Document - Talkeetna River Hydropower Project Comments


The Talkeetna River has been described as one of the premier stretches of whitewater in North America, offering a stunning backcountry wilderness experience on a pristine river system. The Sustina Basin Recreation Rivers Management Plan recognizes the value of the Talkeetna River Canyon for whitewater recreation. The management intent for the Talkeetna River Canyon, as outlined in this plan is for “high quality” whitewater recreation opportunities. Due to the deficiencies in the application for a preliminary permit to investigate the feasibility of hydropower development, and the fact that the proposal is inconsistent with a comprehensive plan, we request that FERC make a public interest determination and deny the preliminary permit application.


Comments and Motion to Intervene of American Whitewater on the preliminary permit for the Talkeetna River Dam Hydroelectric Project.

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Filename - Talkeetna River Hydropower Project Comments1420.pdf

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