AW Hires Northeast Stewardship Director

Posted: 12/14/2012
By: Bob Nasdor


We are pleased to announce that Bob Nasdor has accepted our offer to become American Whitewater’s Northeast Stewardship Director. 

Bob brings a wealth of experience to the position from his 20-year career as a public interest attorney.  Bob served as the executive and legal director for several programs aimed at improving policies and services benefitting low-income and homeless families.   Following these roles he served as the Assistant Attorney General for the state of Massachusetts and has since formed a private law practice.  These roles honed Bob’s advocacy, legislative reform, legal, grassroots organizing, and outreach skills.  

Bob is based out of Massachusetts and has been an avid paddler of the rivers of the Northeast for the past 10 years. 

American Whitewater’s Northeast Stewardship Program is aimed at empowering paddlers to play effective roles in grassroots river conservation and access issues.  The program is designed to add value to the ongoing river stewardship efforts of AW affiliate clubs by contributing high-level technical expertise and organizing capacity.  We look forward to working with regional paddlers to do some great things for the rivers we all enjoy.  

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