Document - Wilson Creek National Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan


Management direction for Wilson Creek focuses on protecting and enhancing the Outstandingly Remarkable Values for which the river was designated. These are scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, botanical, and historic/cultural. The Wilson Creek Wild and Scenic River Corridor is established as the area extending the length of the 23-mile river and 1/4 mile in width from each bank of the river. Management direction encourages a variety of non-motorized recreation opportunities throughout the corridor. These activities will be dispersed as much as possible in order to alleviate user conflicts or overcrowding. Streams are managed for self-sustaining fish populations where conditions are favorable. Bicycles, llamas and equine will be permitted only on trails unless otherwise designated. No off-road or off-trail, cross country travel by bicycles, horses or llamas will be allowed on public lands within the river corridor. Forested areas within the corridor will remain as not suitable for timber production as stated in the Forest Plan. However, vegetation management will be allowed in order to treat noxious weeds, infested trees, and/or for salvage operations. Collection of plant products (nuts, berries, cones) for personal use is allowed. No permits will be issued for the commercial removal of forest products. No commercial minerals activity would be allowed within the corridor. Limit commercial (non-instructional) boating to a maximum number of 15 persons per group (including guides). For groups 5 or less (including guides) there will be no limit on the number of people per day. For groups 6-15 (including guides), the daily limit is 105 persons per day. Only two commercial (non-instructional) boating outfitting permits will be allowed only on the recreational section of the river and none will be allowed on the wild and scenic sections. Limit commercial guided angling permits, instructional boating permits or other water-based activity permit not already mentioned to groups of five or less (including guides). Limit land-based permits to groups of no more than 15 (including guides). No motorized watercraft will be allowed on all sections. Allow camping by commercially outfitted groups, or other groups under permit, only in designated areas within the corridor. Monitoring to record long-term trends and the effectiveness of specific actions. Indicators are identified for various river values and thresholds established to determine the amount of change that is either desired or that will be accepted before river management objectives are no longer met. When this happens, actions to correct the situation are presented.


Management plan outlining the direction intended to protect and enhance Wilson Creek’s values and protect its free-flowing condition.

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Filename - Wilson Creek National Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan1495.pdf

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Wilson Creek NC