Document - Commercial River Use in the State of Colorado 1988 to 2016


Colorado’s whitewater rafting industry hosted a record number of visitors that spent more money in the State of Colorado than ever before. Colorado’s commercial rafting companies hosted a total of 550,861 rafting user days, which is an increase of 42,133 user days or an 8.3% increase over the 2015 season. It is also a 3.3% increase over the previous pre-recession record of 533,166 user days set in 2007. Economic impact totaled $179.8 million, a 10.6% increase over 2015 and a 18.7% increase over the 2007 season.


The Colorado River Outfitters Association has tracked the economic benefits of commercial rafting each year, since 1988. The most recent report found that 2016 was a record commercial use year, with 550,861 user days and an economic impact of $179.8 milli

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