Document - Eagle Creek Closure Letter


We write on behalf of American Whitewater and The Mountaineers regarding our interest in Eagle Creek that provides unique opportunities for whitewater paddlers and canyoneers in the Columbia River Gorge. Current Forest Orders limit access to these opportunities. Forest Order 06-22-01-20-02 Area Closure including “all NFS lands surrounding Punchbowl Falls,” a feature that is midway through the run, could be interpreted to limit use by whitewater kayakers and canyoneers who have historically traveled through this section. Forest Order 06-22-01-21-03 Area and Trails Closure prohibits “going into or being upon an area closed for the protection of health or safety” that includes Eagle Creek; the Order opens the Eagle Creek Trail #440 and a corridor of “25 feet to either side of the trail center line,” noting that “the closure is necessary to provide protection for forest users from hazards present in the area following the Eagle Creek Fire.” We request that the Forest Service revisit these closure Orders with a goal of restoring access and use of Eagle Creek for whitewater recreation and canyoning.


Letter from American Whitewater and The Mountaineers regarding extended closure of Eagle Creek.

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Filename - Eagle Creek Closure Letter2582.pdf

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