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Georgia Committee Meeting on the Right to Paddle this Friday

09/16/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

A special state House study committee tasked with determining the public's rights to paddle on Georgia’s streams will hear from the public for the first time in a meeting scheduled for Sept. 20 at Unicoi State Park. The meeting could result in recommendations to dramatically curtail the public's right to paddle rivers in Georgia. Friday’s meeting will begin at 9 a.m. at the lodge at Unicoi State Park, near Helen, GA. Following a presentation by the Department of Natural Resources, there is time set aside on the agenda for members of the public to provide comments. Paddlers are encouraged to attend the hearing and speak up for your right to paddle the state's rivers. American Whitewater and our partners will be urging lawmakers to preserve existing recreational river uses and protect the public’s ability to float down the state’s many rivers and streams.

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Fall 2024 Update on California Whitewater Boating Releases

09/16/2024 - by Scott Harding

American Whitewater is excited to announce several fall 2024 whitewater boating releases in California, including multiple releases on the North Fork Feather, South Fork Feather, and Pit River in September and October. Plus, Feather Fest is coming right up on September 27-29 and we have opportunities for volunteers to help make the event a success! Read on for full details.

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American Whitewater Gives Voice to Recreation in Grand Canyon

09/12/2024 - by Kestrel Kunz

In August, American Whitewater staff traveled to the south rim of the Grand Canyon to meet with agency leaders and nonprofit partners to advocate for river recreation in talks about the future of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 established the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program and Work Group. Many of our partners sit on this working group, an advisory committee charged with making recommendations for reservoir management and allocating funding for monitoring and research in the Grand Canyon. We anticipate that the Bureau of Reclamation will release a draft operations plan in late 2024, or early 2025, determining water cuts and potentially only annual water delivery amounts. We have continually pushed to see more granularity in the analysis, so that the public can understand how river flows will be affected on a monthly and daily basis, but it is very likely that Reclamation will punt a more detailed analysis to a subsequent review process known as, the Long-Term Experimental Management Plan. Hit the read more button to learn more about what specifically we advocated for. 


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Iron Gate Cofferdam Breached, Klamath River Freed

09/12/2024 - by Evan Stafford

On August 28th, Tribal members gathered alongside government officials and nonprofit partners to cheer as the final cofferdam was breached at Iron Gate reservoir, freeing the Klamath River from Lake Ewauna to the Pacific Ocean. After over two decades of Tribal advocacy, an agreement was reached to remove four hydroelectric dams, Iron Gate, Copco 1 and 2, and JC Boyle, re-opening over 400 miles of the river and tributaries to the legendary salmon runs that have been stifled by these impoundments for over a century. We expect river recreation opportunities to start sometime in 2025, however there are a number of access and other management issues we are working to address before boaters begin to descend the free-flowing river corridor. The Shasta Indian Nation is prepared to welcome people to their lands, but is also still in the process of developing  a management plan for visitor use and a mechanism for funding stewardship of project lands they are set to receive. It’s an honor to participate in the return of ownership to the Tribes of their most spiritual land, and we can not wait to see the reclaiming of the river through the Paddle Tribal Waters students first descent of a free-flowing Klamath!

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We Want to Hear From YOU in our Community Survey

09/12/2024 - by Evan Stafford

Calling All River Lovers! We want to hear from YOU! Whether you’re a member of American Whitewater or not, your voice matters. Take our quick survey and help shape the future of American Whitewater.

Why Take the Survey?
WIN an Immersion Research Drysuit of choice!
Second & third place winners score some sweet American Whitewater gear and apparel.
Help us serve you and our community better!

Your input counts! This survey isn’t just for members. If you’re passionate about whitewater rivers, we want to know what you value most so we can better serve our entire river-loving community. Please share this post with your network!

Take the Survey Today!

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National Park Service Shares 2024 Gauley Season Details (WV)

08/23/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater is happy to share an open letter to boaters from the great rangers and staff of the Gauley River National Recreation Area, which contains some new information this year. This letter will keep you up to date on important management actions of the National Park Service on the Gauley River for the 2024 season. In addition, as part of our agreement with the land owner, there is no camping allowed on the Legg field that American Whitewater leases for overflow parking. As always, respect this and other private property. Enjoy, be safe, and be ready to help others out there. 

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Keep Updated on Rivers Affected by Fires with the AW Wildfire Info Map

07/25/2024 - by Scott Harding

It's peak fire season in much of the country and active wildfires are currently burning along several whitewater rivers in the West. Be sure to check the American Whitewater Wildfire Information Map for the latest details on whether there's an active wildfire that could affect your time on the river. It's the only map that combines detailed information on whitewater runs with constantly updated fire locations, air quality info, and more.

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Contested Case Closes Portion of Watauga River, AW Moves to Intervene (NC)

06/24/2024 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater has requested intervention in a contested case pending in the Office of Administrative Hearings challenging the rights of the public to recreate on sections of the Boone Fork and Watauga River, located near Boone, North Carolina. Our intervention is intended to provide the tribunal with factual evidence that the rivers are regularly paddled, legally and physically navigable, and thus open to the public for paddling. Paddlers that have run these sections are encouraged to contact American Whitewater through this form to help us document paddling use of these streams.

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2024 Southeast Advanced Release Calendar Announced!

11/20/2023 - by Kevin Colburn

American Whitewater and our affiliate clubs have spent the past 25 years working to restore flows to incredible Southeastern rivers impacted by dams. A lot of our work has focused on releases and access on Class II and III rivers like the lower Nantahala, Tuckasegee, Hiwassee, and Catawba, but we also secured releases in some classic steeper reaches previously dewatered by hydroelectric diversions. Each year we meet with power companies and agencies to schedule future releases, review ongoing ecology studies, and discuss any issues with the release programs. We strive to create a schedule with minimal conflicts to maximize recreational value. In this article you'll find the 2024 dates for the Class IV/V Cheoah, Nantahala Cascades & Upper, West Fork Tuck, and Tallulah rivers. 

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10/11/2023 - by Theresa Lorejo-Simsiman


Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) operates 22 hydropower projects on 500 river miles across California that American Whitewater has spent nearly 30 years of work to protect and restore. This includes whitewater reaches on the North Fork Feather, the Pit, the McCloud, Butte Creek, Fordyce, the South Yuba, the Bear, the Eel, the Mokelumne, the San Joaquin and the North Fork Kings. Now, in an application before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), PG&E is proposing to transfer all non-nuclear assets including these 22 hydropower projects to a new and separate subsidiary, Pacific Generation LLC (PacGen). American Whitewater, believes that the CPUC should not simply rubber stamp the largest, unprecedented, and “first of its kind” handover of hydropower assets. This asset transfer will impact dam safety and the operation and maintenance of multiple projects that restore ecological and recreational releases to our rivers. We need paddlers to help persuade the CPUC to take heed. Read on to learn more and find out how you can help!

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Protection for the Headwaters of the Illinois and North Fork Smith Rivers (OR)

07/27/2023 - by Thomas O'Keefe

We are pleased to report that Representative Val Hoyle, the new representative for Oregon's 4th Congressional District has reintroduced the Southwestern Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act (SOWSPA) as her first piece of conservation legislation. This legislation will permanently protect the headwaters of Southwest Oregon’s outstanding collection of wild rivers—including the National Wild and Scenic Illinois and the National Wild and Scenic North Fork Smith, plus Pistol River and Hunter Creek—from the threat of mining in the headwaters.

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Local Coalition Celebrates Commission Ruling to Protect Colorado's Waters

09/09/2022 - by Kestrel Kunz

During this year’s World Water Week, a coalition including community members, anglers, recreation groups, and conservation organizations are celebrating the finalization of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission’s decision to designate over 520 miles on 25 streams across Southwest Colorado as Outstanding Waters. The coalition came together from across the state, dedicating three years to demonstrating that these streams have high water quality, exceptional recreational and ecological values, and that they warrant protection. The Commission’s designation of these waterways marks the adoption of the largest community proposal for Outstanding Waters in Colorado’s history.

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A Big Win for Rivers in the Sierra & Sequoia National Forests (CA)!

07/25/2022 - by Theresa Lorejo-Simsiman

The Sierra and Sequoia National Forests have released final forest land management plans containing protections for 498 miles of rivers found eligible for inclusion into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Since 2013, American Whitewater has been engaged in this forest planning process with the goal of getting California's whitewater resources included in the eligibility inventory and recognized for their outstandingly remarkable values. As a tenet of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, managing agencies like the Forest Service (USFS) provide interim protections for eligible river's free flowing character and outstandingly remarkable values until they can be designated by Congress. 


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American Whitewater Prevails in Case to Protect the Tuolumne River

06/21/2022 - by Theresa Lorejo-Simsiman

In a case before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, American Whitewater and our allies prevailed to uphold the Clean Water Act in protection of the Tuolumne River. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act which requires that any utility applying for a hydropower license that may discharge pollutants into waters of the United States must receive state certification ensuring the project complies with all state standards for beneficial use, water quality, and anti-degradation of the waterway. The case brought forth by the Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts (the Districts) challenged a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order upholding California’s clean water certification for the Don Pedro and La Grange Hydropower Projects located on the Tuolumne River. 

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It’s Finally Time to Protect Colorado’s West Slope Rivers!

08/16/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

Today, the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forest Unit announced the much-anticipated release of the Draft Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The Draft Plan materials were released on Friday, August 13, initiating a 90-day review period. The GMUG National Forest is home to gems like Oh-Be-Joyful Creek, the Taylor River, Norwood Canyon on the San Miguel, and numerous others. Many of these rivers are free-flowing and offer outstanding values, including paddling, breathtaking scenery, fish habitat, and profound history and culture. This point in the plan revision process is the most important time for the river community to engage and speak up to protect our beloved West Slope rivers in Colorado!

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Black Canyon Put-In Closed for 2021 Season (CO)

04/06/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

The National Park Service and Bureau of Reclamation announced this week that the East Portal Road which serves as the put-in for the Black Canyon section of the Gunnison River will be closed for maintenance for the duration of the 2021 season. While the road closure is an unfortunate obstacle for many this season, the needed maintenance of the road will lead to fewer unexpected road closures due to rockfall and will improve access to the Black Canyon for the long term. American Whitewater will track the status of the road closure and we will share an update as soon as access to the Black Canyon is reopened.  

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Train Operations in Eagle and Arkansas Corridors to Require Full Review (CO)

03/25/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

This morning, the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) made a much-anticipated decision on the revival of the Tennessee Pass Rail Line - a 160-mile rail line that follows the Eagle and Arkansas Rivers between Sage and Parkdale, Colorado. The STB formally rejected Colorado, Midland and Pacific Railway’s (CMPR) request to be exempt from oversight and regulation of their proposed operation on the line, which would be leased under an agreement with Union Pacific. This decision comes nearly three months after CMPR filed a notice of exemption on December 31, 2020, as people were bringing in the new year. 

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Help Protect Colorado’s Western Slope Rivers this Valentine’s Day

02/09/2021 - by Kestrel Kunz

American Whitewater is asking the paddling community to step up this Valentine’s Day to help protect rivers like the Taylor, Oh-Be-Joyful, and San Miguel rivers in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests (GMUG) in Colorado. This Valentine’s Day and for the whole month of February we are collecting LOVE LETTERS from you to your favorite river in the Gunnison and Uncompahgre National Forests. We want to hear directly from you about why you love these rivers and why they are worth protecting. We have made this easy-to-use form to submit your letter to us! 

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Urgent: Help Protect Browns Canyon and the Arkansas and Eagle River Valleys

01/21/2021 - by Hattie Johnson

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if up to 10 trains full of heavy crude oil and hazardous chemicals were rumbling by while paddling the Arkansas or Eagle Rivers. It would, without question, change the experience in negative ways, including opening up the opportunity for the major disturbances associated with any kind of derailment and spill of hazardous materials into the river.  We need your help today to protect these incredible places. This past New Year’s Eve, Colorado Midland and Pacific Railway filed a notice of exemption for lease and operations of the Tennessee Pass line that runs through the Eagle and Arkansas Valleys to Parkdale. You have two options to make your voice heard. We have created a sign on letter to be submitted along with American Whitewater’s’s technical comments. However, if you’ve got the time to go the extra mile, we’ve included detailed directions below to submit your own filing directly to the Surface Transportation Board. Please follow these directions carefully and copy if you decide to file your own comments. Comments are due by January 22 - please take action today! 

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Gauley Season 2020

08/21/2020 - by Mark Singleton

While Gauley Fest has moved to a virtual format for 2020 due to Covid-19 and social distancing concerns, releases on the Gauley River will still take place. American Whitewater received the following open letter to boaters from the rangers and staff of the Gauley River National Recreation Area. This information will keep you up to date on important management actions of the National Park Service on the Gauley River for the 2020 season.

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