Gauge Information

Name Range Difficulty Updated Level
Kinnickinnic Upstream of 30th Street
virtual-237648 100 - 500 cfs II+(IV) 00h45m ~ 0.07000017 cfs (too low)
gauge class Almost certainly too low for reasonable run of upper section.
Virtual gauge for KK upstream of 30th (subtracting Wilson Ck from KK at 11th).
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0 - 100 cfs extremely Low-barely Low II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Almost certainly too low for reasonable run of upper section.
100 - 200 cfs barely runnable-perfect runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Likely low-to-moderate flows in upper section.
200 - 500 cfs perfect runnable-high runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Likely moderate-to-high flows for upper section.
500 -1000 cfs somewhat High-somewhat High II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Unusually high flows. Caution advised.
1000 -9999 cfs somewhat High-extremely High II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Extremely high flows.
Kinnickinnic River (Milwaukee) Winter Gauge
virtual-211969 0.70 - 2.45 ft II+(IV) 00h45m ~ -1.02 ft (too low)
gauge class Extremely low, unboatable.
Winter gauge is LIKELY to be ice affected. EXPECT it to give errant readings. Carefully check for ice flows and ice shelves.
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
-7.00 -0.22 ft extremely Low-somewhat Low II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Extremely low, unboatable.
0.22 -0.70 ft somewhat Low-barely Low II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning POSSIBLY 100-200 cfs. Possibly marginal, low-boatable flow. (More likely TOO LOW.)
0.70 -1.03 ft barely runnable-med runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning POSSIBLY 200-300 cfs. POSSIBLY low-to-low-moderate flow.
1.03 -1.28 ft med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning POSSIBLY 300-400 cfs. POSSIBLY low-moderate to high-moderate flows.
1.28 -1.53 ft a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning POSSIBLY 400-500 cfs. POSSIBLY high-moderate to high flows.
1.53 -2.45 ft a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning POSSIBLY 500-1000 cfs. Likely freight-train flush with few eddies or slackwater to control your run. (Upper section: may be marginal to ideal.)
2.45 -3.14 ft somewhat High-somewhat High II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Possibly 1000-1500 cfs. Very high flows. Very fast flush. (Upper Section: Likely good flow, ~100-150 cfs.)
3.14 -9999.00 ft somewhat High-extremely High II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Likely in excess of 1500 cfs. Dangerous, uncontrollable flush down a cement sluice.(Upper Section: Likely good flow ~150-265 cfs.)
usgs-04087159 200 - 1200 cfs II+(IV) 00h43m 2.43 cfs (too low)
gauge class Too low for any reasonable whitewater.
Gauge (18.8 sq.mi. drainage) is at S.11th Street, mid-run. Flow is very flashy and will change while setting shuttle and running!
gauge graph
RangeWater LevelDifficultyComment
0 - 100 cfs extremely Low-somewhat Low II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Too low for any reasonable whitewater.
100 - 200 cfs somewhat Low-barely Low II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Lower (listed) section: Boatable, but barely whitewater. (Upper section: Far too low.)
200 - 300 cfs barely runnable-med runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Lower (listed) section: Moderate Flow. (Upper section: likely too low).
300 - 400 cfs med runnable-a bit pushy runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Lower (listed) section: Moderate flows. (Upper section: Too low.)
400 - 600 cfs a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Lower Section: may be scariest flows! (Upper section: Likely too low.)
600 - 900 cfs a bit pushy runnable-high runnable II+(IV) gauge is important or has warning Lower Section: High flows. Caution! Scout all before putting on! *** Upper section: may be marginal to ideal.
900 -1200 cfs a bit pushy runnable-high runnable III-IV gauge is important or has warning Lower Section: Unusually high flows. Likely to be a rush flush. Also increasing likelihood of CSO! (Upper Section: Likely good flow, ~100-150 cfs.)
1200 -2000 cfs somewhat High-somewhat High II-IV(V+) gauge is important or has warning Lower Section: Peaking (but not 'record') flows make unreasonable hazards on this run. GO ELSEWHERE!!! (Upper Section: Likely good flow ~150-265 cfs.)
2000 -9999 cfs somewhat High-extremely High IV-V(V+) gauge is important or has warning Near annual-record type flows. While unlikely to be sustained for long, will make extreme hazard on this run. GO ELSEWHERE!!!

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