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Cheoah River Party Coming Up

Posted: 04/24/2007
By: Mark Singleton
American Whitewater is hosting a celebration of our southeastern rivers on May 19th at Tapoco Lodge on the banks of the Cheoah River.  Join event hosts Sutton Bacon, Chris Bell, and Brian Jacobson for an enjoyable evening with guest speaker Doug Woodward author of Wherever the Water Flows.  Woodward will talk about his exploration of southeastern rivers in the 60’s and 70’s along with his role in the filming of Deliverance.

The dinner at the Cheoah River will raise money for American Whitewater’s stewardship work in the southeast and across the country.  For a brief PDF of American Whitewater’s efforts in the southeast click here!

Tickets for this dinner are $75 and can be purchased through American Whitewater’s website or by calling Carla at 866-BOAT-4AW. 

To learn more about Doug Woodward and his book Wherever the Water flows visit his website.

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