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Posted: 11/12/2022
By: Evan Stafford

Each year American Whitewater's membership ratifies Board of Director members to serve three-year terms. These candidates volunteer to serve on the American Whitewater Board. Current American Whitewater members can cast their votes through Midnight Pacific Time, December 13th. Currently, American Whitewater has four Director Nominees to fill four open seats for election, you may vote for up to four candidates on the slate. The ballot for our Board of Directors election is placed online here.

You must be a current American Whitewater member and have your membership number to vote. You can find your membership number if you are signed into the American Whitewater website and go to your 'My Account' page (found by clicking the profile symbol in the upper right hand corner of your browser). If you have questions regarding your membership number you can contact Bethany Overfield, AW Membership Director, at or call toll free at (866) BOAT-4AW. Please exercise your American Whitewater membership to elect this outstanding slate of candidates to four seats on the AW Board of Directors by clicking here to vote.

As required by the American Whitewater bylaws, the Nominating Committee of American Whitewater is responsible for the process of identifying, recruiting and nominating diverse, highly-qualified nominees for the board. This is done by a thorough review of incumbent, self-nominated and recruited nominees. All nominees are assessed against selection criteria set by the board. For a nominee to be seated, the majority of ballots cast must be affirmative (for). Any nominee who fails to receive a majority "for" vote will not be seated and the position may be filled by Board appointment until the next election cycle.

Organizational governance and the continuity of such governance are key responsibilities of our Board of Directors. American Whitewater is very fortunate to have Board members with a passion for our mission and a mix of appropriate skills to help guide AW and meet the challenges we face, both now and in the future. Thank you for your participation in this important election process.

Please place your vote by Midnight Pacific Time, December 13th, 2022 by using this member ballot.

American Whitewater

Bethany Overfield

Full Profile