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UPDATE Canyon Creek and South Yuba Flows (CA)

Posted: 05/18/2010
By: Jeffrey Paine

Canyon Creek

175 to 200 cfs will be released into Canyon Creek through Thursday, May 20.  On Friday, May 21 through Tuesday, May 25, and maybe beyond, NID will release 300 CFS into Canyon Creek.


Go to for a great video of Canyon Creek shot by Daniel Brasuell and Corey Tucker.  The description of the run is also good:


See Dreamflows “Canyon Creek Below Bowman Lake” for the release out of Bowman into Canyon Creek.


South Yuba

On Friday May 21 and Saturday May 22 PG&E will release 250 cfs from Spaulding Dam.  On Sunday, May 23 the flow is likely to increase.


Go to Caliproduct to see awesome video of Yuba Gap filmed by Charlie Center:


Go to Darren McQuoid’s site for great photos and descriptions of Yuba Gap, Purdon’s to 49 and 49 to Bridgeport:


On Friday and Saturday, the flow in the South Yuba below Washington is likely to be 900 cfs to 1100 cfs.  On Sunday the flow is likely to increase to 1200 to 1500, or more.  Past Sunday, Spaulding will be spilling, and flows will go higher and will be unpredictable.


See Dreamflows “South Yuba At Lang Crossing” and “South Yuba at Hwy 49 Bridge” for flow information.


Flow Study Surveys

If you paddle any reach of Canyon Creek or the South Yuba in the next several weeks, please go to

and fill out a boater survey.  Survey information will be important in determining future flows in these reaches.


Next Update:  5/17/2010


Opportunistic Nature of Study Flows

NID’s most recent snow survey indicates 118% of normal snow pack.  The recent PG&E snow survey showed an even larger snowpack.  Both Bowman and Spaulding will spill, and the above releases are primarily driven by operational management of spill.  For example, the 200 cfs and 300 cfs releases out of Bowman Lake will generate power with water that would otherwise spill.

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