream [ME]
Schoodic Lake (Adams) to Miol-Howland Rd
II-IV n/a

Seavey Brook [ME]
Long Lake to E. Machias R.
I n/a

Sebasticook [ME]
Burnham to Benton
I-III n/a

Sebasticook [ME]
Mainstream to Castle Harmony
II n/a

Seboeis [ME]
Hay Brook to Grand Lake Rd (5 mi, III-IV), to East Branch Pe...
I-IV 5.12ft
Lower Runnable

Sheepscot, W. Branch [ME]
Weeks Mills to Sheepscot River
I-II n/a

Sheepscot [ME]
Coopers Mills to West Branch
II-III n/a

Sheepscot [ME]
Reversing Falls
I n/a

Sheepscot [ME]
Sheepscot Pond to Somerville
II n/a

Shin Brook [ME]
Lower Shin Pond to Seboeis R.
III-V+ n/a

Ship Pond Stream [ME]
Cow yard Falls to Bucks Cove
I-III n/a

Smith Brook [ME]
Haymock Lake to Eagle lake
I-III n/a

Souadabscook Stream [ME]
Manning Mill Bridge to Rt.1A in Hampden
III+(IV) n/a

Spencer Stream [ME]
Logging Br to Dead River
II-IV 3.27ft
Lower Runnable

Squa Pan Stream [ME]
Squa Pan Lake to Aroostook River
I-II n/a

St. Croix Stream [ME]
Howe Brook to Aroostook River
I-II n/a

St. Croix [ME]
1) Vanceboro to Kelleyland
I-III 760cfs
Lower Runnable

St. Croix [ME]
2) Kelleyland to Milltown
I-II 760cfs
Lower Runnable

St. Croix [ME]
3) Milltown to Calais
II-V 760cfs
Lower Runnable

St. Francis [ME]
Beau Lake to Saint John River
I-III 227cfs
Lower Runnable

St. George [ME]
Payson Park
II(IV) n/a

St. John, SW Branch [ME]
Fourth St John Pond to Baker Lake Outlet
I-II n/a

St. John [ME]
American Realty Road 71.8 mi to Allagash, 28 mi to Fort Kent
I-III 5.61ft
Lower Runnable

Stillwater River [ME]
Gilman Falls to Penobscot River
I-III(IV) n/a

Stillwater [ME]
Gilman Falls
I n/a

Stillwater [ME]
Stillwater Playspots (Gilman's, Typewriter, Trestle)
I-III(IV) 5110cfs
Below Recom.

Sunday [ME]
Above Pool to Androscoggin
II-III n/a

Sunkhaze Stream [ME]
headwater to Penobscot R.
I n/a

Swift Cambridge [ME]
Cedar Brook, Rte 26 to Dead Cambridge R.
II-V n/a

Swift [ME]
Rt 17 Bridge to Mexico
II-III 1.44ft
Lower Runnable

Tannery Brook [ME]
Rte 180 to Graham Lake
I-III n/a

Temple Stream [ME]
Drury Pond to Sandy River
II-III n/a

Union, E. Branch [ME]
Steep Landing 14.4 mi to Route 179 and 5.0 mi to West Branch
I-II n/a

Union, W. Branch [ME]
Great Pond 11 mi to Amherst and then 6 mi to Goodwin Bridge
I-II n/a

Union [ME]
Ellsworth Falls to Ellsworth
I-II n/a

Wassataquoik Stream [ME]
1. Wassataquoik Lean-to Orin Falls Trailhead/International A... (Upper Wassataquoik)
III-IV(V+) n/a

Wassataquoik Stream [ME]
Orin Falls Trailhead/International AT river Crossing to Whet... (Lower Wassataquoik)
II-III n/a

Webb River [ME]
Webb Lake to Carthage
III n/a

Webster Brook [ME]
Telos Landing to Grand Lake Matagamon
I-V n/a

Wesserunsett Stream [ME]
Athens to Kennebec R.
I n/a

Whiting Bay [ME]
Whiting to Cobscook Reversing Falls
III n/a

Wild [ME]
Hastings to Gilead
III-IV 1.99ft
Below Recom.

Wilson Stream [ME]
Wilton to E. Wilton
II n/a

Wytopitlock Stream [ME]
Wytopitlock Lake to Mattawamkeag River
I-II n/a

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