Devils River at Pafford Crossing near Comstock [ USA-TEX ]

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Current Conditions

Reading Trend Type Updated
2.05 ft 0.00 ft/hr Feet Stage 119d07h09m
Reading of "n/a" = frozen gauge or gauge error.

Station Description

AW Gauge ID: 77673
Source: noaa
Station: cmkt2
Enabled yes
Data is courtesy of NOAA. These provisional data have not been reviewed or edited, and may be subject to significant change. Source Gauge's Page


Gauge History

Times listed in GMT 24h, ET and PT hours provided for convenience Graphs in GMT. Readings of "n/a" constitute a frozen gauge or gauge error.

Reading Local Time Comment

Linked Reaches

Devils [TX]
Baker's Crossing to Rough Canyon Marina (47 miles)
I-II+(IV) n/a

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