May 5th is a Great Day to GiveBIG to AW!

Posted: 04/30/2015
By: Megan Hooker

As paddling season kicks into high gear, we hope that you'll consider making a contribution to American Whitewater on GiveBig Day–Tuesday, May 5th!

GiveBIG is a one day event through the Seattle Foundation that makes your donation to American Whitewater go further! It's a great way to support our efforts to halt new dams proposed for the North Fork Snoqualmie and South Fork Skykomish Rivers, secure protections for iconic and pristine rivers on the Olympic Peninsula, and ensure that the public can access the rivers we all love for generations to come.

Here's how it works:

  • Make your donation through American Whitewater's GiveBIG page between midnight and 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
  • Your gift will automatically go further through the GiveBIG stretch pool, thanks to numerous individual and corporate sponsors. The amount of extra money American Whitewater will receive depends on how much is raised on May 5th. 
  • You may be chosen at random to receive a "Golden Ticket," which means you will be able to give an additional $1,000! No matter the size of your contribution, more donations mean it's more likely that one of AW's supporters will win a "Golden Ticket!"

Anyone can contribute no matter where they live! If you've let your membership lapse and donate $35 or more on GiveBIG day, we'll renew your membership.

Mark your calendars and tell your friends! Thanks!

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