Document - Comments on Post-Fire Re-Opening PNW of Forests


We acknowledge that recent wildfires have caused considerable challenges for the Pacific Northwest Region and its management of the public lands and waters it stewards for all Americans. Your Leader’s Intent letter is a step in the positive direction towards reopening closed National Forest land and its tenets should also be applied to future closure decisions. Additionally, the Forest Service should be involving the public in closure decision processes and using a clear, consistent approach to ensuring whether closures are necessary and that they only close the smallest amount of land for the shortest time necessary. The impacts of wildfires can be plainly seen on the landscape but the impacts that ripple out into communities from long-term closures may be more difficult for the agency to discern yet equally significant. We appreciate your attention to re-opening closed lands and look forward to an improved agency approach for managing risk and access in the post-fire environment.


Letter to Regional Forester regarding Forest closures after wildfire and need for a consistent approach that engages the public.

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