Gauge Information

Name Range Difficulty Updated Level
Underwood Ck. Winter Gauge
virtual-51477 0.50 - 3.00 ft II(III) 01h10m ~ -2.04 ft (too low)
gauge class Too low (below 100 cfs).
For winter, we switch to a 'virtual gauge' (a calculated value from USGS stage reading). Be aware that ice may cause erroneous readings.
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
-999.00 -0.00 ft extremely Low-somewhat Low II(III) gauge is important or has warning Too low (below 100 cfs).
0.00 -0.50 ft somewhat Low-barely Low II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 100-150 cfs. Very low (though possibly boatable). (Unlikely to adequately flush ice in winter.)
0.50 -1.00 ft barely runnable-med runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 150-220 cfs. Possibly low to low-moderate level. Check for ice shelves and ice floes.
1.00 -1.50 ft med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 220-300 cfs. Possibly low-moderate to moderate level. Check for ice shelves and ice floes.
1.50 -2.00 ft med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 300-400 cfs. Possibly moderate to high-moderate level. Check for ice shelves and ice floes.
2.00 -2.50 ft a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 400-500 cfs. Likely moderately-high to high flow. Check for ice shelves and ice floes.
2.50 -3.00 ft a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 500-600+ cfs. Likely extreme high flow.
3.00 -5.00 ft barely High-extremely High II(III) gauge is important or has warning Extremely high level ... possibly too high? Check for ice shelves and ice floes.
usgs-04087088 225 - 625 cfs II(III) 01h08m 2.47 cfs (too low)
gauge class Too low. Boat and paddle abuse (scraping down a cement ditch and rocky rapids).
Gauge (18.1 sq.mi.) is on listed section, thus accurately reflects flow. Flow is extremely 'flashy' and WILL CHANGE SIGNIFICANTLY by the time you get there
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0 - 225 cfs extremely Low-barely Low II(III) gauge is important or has warning Too low. Boat and paddle abuse (scraping down a cement ditch and rocky rapids).
225 - 325 cfs barely runnable-med runnable II(III) gauge is important or has warning Low/scrapey, especially through 'remediation' downstream of Hwy.41/45. (Flow will change while you set shuttle and while on river!)
325 - 425 cfs med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II-III gauge is important or has warning Moderate (nearly ideal) flows. (Flow will change while you set shuttle and while on river!)
425 - 625 cfs a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II-III+ gauge is important or has warning Moderately high. (Flow will change while you set shuttle and while on river!)
625 -1000 cfs somewhat High-somewhat High II-IV gauge is important or has warning High flows. Flow will change while you set shuttle and while on river! DO NOT PUT ON IF FLOW IS STILL RISING!
1000 -5000 cfs somewhat High-extremely High II-IV gauge is important or has warning Outrageous flows. DO NOT PUT ON! Flow will change while you set shuttle and while on river! Bridges downstream on MenTosa will not allow passage!

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