Gauge Information

Name Range Difficulty Updated Level
usgs-03314500 9.00 - 15.00 ft III+(IV) 00h49m 4.05 ft (too low)
gauge class Dangerous due to that fact that every conceivable line lands on sharp pin rocks. The rocks turn into a river wide sieve.
Gauge is located at this playspot, thus should very accurately portray actual levels.
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0.00 -8.00 ft extremely Low-somewhat Low III+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Dangerous due to that fact that every conceivable line lands on sharp pin rocks. The rocks turn into a river wide sieve.
8.00 -9.00 ft somewhat Low-barely Low III+(IV) gauge is important or has warning This is the transition range between a great park and play/huck spot to a rocky nightmare.
9.00 -10.00 ft barely runnable-med runnable III+ gauge is important or has warning
10.00 -15.00 ft med runnable-a bit pushy runnable III+(IV) gauge is important or has warning This is when the rocks really shine. Big waves, a couple of surfing waves, and strong eddie lines.
15.00 -18.00 ft barely High-extremely High III+(IV) gauge is important or has warning The rocks start to wash out.

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