Gauge Information

Name Range Difficulty Updated Level
usgs-05438030 50 - 250 cfs II(III) 7y322d01h54m ~ 0 cfs (too low)
gauge class Likely too low for any whitewater.
Reference (Franklinville Ck., 10.7 sq.mi.) about 30 miles to the East, provided some correlation for S.Br.Kent (~14 sq.mi.). *UNFUNDED 2016.12.28*
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0 - 50 cfs extremely Low-barely Low II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely too low for any whitewater.
50 - 100 cfs barely runnable-med runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely E.L.F. (Extreme Low Flow) run, up to possibly good low-water run.
100 - 150 cfs barely runnable-med runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely low-to-moderate flow.
150 - 200 cfs med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely moderate to high-moderate flows.
200 - 250 cfs a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely high flow.
250 - 999 cfs barely High-extremely High II(III) gauge is important or has warning Unusually high flow.
usgs-05438283 34 - 200 cfs II(III) 01h07m ~ 1.47 cfs (too low)
gauge class Almost assuredly too low. (Likely under 50 cfs.) Visual confirmation is required.
Flows here may be nearly 1.5 times reference gauge (Piscasaw Ck, 9.58 sq.mi, ~28mi.N.E.). *CORRELATION NOT ASSURED.*
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0 - 34 cfs extremely Low-barely Low II(III) gauge is important or has warning Almost assuredly too low. (Likely under 50 cfs.) Visual confirmation is required.
34 - 66 cfs barely runnable-med runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possible E.L.F. (Extreme Low Flow) run or play at final feature. (Likely 50-100 cfs, or 150-300 at final feature.) Visual confirmation is required.
66 - 100 cfs barely runnable-perfect runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possible low-to-moderate. (Likely 100-150 cfs, or 300-450 at final feature.) Visual confirmation is required.
100 - 200 cfs perfect runnable-high runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Likely high flows. (Possibly 150-300 cfs, and possibly 450-900 at final feature.) Visual confirmation is required.
200 - 400 cfs somewhat High-somewhat High II(III) gauge is important or has warning Unusually high flows. (Possibly 300-600 cfs, or 900-1800 at final feature.) Visual confirmation is required.
400 -9999 cfs somewhat High-extremely High II(III) gauge is important or has warning Flows approaching or exceeding records! Extreme caution is urged! Scout thoroughly before even thinking about putting on!

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