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Wild Olympics Act Reintroduced as Local Support Increases (WA)

03/01/2017 - by Thomas O'Keefe

The Wild Olympics Coalition, a locally-based coalition that includes American Whitewater, cheered the reintroduction of the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by Senator Patty Murray and Representative Derek Kilmer to permanently protect more than 126,500 acres of Olympic National Forest as wilderness and 19 rivers and their major tributaries, a total of 464 river miles, as Wild and Scenic Rivers.

Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild & Scenic Rivers Act of 2015 Introduced (WA)

06/04/2015 - by Thomas O'Keefe

The Wild Olympics Coalition, which includes American Whitewater, today cheered the introduction of the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by Senator Patty Murray and Representative Derek Kilmer to permanently protect more than 126,500 acres of Olympic National Forest as wilderness and 19 rivers and their major tributaries, a total of 464 river miles, as Wild and Scenic Rivers.

Wild Olympics Bill to Protect Ancient Forests and Rivers Introduced (WA)

01/17/2014 - by Thomas O'Keefe

A broad and diverse coalition of Olympic Peninsula community members, including American Whitewater, cheered the introduction today of the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 2014 by Representative Derek Kilmer and Senator Patty Murray.  The measure, similar to that introduced in the last Congress, by Senator Murray and former Congressman Norm Dicks would permanently protect more than 126,000 acres of ancient and mature forests on Olympic National Forest as wilderness and 19 Olympic Peninsula rivers and their major tributaries as Wild and Scenic.

Legislation to Protect Olympic Peninsula's Ancient Forests and Wild Rivers

06/21/2012 - by Thomas O'Keefe

The Wild Olympics Campaign, of which American Whitewater is a member, today cheered the introduction of the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by Congressman Norm Dicks and Senator Patty Murray to permanently protect more than 126,500 acres of Olympic National Forest wilderness and 19 rivers and their major tributaries (a total of 464 river miles) as Wild and Scenic Rivers.

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Wild Olympics Campaign (WA)

07/21/2010 - by Thomas O'Keefe

American Whitewater is excited to announce a conservation initiative for watersheds and rivers of Washington State's Olympic Peninsula. We have joined with a coalition of groups to realize shared conservation goals for the rivers and watersheds of the Olympic Peninsula. These wild rivers give us clear water, world-class recreation and unmatched opportunities for solitude and inspiration. They bring jobs and economic benefits to local communities and provide critical habitat for salmon, steelhead and a variety of other wildlife species. Through Wild and Scenic designation, Wilderness designation, and additions to Olympic National Park we will ensure the free-flowing character, water quality, and recreational benefits these rivers provide for generations to come.