NEEDED: Paddler Feedback on Uncompahgre, Cimarron, North Fork Gunnison (CO)

Posted: 08/15/2013
By: Chris Menges

If you have ever run Uncompahgre (upper, lower, playpark), Cimarron or North Fork of Gunnison please help us protect flows there by answering this very brief survey: Cimarron, Uncompahgre, North Fork Survey

If you already answered the longer Gunnison River Flow Survey, there is no need to answer this one!

Out of the 20 sections we surveyed for on the bigger Gunnison Survey, we got plenty of responses (thank you boaters) to all of the other sections. But we need more data for these ones! This is one of our best shots at getting flows and boater interests protected on these reaches. So, if you have paddled there, please take a few moments and just let us know what you think good flows are... This needs to be done ASAP!

Thanks a ton,


PS - More info on AW's Gunnison Basin and why we are doing a flow survey here see: American Whitewater - Action Alert: Take the Gunnison River Flow Survey, win KEEN shoes

Associated Rivers

Gunnison, North Fork CO
Uncompahgre River CO
Uncompahgre River CO
Uncompahgre River CO
Uncompahgre River CO

Associated Projects

Colorado River Basin Supply Study

American Whitewater's staff and contractors are working to develop quantitative metrics that help the US Bureau of Reclamation evaluate impacts to recreational stream-flows across the Colorado basin.

Gunnison Basin (Colorado) Stewardship Program

Our new Gunnison River Basin program will define and protect recreational flow needs as part of regional and broader Upper Colorado River Basin stewardship strategies. By quantifying flow needs in the
