AW Volunteer of the Month Presented by Kokatat - Keith Kishiyama

Posted: 10/05/2016
By: Theresa Simsiman
We would like to recognize lifetime American Whitewater member, Keith Kishiyama, for organizing the ACA sponsored Rock Creek Slalom and Tobin Downriver Race for the 2016 Feather River Festival. Keith’s experience designing the annual Mokelumne River Slalom and organizing the annual Cherry Creek Race made him the perfect candidate to take over the paddling fun at this year’s Feather Fest.
Keith started paddling in 1991 and slalom racing in 1993 on the very same river he first kayaked, the Mokelumne River. Soon he started designing slalom courses utilizing his engineering background plus his rock climbing skills to design the courses and set the anchors for the ropes.   Since 2001, Keith has set up and designed the annual Mokelumne slalom race sponsored by Loma Prieta Paddlers.  He also maintains the only permanent slalom course left in California at the Nugget on the South Fork American River.
In 2007 Keith took over organizing the informal Cherry Creek Race on the Tuolumne known as the “Grand Daddy” of California Class V racing and a tradition for the California paddling community for the last 23 years.  It is a memorial where paddlers that are no longer with us are honored and celebrated by paddling downstream (a bit faster than usual) to keep their spirits alive and the river stoke going strong.
Keith’s many friends continue to benefit from his ability to fix boats, paddles, cars and in his well packed suburban you just may find that bolt you needed! American Whitewater is very fortunate to have Keith as a contributing member of the paddling community and we appreciate all the hard work he put into the Feather River Festival.
In recognition of Keith’s efforts he will be receiving an X-Jacket from Kokatat.
Pictures by Keirith Snyder and Bill Wagner