Document - Clean Water Act Section 401 HRC Comment Letter


The undersigned organizations are writing to express general support for the Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule (Improvement Rule). The Improvement Rule brings the regulations more in line with the statutory text and purpose of the Clean Water Act as a whole, and Section 401 specifically. EPA has stated that one of its objectives for this rulemaking is to restore the principles of cooperative federalism embodied in Section 401, which were upended in the existing regulations. The Improvement Rule largely meets that objective, subject to certain exceptions, like its interpretation of the “reasonable period of time” for a certifying authority to act on a certification request. We are requesting that EPA modify the proposed “reasonable period of time” rule to make one year the default period of time for a certifying authority to act on a request to avoid waiver of its certification authority, in the absence of agreement with the federal agency regarding a shorter period of time.


Comment letter from Hydropower Reform Coalition on Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Improvement Rule

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