Accident Database

Report ID# 115506

  • Impact/Trauma
  • Does not Apply
  • Other

Accident Description

Nick Parsons writes: I was running left side of sunshine, i was too far left and got rejected into the gnarly lookin rock in middle, huge hit under right butt cheek on hull, boat totally fine, didn’t roll or swim, went to shore river right because I realized my leg was jacked

The Green Race on FB: Broken hip and pelvis

We get all fired up, hype up the race with amazing stories and media.  The racers train relentlessly, bets are made, trash is talked. But in the end this is a community event.  A fellowship of paddlers looking out for each other with a common goal of experiencing the river in its purest form. 

On Friday the day before the race a paddler busted their hip pretty bad just downstream of the course at Sunshine Rapid.  An evacuation was necessary.  We want to pass on a message and a few images we received from the county EMT/Rescue Squad.  We feel this deserves as much recognition as anything that happened on race day.  Props to all.  Message below:

"my name is Kimberly Lughart, with the Henderson Co Rescue Squad. I'd like to share a couple of the pics of all the kayakers helping with the carryout Fri. I want to thank them for what they did. We got the patient out the fastest we ever have, due to their willingness to help. They did an amazing thing!!"

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